Religion of Science {Reason}

Science Religion

Religion of Science {Reason}:
Socialism’s Lie of Liberty

This is a third post based on Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism and French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism. Socialism claims a scientific basis freeing Man from religion’s tyranny Instead I will show how Socialism turned Science into the religion of Scientism to impose tyranny. I have shown that people’s willful ignorance of proper biblical hermeneutics and man’s philosophies made them easy prey to Satan’s lie of LibertyEquality and Fraternity. Two main Scriptures will guide this post as will Aristotelian Laws of Logic and Logical Inference. Two major Scriptures will guide this discussion consistent with the purpose of this post: learn biblical discernment. God, through Paul, shows the fallacy and progression of Man’s Reason apart from His Truth (Ro 1:17-32). Hebrew’s writer gives a fundamental truth to guide all observation: “what is seen was not made out of things that are visible” (He 11:3).

Science Promise

Reason Promised Liberty from Religion:
Science Became Primary Means of Tyranny

What is Science? In its most simplistic form, science is measurability and repeatability; i.e., it is a means of applying systematic thought, logic, to data to obtain meaningful information. Forensic science is the application of this process to non-observable events such as fossils, crimes, etc. Observation science deals with current repeatable events. Science is a methodology to obtain facts. Facts are meaningless without context.

The Bible provides context for Christians who use normative hermeneutical techniques. Non-Christians apply their own context based upon whatever religious-cultural-philosophical context they decide upon. Non-biblical contexts are asebeia, ungodly, to eliminate true knowledge of God; thus, these contexts are incoherent and nihilistic leading to eternal death (Re 20:11-15). Those who use science claim it has no bias, context; meaning it is ultimate truth. However, science is a man-made methodology; it cannot be unbiased because Man is not unbiased. Lost people are against God; Christians, in various stages of maturation in Christ and understanding, have a biblical context. For example: Fossils are facts, they exist but as facts they prove nothing. In a Christian context fossils support Noah’s Cataclysm; but to an evolutionist context fossils support an old earth, millions of years beliefism.

Finally, thinking is the process of turning facts into information; placing the facts into a context. As I tell my family, you cannot think if you do not have facts! To think without facts is guessing; even if you obtain the correct conclusion! To think, analysis and synthesis {See Below} without facts is to support a belief system behind the guise of science: this is scientism. Scientism is the de facto religion of modern Western peoples with the same incoherent, nihilistic issues of all works-based faiths.

Our previous posts showed how French philosophers, influenced to some degree by British philosophers, developed Reason as a means to break the Satanic tyranny of works-based religions such as Roman Catholicism (RCC) and Protestantism which retained work-based RCC elements. They viewed ALL religious systems as incompatible with Reason. This left people with no mechanism to channel man’s inherent sinful desires which lead to degradation, violence and death (Ro 3:23; 6:23). However, the leaders finally imposed a works-based religious system to prevent the complete breakdown of French society; a weakened return to RCC hobbled to gnostic atheistic paganism. British philosophers, also chained to Reason, also were influenced by an evangelical biblically based Christian context resulting in a more orderly return from the true faith; thus, the American Revolution, while violent, was more limited in its goals and maintained a fairly orderly society. However, over time American-British societies also succumb to socialism but without Marxian scientism.

Science Fallacy

Science is Empirical
Context is Non-Empirical

German philosophers seeking to establish a united Germany to build a great epic culture, built upon the sandy foundations of the French philosophers (Mt 7:24-27). Coupled with atheistic Jewish influences, this unlikely group believed to have thrown off the last vestiges of biblical bias. Thus, they did not learn from the French Revolution; nor did the American-British peoples. Science became a weapon to achieve tyrannical control over those deemed inferior thanks to Charles Darwin’s seminal work, On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for LifeHe provided a godless context by resurrecting the rejected spontaneous generation of life beliefism in the form of scientific evolution; basically a life from nothing belief system based on random, upward mutations {oxymoron beliefism}. Each of these groups prove that science needs context. The battle throughout the Enlightenment, that continues to today is: Which Context? Non-Christian context’s often carry the force of Law to suppress the biblical context showing their weakness of logic and factual contextual evidence.

Science Reasoning

Natural Philosophy Became Science
When Its Contextual Head was Severed

After the French Revolution, natural philosophy became science. Throughout the Enlightenment there was a running debate between natural philosophy as a means to discover absolute truth {God} or empirical facts {Science Wars: What Scientists Know and How They Know It.}. Losing its contextual head meant science could mean anything Man could dream up; hence, evolution. But, this also pointed to an unspoken truth that was demonized by the Age of Reason: science was empirical or discerned via the five physical senses. Yet, this provided only limited knowledge because concepts such as morality, truth, beauty were not empirical; they could not be quantified. As science progressed in its observations it became apparent that many aspects were non-empirical; that is, observations quickly ran into non-empirical roadblocks. For example: What is energy? No one knows! Energy forms can be defined by what they do but not by what they are! Human life is more than a series of physical processes but the soul is non-empirical; thus, beyond science. Man’s approach? Redefine science to include non-empirical or soft sciences; i.e., redefine science to become not science. Thus, education, psychology, nursing, and sociology became sciences; or rather, scientisms since their adherents readily admit that research can neither prove nor disprove their thesis. Yet, even here socialistic philosophers devised a solution.

Dr. Popper of the London School of Economics, founded by Fabian Society supporters, socialists, developed the an approach to save scientism {Refer to the above graphic}. Science required that a hypothesis support its claims by experimental proofs. Dr. Popper summarily dismissed inductive reasoning as irrational; building from observations to theories. Therefore, he blocked out an entire line of inquiry to develop his falsification approach. This approach required that any theory must be falsifiable and even if one experiment proved it false the entire theory was dismissed! Suddenly the burden of proof shifted from the theorist to those who disagreed with the theorist. Yet, even if the theory was falsified it was only falsified in a narrow focus. Dr. Popper hindered the develop of new theories based on observation while entrenching established theories that were incoherent on their face such as evolution. In fact, he applied Hegelian logic: Thesis-Established theory; Antithesis-Falsifiable experimentation and Synthesis-Adjustment of Thesis. This is Critical Theory applied to science to force knowledge to agree with established beliefs, contexts, while preventing new approaches. Science {Reason} was being weaponized to reject opposing views just as during the French Revolution. Rather than guillotining opponents; they were summarily dismissed because they did not fit the paradigm.

Science Future

Science Used to Achieve Immortality;
Satan’s Original Promise {Lie} to Man

The appeal to science, scientists, is so pervasive as to shut down all discussion that appears to challenge this paradigm. Man has so changed observational/forensic scientific methodology to make it a new religion of scientism whose sole goal is to maintain the ungodly context while it uses the force of law to suppress biblical Christian truths. Scientism can no more validate its context than any other religion! They lay outside the realm of empirical science. Scientisms require greater faith to overlook their incoherencies and nihilistic failures that have resulted in vastly increased degradation and violence at every level of society. Their failures clearly falsified their hypotheses. Their false contexts have one purpose: support the lie of socialism to enslave most of humanity into Posthumanist robots supporting the elites who reject and suppress the Gospel. They follow Satan whether they realize it or not for they use the same methodologies: Lies and Violence-Murder (Jn 8:44).

Science which so improved the life of all mankind from the drudgery of backbreaking toil is now the weapon to re-enslave people back to endless, pointless drudgery and hopelessness. People consent to their slavery because they are given diversions, drugs and licentiousness that distracts them from their hopelessness. But when the hopelessness breaks through these persons project their violence on others as hopelessly enmeshed as themselves. This violence is becoming more prevalent demonstrating the failure of scientism and socialism. However, rather than resulting in more liberty, laws are enacted forcing more equality to enforce the fraternity of one social order of enslavement. This is modern life; hopeless without Christ and His Gospel (Ro 10:8-15). But how shall they hear the Gospel if Christians hide the truth to preserve their earthly lives? (Mt 10:32-39).

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