Science Says Pandemic Destroying Normal Economies

Covid-19 Death Rates Fallacy
Statistical Covid-19 Death Rates {Science Data}
Governments Claim to be Governed by Science Data

Science Says Pandemic Destroying Normal Economies, title is factually and logically incorrect! Science is a methodology for data collection; it yields data, not information which is data analysis. Scientists must be defined, and usually is not, to determine if these people are qualified in the specific discipline necessary to perform data collection and analysis. Finally, the Covid-19 (SARS-2) is an infection and as such cannot implement governmental policies that have decimated normal economic growth world-wide. This type of sloppy thinking possess for logic today and is the reason people are being easily controlled with their consent.


Covid-19 Demonization Fallacy
Leaders Demonized Who Deviate from Guidelines;
Weakness of Logic Revealed by Ad Hominem Attacks

Opposition to the current Covid-19 pandemic and governmental responses are being demonized as: Conspiracy Theorists; Flat Earthers; Holocaust Deniers; KKK; and even Nazis and Fascists. These epitaphs do not refute the information from these sources but are ad hominem {against the man} attacks to deflect attention from the logical weakness of the current Covid-19 pandemic definitions and responses. These attacks are meant to silence opposition through intimidation rather than through data collection and analysis which is the true scientific approach. Since this approach only reveals a non-pandemic, it must be ignored and its adherents discredited then vilified. For a more complete view than this short post can provide I direct your attention to this video: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Crimes against Humanity (Covid 19) {}. What KKK, Nazi, Fascists, Hitler and even Holocaust Deniers have to do with disease discussions is never explained but then a logical fallacy is a fallacy as it by definition denies logical {conflation}; i.e., does not make sense!

Covid-19 PCR Test Fallacy
The PCR Test Cannot Diagnosis any Disease
According to its Inventor – Kary Mullis (Deceased)

Now, certain fact checkers claim the above statement is incorrect {Fact check: Inventor of method used to test for COVID-19 didn’t say it can’t be used in virus detection. Reuters.}; however, you can listen to him say this statement {KARY MULLIS – COVID PCR TEST INVENTOR – NOT MEANT TO BE USED FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES}. The test was designed to take minute known DNA material and multiply its amount for testing which made DNA testing viable. It cannot identify the material which is diagnosis. It increases material exponentially and current Covid-19 tests multiply samples up to at least a factor of 35 and greater {1 + 35 zeros). Since retroviruses are common, coronaviruses are retroviruses, this only shows if certain material is present; i.e., positive. It cannot determine if material came from intact viruses, viral debris from immunological attacks, past infections or even from which virus the material represents. Even the term pandemic has been redefined so that you do not think it means what it actually means. WHO (World Health Organization. U.N.) changed the definition from a world-wide disease presence with resulting morbidities and mortalities to simply a world-wide disease presence. With this definition death rates are meaningless; in fact they are ignored except when politically expedient. The WHO has had several opportunities to refine its pandemic response policies since the beginning of this century. Currently, the scary term, pandemic, is basically meaningless; positive Covid-19 tests using PCR techniques are meaningless; thus, strategies flowing from these meaningless and illogical scientisms are also suspect. In fact, these are the point of the point of the current pandemic.

Covid-19 Obey Unquestioning
Pandemic Policies Empower Governments
Obey the Policies or be labeled Haters & Imprisioned

Understand the situation: a naturally occurring virus given a gain-of-function (GoF) capability was released from a lab into the world. The Covid-19 was developed in America, exported to China when GoF research was halted.  It has few restraints due to it GoF; yet, it is virulence is scarcely above usually occurring flu viruses {See Top Graphic}. Its severity is NOT measured by deaths, which are not above flu deaths after its first wave infestation, but by its presence which is only confirmed by questionable tests in usually asymptomatic peoples. From this all levels of governments followed the same policies to various degrees.

Three "W"s of Control
Purpose is NOT Controlling Infection
Purpose is Controlling People for Great Reset

Washing Hands is a reasonable measure and has been advocated since the middle of the 19th century; it is the hook so you will accept the other two measures as reasonable: mask wearing and social distancing. Masks do not stop the spread except in certain specialized circumstances and with certain specialized masks. Masks are a means of removing identity, becoming faceless so no one cares what happens to the nameless, faceless population. It is a metaphor for equality to the lowest common denominator. Social distancing also does not halt spread of disease since viruses do not respect a six-foot rule. But the REAL elephant in the room are lockdowns! The exercise of governmental power to FORCE YOU wear masks, social distance yourself or stay at home with businesses and services shut down as punishment. The viciousness of these measures are dependent on positive case numbers revealed by PCR tests both of which are meaningless as markers of morbidity-mortality. Governments do NOT care about illness and death or they would not be ignoring the morbidity-mortality; they must ignore these numbers because they are so low as to reveal the purposes of these measures: destroying national sovereign governments. Hope is the carrot used to gain compliance; a return to some normalcy with a vaccine!

Covid-19 Mask Pacifiers-Controllers
Demonstration of Ineffectiveness of Masks
Unwashed Cloth Masks Spread Real Diseases

All governments are waiting breathlessly while certain Pharma corporations are developing vaccines to save humanity; except, that is NOT occurring. The public is being sold another lie {fallacy}. The article, How Covid-19 Trials are Rigged {Mercola.}, highlights how governmental health agencies are deceiving YOU. These vaccines are not being developed to halt the spread of Covid-19. They are being developed to mitigate some symptoms and their success hype is primarily anecdotal {testimony-based rather than data-based; the hallmark of scientisms passing for science}. These so-called vaccines will NOT be one-time injections but like today’s flu inoculations requiring annual updates. One of the goals of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is world-wide digital identifications to track who has received their vaccine and who has not with economic penalties attached since currency will also be digitized. Why is this tracking so essential since immunization is not possible nor the goal?

Social Darwinism Forces Conformity
Great Reset is Global Socialism
Designed to Make Everyone Equalish

What gain of function can be built into the virus? No one is asking nor is anyone telling; it is being ignored. Once the GoF virus is injected what will it do to you? Viruses work by entering cells and replicating itself using the cell’s DNA/RNA machinery. Can it change what your cells are producing which is why your body’s immunological system attacks this foreign invader? What if this GoF is designed to change you in a fundamental manner such that you NEED annual boosters to remain alive? What if access to boosters is based on usefulness to the needs of society {read: elites}? I see the Great Reset as the implementing of digital mechanisms of control.

The entire world is being trained to desire and demand vaccinations. Those who comply are rewarded with digital identifications, currencies, jobs and access to necessities. Those who do not comply, are deemed not useful or are simply in surplus will be denied access to these services and thus condemned to die. No one will care since these nameless, faceless, social distanced people are haters; they do not deserve to live {Think of Antifa tactics today}.

This is basically a fallacy, a delusion, perpetuated by societal players who control access to information to gain compliance (2Th 2:3-12). Already the government economic lockdowns have hurt the poor resulting in tremendous deaths that are being ignored for the sake of the pandemic. A fallacy, built on a fallacy, perpetuated by a fallacy facing a reset of society based on fallacies to achieve a very real goal: enslavement. Even the economic relief monies are based on nothingness {fiat funds}: fallacies. The time is NOT coming when people will not endure sound doctrine or sound reasoning: it is already here; it is today (2Ti 4:3-4)!

Scientism Combined Covid-19
Covid-19 Darwinism Possible Only via
Information Industry (Propaganda)

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