Lies All Media Tell You

Media Lies to Everyone

All Media Lies to YOU;
Media Does Not Lie to Its Master

Lies All Media Tell You impacted me back in the 1990s while listening to Rush Limbaugh’s radio talk show. During this one episode Mr. Limbaugh was berating his listening audience demanding that he run for political office and bring true conservative beliefs to Washington. He bluntly told his audience that he was an entertainer and people should not take his rhetoric seriously. From that moment onward I stopped listening to him. Sadly, I was again duped though I should have known better since I was older.  Continue reading “Lies All Media Tell You”

The Madness of Labels

Most Christians reading this post would probably
describe themselves thusly, and be wrong!

It is a sad fact of life that all of us use labels which we really do not define nor understand just because of convenience and educated ignorance. This is certainly true of the labels: conservative and liberal {conservatism and liberalism}. In today’s post we will quickly look at the meaning of these labels, why they shifted in meaning, somewhat, and how they distract us from the Gospel which is out only mission on earth.
Continue reading “The Madness of Labels”