Religion of Science Behind Science

Food Pyramid Scam

Religion of Science Behind Science;
Illustrated by America’s Food Pyramid

Science is a defined as a methodology of unbiased investigation to obtain facts to understand the subject under study. Since the French Revolution Science, or Reason, has been touted as the only means to understand the world apart from religion which is non-science; which is true. This implies that Science will give actual facts making it more reliable than faith which is subject to interpretation and manipulation. The modern Food Pyramid promoted by U.S. Department of Agriculture {MyPyramid} is the shining example of science that is not science but faith making is a scientism; a scientism actually backed and promoted by a religion: Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA).

For decades the American government has been promoting the Food Pyramid as a rationale approach to good diet and thus good health to combat the horrendous increase in chronic diseases of the 20th century such as cardiac and cancer diseases, to say nothing of chronic essential hypertension, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance-Diabetes Type II. Everyone is taught that this pyramid is based on scientific research and thus unbiased. If you have read my previous posts you know that unbiasness is unobtainable. Everyone is biased; God is biased (Ja 1:13). But, to understand the fallacy of the Food Pyramid’s unbiasness we must take a quick peak at America’s Second Great Awakening and America’s Progressive {Socialism} Era.

The Second Great Awakening would be more aptly labeled, The Dumbing Down of America. Almost nothing good came from this movement. I do not say some people were not saved but the detraction from theology and doctrine placed undo emphasis on emotionalism and pietism. This movement was spawned in New England-New York and swept across America. Charles Finney was a popular evangelist of this period yet his ministry was ephemeral. It harden beliefs into uncompromising positions to be enforced by governmental force such as public education whose major emphasis was to education children into Protestantism. Several cults of Christendom were also spawned at this time: Christian Science {neither Christian nor Science}; Church of the Latter Day Saints {Mormonism} and SDA. Pentecostalism/Charismatic movement grew from this emphasis on emotionalism and poor hermeneutical understanding of the Bible.

Herein is the problem; the liturgical churches emphasized works and church/denominational dogma over genuine faith based on proper study of the Scriptures. Several of the Protestant denominations also followed this route with parishioners discouraged from studying the Bible and forced to accept the churches’ rulings as absolute gospel. This was antithetical to the spirit of the Reformation. The overreaction was to place undo emphasis on emotionalism and faith without knowledge {doctrine}. This made people susceptible to the machinations of Satan and his ever growing stable of false teachers. The SDA was founded based on bad hermeneutics concerning eschatology and Jesus’ return; always a popular subject of false teachers. These failed predictions were rescued by visions that redefined Jesus’ return. In addition, further visions by Ellen White became the basis for the SDA. Since Christians did, many still do, not understand how to interpret the Old Testament Mosaic Law they are ripe for exploration. SDA built a church on adherence to the Mosaic Law, as reinterpreted by them; especially its dietary laws. The SDA determined that a vegan diet promoted bodily righteousness and prevented sexual sins. Unfortunately, their vegan diet was near unpalatable and adherents were falling away rapidly. Then they were saved by one of their own!

Kellogg Father of HCLF Scam

Mr. John Kellogg Developed Cereals
To Save the World from Sexual Sins

From his sanitarium-factory lab in Battle Creek, MI, John Kellogg literally invented the modern cereal industry; but not as you know it today. The SDA believed strictly in bland foods. He also developed and promoted the soy industry among others. These all came under the consortium of the SDA. In the 19th century, cancers were rare and heart attacks non-existent. Doctors agreed whether such a condition could ever occur! But with the development of seed oils, partially unsaturated oils and margarines and the increasing emphasis on carbohydrates, this discussion was aggressively laid to rest. However, it was difficult to expand his products to the American populace as a whole; until America’s Progressive Era.

The Progressive Era was essentially Socialism without force. Corporatism married to government to use the force of government to limit competition. This produced a variety of government departments to regulate corporations which were written by these very corporations. For example, Mr. Heinz lobbied for the Pure Food and Drug Act, forerunner of today’s FDA, to regulate the competition against his ketchup product which was more expensive than his competitors. These lessons were not lost on newcomers to industry such as the SDA.

SDA Behind Processed Foods Scams

SDA is the Head of a Consortium of Industries
Whose Goal is to Promote Highly Processed Foods

Today, the SDA has become the leader in a group of agricultural industries promoting their highly processed high carbohydrate, high seed oils as bastions of healthy living. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. As their influence increased and their products proliferated, chronic diseases skyrocketed. This benefited the newly formed American Medical Society, basically a medical monopoly determining who can practice, and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company since many of new medicines were processed around the hydrocarbon benzene ring. Modern medicine is built around a disease treatment model and not a preventative disease model; you don’t get paid for preventing illnesses but for treating illnesses! By having the American government, with endorsements by the American Medical Society and the American Dietetic Association, promote its holy living diet the Food Pyramid was born. Notice that it is hostile to meats and fats from meats with limited amounts of dairy allowed as these promote unholy living per the SDA.

Hence, the Food Pyramid is actually not science but scientism. It masquerades as science to promote its conceptual goals which in this instance are based on the SDA’s religious beliefs. Its beliefs are not confined to America but have spread to every Western nation and is making serious inroads into nearly all cultures around the world. As it spreads the chronic diseases it promotes also increase as do spiraling medical costs based on continued need for prescription drugs to control, not cure, disease symptoms and advance medical techniques of limited therapeutic longevity. Modern practitioners do not know they are working in a fixed system as they are acculturated to believe in the righteousness of their profession(s). Yet, corporate farms, pharma corporations, government agencies, medicine and many others are playing their role in eliminating the single best source of protein from your diet and making you dependent on their supply of drugs to control your disease state. This is the essence of corporatism and government working together to Control you.

Today, the emphasis is on removing meat altogether from diets by substituting artificial cultivated protein substitutes. The SDA diet has not improved American health but destroyed it and made it dependent on other industries for daily fixes; this is true drug addiction. It all arose from a false, cultic religion that has grown tentacles around the world and masquerades as science.

Science Religion

Every False Religion Demands Obedience
Scientism Demands You to Ignore Science

Science is empirical; it can only determine facts of measurable observations. These facts require a context. Bible states that all that is visible, empirical, is based on that which not visible, non-empirical (He 11:3). Satan and lost Man claim to know that which is non-empirical to place facts in an ungodly context to promote themselves. Evolution is an ungodly, incoherent context. The Food Pyramid is another example and has become so obvious that even the Lost are announcing its deleterious affects on health.

Ignorance of and refusal to study the Bible based one proper hermeneutics does have far reaching consequences. Apparent religiosity may simply be a mask to lull you into a seductive embrace of scientism to keep you from the true Gospel of Christ’s salvation. It does pervade every aspect of your life in this world. Thus, the Bible says to study to show one’s self approved (2Ti 2:15; 3:16-17). This is done by studying the Bible so one will not be ashamed when appearing before Christ (2Co 5:10).

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