Lies All Media Tell You

Media Lies to Everyone

All Media Lies to YOU;
Media Does Not Lie to Its Master

Lies All Media Tell You impacted me back in the 1990s while listening to Rush Limbaugh’s radio talk show. During this one episode Mr. Limbaugh was berating his listening audience demanding that he run for political office and bring true conservative beliefs to Washington. He bluntly told his audience that he was an entertainer and people should not take his rhetoric seriously. From that moment onward I stopped listening to him. Sadly, I was again duped though I should have known better since I was older. 

During President Clinton’s second presidential election campaign, Talk Radio was pounding the air waves with the dalliances of his indiscretions. We were assured that his illegal conduct would prevent the normal, sane voter from reelecting him as leader of America. I was shocked to learn of his reelection and began distrusting the gibberish that had obviously been so incorrect; especially when coupled with Mr. Limbaugh’s chiding of his following for taking him seriously.

Why was I so smitten when I lived through the insincerity of President Reagan’s usage of the Moral Majority for his election and then distanced himself except for a single public annual telephone call? I knew that politicians used religion for election purposes. Why was I taken in? Because I still believed, though incorrectly, that Christians could make government better; that we could make a heaven on earth for Christ to accept on His return. I was captured by a form of Post Millennialism. Could that occur again? Sad to say, it could; and it did.

Was Media Ineffective Against Trump?

Why did the Media Fail Against Talk Radio?
Why did the Media Fail Against President Trump?

The 20th century proved that change by force only breeds ongoing opposition that will eventually win, even if only temporarily. The Frankfurt School and Antonio Gramsci showed that the only way to achieve permanent socialism was with the consent of the people through education, media propaganda, intelligentsia’s support and a series of crises {Quotes. Saul Alinsky.}. As I have frequently written based on the Scriptures, Satan’s favorite form of government is socialism; however, he will use every form of man’s government to achieve his goal of proving God is the source of evil and thus any judgment of His for evil is corrupt {Is God the Tyrant of Heaven?}. Things do not change as sinful man and angels remain imprisoned in their absolute rejection of God as source of truth (Ro 1:18-28). 

Often the best psyops, psychological operations, against the opposition is the False Flag operation. This common tactic appears to come from your side while in fact it has been authored by the enemy or opposition. Thus, while the supposed mainstream media was vilifying President Trump, so-called conservative media was vilifying them to expose the population that was supportive of President Trump. This would not be the first time such operations were used on the American people {Operation Mockingbird.}. It has been rumored that William F. Buckley Jr was a Mockingbird operative to change the nature of conservatism from an anti-foreign interventionist orientation to warhawks promoting national socialism based on military adventurism. Thus, the CIA insured its future regardless of who was in power: national socialist conservatives {Republicans} or international socialist liberals {Democrats}.

I became suspicious of several conservative information media sources this year in their unquestioning response to Covid-19 lockdowns and early government interventions that began depriving people of their liberty with their consent because of the supposed pandemic crisis that never jived with the evidence {COVID Pushback, OPCW Scandal, Nobel CRISPR – New World Next Week.}. Later, as people were losing their jobs and in danger of losing their homes due to these draconian measures, the tone of the same conservative media began changing to mild opposition. This all seemed vaguely familiar. The conservative media sources, even on YouTube, seemed to be following a very familiar path. They were accusing the Democrats, and their lackeys of the mainstream media, of illegal activities. But, there never were any charges or trials. In fact, as the 2020 presidential election came closer these various medias were shrilly projecting the landslide win of President Trump. When this did not materialized then came the charges of voting corruption, ballot manipulations and outright forgeries in order to elect Mr. Biden in spite of America’s voting mandate. Curious, charges never appeared; just as in the past with President. Clinton’s reelection campaign. Were we fooled again?

Cognitive Dissonance is the Goal

What if the Purpose of ALL Media was This!
All Medias Constructed to Produce Dissonance

My suspicions began to grow when the multiplicity of voting irregularity charges failed to rollback Biden’s wins or result in charges. What if this Mockingbird Operation was successful in tying up the opposition, conservatives, by believing their news sources? These talking heads, all touting their unimpeachable sources, helped to isolate government’s true candidate. In other words, the election process was already corrupted from decades ago. The voting process was never about who was elected, it was about keeping the population compliant until the change to overt socialism was in place with their consent. Thus, each media camp put forth their information to cause cognitive dissonance in their listeners preventing them from hearing the propaganda; i.e., they became true believers in a religious war against their fellow citizens. This was in keeping with American history since the winning side, federal government, keeps touting the righteousness of its victory in Lincoln’s War. As Murray Rothbard wrote in his posthumous book, The Progressive Era, American politics were built from religious fervor. The difference today is the focus of religiosity. It has shifted from Judeo-Christianity morality, not necessarily in line with the Bible’s salvation gospel, to a  humanity first gospel, which is in line with Satan’s original lie to Man (Ge 3:5).

Like the Ancient Ouroboros Depicts
Man is Surrounded by Lies Leading to Death

The conservative media is already changing its narrative, focusing YOUR attention on the 2024 election and President Trump. The liberal media has been fairly straight forward in its opposition to conservative America, Judeo-Christian morality and the people who still believe in such things. The conservative media was the false flag operation to cause cognitive dissonance amongst Americans not living in Democratically-run megalopolises; helping them to believe their votes made a difference. It has been known for several election cycles that even a megalopolis meager vote can significantly outpace a hefty voting presence from  ALL other areas! The eventual elimination of the Electoral College will disenfranchise your vote under the guise of the demagoguery of the popular vote. This is the hallmark of democracy which is ruled by the elite oligarchy.

This is the reason Christians must remained fixed on the truth contained in the Scriptures. Nearly all informational sources are contaminated. The digital age has facilitated the control of information to such an extent that one does not have a clear understanding of what is truth anymore. Only by studying the Bible can one remain fixated on the truth that matters; salvation by grace in Christ alone. Yet, even this is being diluted and has been since the beginning of the Church Age {First Fruits Dispensation}. This is the only hope one has left but if you ignore, do not study or reject the Bible then you have no access to truth. You have no means of determining truth. You have only the choice between lies; lies all media tell you.

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