Silent Failure of Evolution

Evolution’s Allure of Scientific Superiority
Failed to Deliver on its Promises Naturally

Evolution as a science to explain how to improve man naturally has failed to live up to its promises. Though it cloaks itself in the garb of science; in essence it is a philosophical religion of scientism. Darwin’s religious philosophy was not based on fact or evidence but on anti-God presuppositions. After a century of remaking society in its own image, it still has not been able to improve man’s control over the body preventing disease and death. Transhumanism, the grandson of evolution promises to fix what evolution failed to deliver: immortality free of judgment or a living death.

Darwinism Denies God

Evolution Survives by Suppressing Creationism
Facts are Forced into a Failed Scientism Matrix

Scientism is the forcing of facts, if any exist, into a predefined conceptual framework that can tolerate no scrutiny. Opposing views are forcibly suppressed by governmental systems. The weakness of evolution’s argument is established by the logical fallacies used to suppress creationism such as: ad hominem, false dilemma, appeals to authority such as science even though science is not honestly employed. The failure of physical evolution, or Darwinism, requires the use of Social Darwinism to train society to reject Creationism.

Social Darwinism Forces Conformity

Social Darwinism has Evolutionary Rejection
Tantamount to Rejection of Humanity

Evolutionary Darwinism, new or old, failed because it could not find or prove genetical mutation from one species into a new species. Genes kept reproducing the same species and all attempts to find or make positive mutations failed. The conflation of varietal adaptations with genetic mutations fails the sniff test as these changes readily reverse when conditions causing their appearance reverse. Darwinism has been used to institute Social Darwinism which today seeks to unite all peoples around the lie diversity since biblical Christianity is rejected. The dirty secret is that Social Darwinism is a means of control over the masses by the elites using the promise of acceptance over actual inclusion.

Transhumanism Schematic

Failure of Darwin’s Evolution to Prevent Death
Forced Genetic and Nanotech Marriage in Man

Transhumanism is little more than the repackaging of Pantheism’s guiding principles {Hopelessness of the Force}. Both use different means to win the consent of the masses who will voluntarily accept Socialistic Slavery {Socialism} in exchange for some transitory reward. Notice the heavy bands between the masses and elites and between the elites and Satan’s realm; these represent the forlorn hope of upward mobility except by some externally defined, constantly changing standard such as usefulness. What this new phase represents is the failure of evolution to deliver on its promise to make man live eternally without disease or disability. Evolution has failed as a means though it has been highly successful as a religious philosophy to develop a culture favorable to those considered the elites.

Thus, what Nature, as defined by evolution, could not accomplish, man through the use of genetic engineering and nanotechnology will accomplish, if given enough time {sounds evolutionary}. Electricity was the first modern force applied to biology but caused more destruction than improvement {Frankenstein to Transhumanism to Posthumanism.}. Chemistry, coupled with the scientism of psychology/psychiatry, promised wholesale control. However, the human mind was not so easily controlled and the ongoing result of degradation and uncontrolled violence caused more disruption than unity. Outright genetic manipulation of human genes has failed to deliver on its promise of control and longevity; however, it does hold the promise of using other forms to force changes in people. Virologists have been experimenting with Gain of Function (GoF) on various viruses to cause mutations that could not occur naturally. These have occasionally escaped into the general population {MERS, SARS-1 and SARS-2} like the current Covid-19 flu-like pandemic {A brief, terrifying history of viruses escaping from labs: 70s Chinese pandemic was a lab mistake.}. These man-made diseases have been used to introduce forced vaccinations; mandated flu vaccines by employers, government, etc. The development of Covid-19 vaccines are being linked to digital nanotechnology to track you in a variety of ways in addition to digital currency and identification cards.

The real pot of gold is the development of implantable nanotechnology devices to improve human function. This is the goal of evolutionary design since actual scientism evolution failed. Man will redefine humanism to embrace Star Trek’s Borg civilization as our own. Assimilation on a basic level will be forced to monitor who is useful and who is not. Those who are deemed useful, of service to the elites, will be given additional implants to keep their consent and increase their usefulness. Control is the defining word. Societies will be controlled via carbon footprint taxes, even though climate change caused by the sun and not industry; industrial production makes people freer. Energy resources will be controlled to keep people controllable and the elites comfortable. Population numbers will be limited to facilitate digital control mechanisms and will be based on usefulness.

The elephant in the room is the force behind the elites; hidden even from majority of them: Satan. Postmodern culture allows spiritual beliefs that are consistent with control. Diversity actually means all cultures, religions and moralities that have common foundational beliefs will be acceptable because they support the one overarching socialism system of control. Currently Planck’s Statement of Change is being followed: new truth is believed because believer’s of the old truth die. These coming changes are not simply conspiracy theories; they are warnings from the designers of such changes.

Russia 2045; Synthetic Biology; Neurolinguistic Mind Control; Covid-19 Credentials Initiative; Sovrin; Avatar 2045; Transhumanism-Genomic Reprogramming RNA Viruses; ID 2020; and The Great Reset by the World Economic Forum are a few of the players in this implementation of socialistic slavery. One of next steps will be the implementation of digital currencies for national physical currencies which will then morph into a single digital currency; behind the scenes then publicly {US Lawmaker Introduces Crypto-Currency Act of 2020 While Under Coronavirus Quarantine.}. The controversy in America’s current presidential election is not about stopping these changes; it is about how fast they will be embraced along with the Georgia Guidestone’s agenda. Science is the handmaiden leading us into this agenda; except, science is not being used {The Seen and Unseen of Covid-19. Mises Institute.}. Scientism’s siren song is alluring the uninformed, the ignorant and the willful embracers of changes not well thought through to everyone’s doom.

Christians should not be easily deluded into this age old socialism; Satan’s goal never changes; only the stage dressing (Ec 1:1-11). During these end times, Satan is allowed to spread his delusion of supposed liberty and freedom from sin, God and judgment (2Th 2:3-12). While among the lost some can see the deception; their focus is on loss of liberty. They cannot stand. The ultimate goal of Satan is the eradication of the Gospel and all who are saved (Mt 5:10-12; 1Pe 4:12-17). These changes are coming. They promise a new future Star Trek future where money has disappeared; what they deliver is an unending slavery to the elites who themselves are enslaved to Satan’s Leader; but, they are all of them deceived for God’s plan cannot be thwarted. This creation and thus humanity does not exist eternally and the reckoning will come (Ga 6:7-8; He 1:10-13; 2Pe 3:3-10). The day is not far off when all will come to learn the truth of knowing how to be abased in Christ; and smile while the Lost sell themselves for a crust of bread and a nanotech chip (Ph 4:10-13).

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