Control’s Slavery of Peace

Satan's Self-Proclaimed Victory

Memorial to Peace Immortalizes Satan’s
Enslavement of Mankind with Their Consent

Along Jacksonville’s St. Johns River front lies a tribute to death and peace, Memorial Park. The center piece is a statue of Youth holding aloft an olive branch of peace memorializing the deaths of those soldiers who supposedly secured peace during the Great War (1914-1917). As history teaches, the Great War did not bring peace but another war more horrific than its predecessor; what I call the Great War Part II, known as World War II. So what does this memorial truly celebrate if these deaths were needlessly wasted by America’s leaders not achieving peace? Control. America entered this war to establish national socialism at home and begin the process of international socialism abroad known today as world governance. This goal is rapidly becoming a reality in our time with our consent.

This memorial depicts an angel of youth clad only in laurel leaves while holding aloft the olive branch of peace while standing on a globe of confused masses. The given explanation; youth achieving victory over the morass of emotions and greed and fears that brought about the Great War. The old ways caused this war but youth with its idealism and honesty overthrew the old guard bringing world peace by rising above those petty differences that led to war. Youth bearing its soul and body in unabashed self-revelation of its rightness and purity and inviting the observer to fling off the avarice desires that led to degradation and death of the Great War. One might almost believe this was erected in the 1960s in protest to the Vietnam War. But alas, this immobilization of youth’s leadership is nothing more than the throwing away of what wisdom one may have acquired in aging to bask in the ignorance that is youth. Yet, even this view is a sham, a grasping for control of the minds of observers as they bask in the sunshine unaware they are being propagandized by a lie.

Satan's Control Urging Man to Accept Slavery as Peace

Satan has been hawking himself as the
Angel of Light to guide Mankind into Glory

The story of Prometheus is of Satan being punished by God for bringing light, knowledge, to mankind. This Hellenistic take on reality is another example of propaganda persisting into our modern era. Satan did bring knowledge to mankind, the knowledge of sin and rebellion against God (Ge 3:1-7). When Woman and Man sinned by rejecting knowledge from God for self-gained knowledge they entered into slavery to sin and Satan who in turn was already enslaved to sin (Is 14:12-16; Ez 28:14-18). The name Lucifer is the Latin translation of the Hebrew, “Day Star” or Jupiter. He began as the highest of the angels but through pride he exchanged his reflection of God’s shining glory for the blackness of death. Not content to being alone in his destruction, this Accuser (HaSatan) of God enticed a third of the angels to follow him in sin (Re 12:3-4, 9). With the fall of mankind, Satan was declaring his victory against God over Man. In his pride he believed himself capable of making peace with God and establishing his kingdom over earth. God cannot compromise with evil nor does He tempt angel or man with evil (Ja 1:13-18). God was determined to redeem sinful people not through their own efforts; that was Satan’s lying promise of enslavement. God sent His Son in the form of sinful flesh to die to us and free those who believe from sin’s enslavement to death (Ro 5:6-10; 6:15-18; 8:3-5; 1Co 15:45-56; Ph 2:5-8). But this was not Satan’s way; he masquerades as an angel of light but he brings only darkness and death which all sinners embrace as his children (Mt 6:22-23; Jn 8:44; 2Co 11:12-15).

Satan stands on the masses of mankind uncaring as to their suffering and death as long as he can be their god-king. The morass of humanity exists solely to justify his sin and his rebellion against God (Pr 14:28). Satan demonstrated his victory when our parents followed him into his sin forsaking God’s graciousness. Yet, God intervened promising redemption for those who would be saved (Ge 3:14-15; Ro 10:9-13). Satan so corrupted mankind in violence, degradation and death that God brought the Cataclysm of Noah to prevent the extinguishing of salvation. Satan again declared victory through man’s enslavement at Babel; yet, God intervened again less the hope of salvation be snuffed out and all die in sin (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9). Once more Satan prepares to yet again declare his victory over both man and God during the Great Tribulation (2Th 2:3-12).

The common element that has followed Satan’s rule is death. Mankind died spiritually immediately and all born from Man and Woman have carried the mark of sin evidenced by physical death (Ps 51:5; He 9:27). Man’s history is marred by sin evidenced by wars at all levels of society (Ja 4:1-4). Violence was inherent in Satan’s rebellion against God and plays out through sinful mankind. Whereas God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, Satan embraces death and degradation except for his own coming destruction (Ez 18:23). God would rather that people turn from their sin to Him that He should save them; however, sinners, like Satan, want nothing to do with God (Ro 1:17-28). They deplore wars, death, tribulations and poverty. But, they hate God even more and constantly embrace the former to reject the latter.

Satan entices certain elements of people with supposed riches of the world to be his special slaves, overseers, to assist in the slavery of the masses. this occurs at various levels. Those few are allowed to arise above the masses but they never escape from their fleshly constraints. Satan holds out the false promise of victory over flesh and death via transhumanism; nanotech through technology {knowledge}: continuation of the lie Satan used to deceive Woman. Satan claims God is tormenting him for bringing man knowledge, light, and man for accepting light, freedom, apart from God. Yet, together they can achieve victory and establish a life apart from God. Satan distorts knowledge and information into lying propaganda with the consent of the Lost. They claim to deplore death, yet they celebrate death.

Rural Church of Simple Grace

God’s Light in Today’s World is the Lonely Church
Keeping the Gospel in the Midst of a Hostile World

The memorial of death depicts not youth but Satan standing on the enslavement of men, women and children in his bid to declare himself free from God’s pronouncement of judgment against him. He cares nothing for the billions who have died by his lies nor of their eternal fate in the Lake of Fire. They are the cost for his freedom; except, he cannot achieve freedom. He goes into judgment with them. They worshipped him, in his many forms, hoping for life only to discover despair and hopelessness for eternity (Re 20:10-15). That memorial is a tribute to the hopelessness of death that awaits all who dis without Christ.

The only beacons of hope are the small insignificant churches trying to survive in the world and remaining true to Christ’s gospel of Life and Truth (Re 2:8-11; 3:7-13). Satan’s socialistic governments are his tools in destroying the Truth. The national socialistic governments are in turn being forced into regional socialisms that will vie for global dominance. At this great war toward the end of the Great Tribulation, Satan knows only wars. Just as the Great War only prepared the world for another great war; it also prepared the wold for Satan’s coming international socialism; and the people cry out for more control from him who has no mercy.

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