If Evil is Evil Why is it Now Normal?

Economic Dialecticism: Bills based on Income, not usage

If Evil is Evil Why is it Now Normal?
Hegelian Hermetic Dialectic in Action

California is on the cutting edge of Change in America closely followed by New York, New Mexico, Illinois and a plethora of other states; not to mention various nations around the world. We saw these changes occurring, disbelieved they would become normal and adjusted our head in the sand position to maintain our illusion of sameness {Read Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy. Gas Lighting: How to Boil the Frog.}. If the term Hegelian Hermetic Dialectic is unfamiliar to you then I would point you to several of my other recent posts (Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism. and others.). Or, I could recite Sounds of Silence lyrics, though they were not written as anti-hermetic but pro-hermetic critique of the normal ones who resisted the coming new normal values promising unity, peace, love and equality. They proponents of Change got their way but the sounds of silence have only become more deafening as the resulting degradation and violence have increased. This post will briefly look at two major trends that were evil, Antithesis, but are now becoming the new normal, Thesis.

California continues to lead the nation in Progressivism, read Socialism, with predictable results. The state legislature keeps passing laws that push the boundaries of taboos, known as Antithesis in Hermetic Dialectic terms, making them the new normal or Thesis. These were subtle changes  during the late 19th and early 20th centuries known historically as the Progressive Era. Today I simply refer to it as America’s slow embracement of Socialism while it claimed to fight against Socialism: National and International.

California is now considering basing electric bills upon one’s income rather than exclusively on one’s usage. Simply put, if you make more, you pay more subsidizing those who cannot pay for their usage. As subsidized healthcare has dramatically proven, people who do not pay for their care do not practice healthy living because the costs do not come out of their pockets. They literally do not care; thus, they routinely engage in unhealthy lifestyle choices such as tobacco usage, illegal drug usage, chronic alcohol usage; seeing a pattern emerging? They claim to be slaves of the capitalistic slavery system but in fact they force the healthcare system to be their slaves and meet their every need despite doing little to nothing to achieve good health by simple, affordable practices such as bathing, brushing one’s teeth, eating healthy which is cheaper than junk-fast foods and much cheaper than obtaining alcohol, tobacco and illegal substances.

The same result will occur in the energy section. People who do not pay for their usage will splurge to abandon while demanding those with means pay their fair share! Those with means will continue to flee the state leaving the state with fewer paychecks to tax and thus greater burden on those unable or too poor to flee. The energy system will become overburdened forcing brown and black outs; especially as energy sources for energy production soar out of control. Every person will become perpetual slave to the state of California as the ruling elites continue to squander and flaunt their wealth while decrying the wealthy for not paying their fair share!

New Thesis: Making Crime Normal {Thesis}

Energy is the basis of every society whether it is in the form wood, coal, oil, solar, etc. Nothing is grown, produced, transported or prepared unless energy is present. Quenching energy usage reduces the economic health of the community back to grinding poverty. This results in physical and moral degradation and increasing violence. California also contemplates the normalization of theft or shoplifting. Stealing will be the new Thesis which will quickly result in a shortage of products available for anyone. Businesses will not be able to sustain production and shortages will occur intensifying poverty, starvation, illnesses and death. The homelessness rampant in primarily Democratically controlled major cities is not accidental but a result of local policies that promote societal disintegration. But, crime will not be limited to just shoplifting. It will expand to burglaries, auto thefts, robberies until everyone fears for their very lives even in their own homes. Government, rather than enforce the traditional taboos or Theses, promotes crime as the Antitheses of traditional, biblical morality codified in the Ten Words {Commandments} (Ex 20:1-17).DOD Legitimizing Drag Queen as New Thesis

While energy and economics destroy social lives at the local or grassroots level, government(s) promote new normals, Antitheses at the national level. Department of Defense (DOD) has a Pride Chair to promote the inclusion of the LGBTQAI+ community into its forces. Sad to say but feminism was the first Antithesis against the Thesis that men do the fighting and dying while women protect and promote the families. Since America really has not fought a major sustained conflict since Vietnam, the weakness this brought into the military could be ignored. But, it also served as a springboard to slowly breakdown the family structure and morality. Children raised in one-parent families, predominately women-controlled, are predictably more prone to look to government to fill the father-role while exhibiting less self-control resulting in greater degradation and violence.

Women paved the way for the LGBTQAI+ community to openly enter the military which further degraded Christian morays and changed sexual norms. In other words, what was considered as immoral is now touted as both moral and normal (Le 18:22).  All forms of LGBTQAI+ weaken the societal fabric of society. Results in destruction of the family and what families do form are usually single-parent or single sexed-parents. Government becomes the parent while degrading personal morays to such an extent that Sodom now appears as a vacation spot rather than a dangerous hotbed of unrestrained degradation and violence (Ge 19:1-11). The final goal is to destroy the nation from within and the next Antithesis to Change this Thesis is gaining momentum.

MAP New Antithesis to LGBTQAI+ Thesis

MAP: Minor Attracted Person(s)
The Coming New Normal

Minor Attracted Person(s) (MAP) will become the new normal or Thesis in the next few years. With the DOD normalizing Drag Queens, local governments and then the courts will bow to government guidance just as they have on every other moral issue for the past 150-odd years. For example, there are some Western countries that have special zoos so people can engage in bestiality; again, severely condemned in the Bible (Ex 22:19; Le 18:23; 20:15-16). What today is condemned as pedophilia will morph under the moniker of MAP to be legitimize between consenting persons; notice, I did not write adults! Today children legally cannot give informed consent but under the transgender movement children can give consent for gender reassignment {Trans kids’ treatment can start younger, new guidelines say. AP News.}. Matt Walsh showed that even today people can skirt the laws to obtain gender reassignment treatments {Matt Walsh’s producer uncovers mutilating ‘trans’ surgery being fraudulently approved. LifeSite.}. Parental permission is becoming increasingly irrelevant and will be soon removed altogether as impediments to free love and autonomy; if I may regress back to ’60’s lingo.

Understanding Role of Propaganda and Self-Delusionment

The Vision Planted in my Brain Still Remains,
Within Sounds of Silence But Not Silent Today

If these changes were so evil as to be generally condemned by civilizations for millennia, why are we embracing them today? Well, the Greeks and Romans embraced these practices and form the foundation of Western culture; even more so than Christianity. People are unifying around the globe embracing these practices because they want a world without Christ; and He allows them to realize their Delusion and its attendant consequences (Ro 1:18-28; 2Th 2:3-12). Moving along the timeline, the Gaussian Curve legitimizes each new normal as The Normal. If you hide your head in the sand, how will you protect your children or grandchildren? Your silence legitimizes the new normals moving everyone further from understanding their own sin as evil in need of redemption. They accept their sin as good and those who speak out as evil in need of elimination or re-education {think torture}.

Will you suddenly speak out when their new normal is to eliminate the useless eaters such as elders because socialism has reduced subsistence to poverty levels for everyone? Who will listen to you after your years of silence. Maybe then the lyrics will come back to haunt you, Hello Darkness my old friend…But my words…fell and echoed in the wells of Silence! If you will not listen to Christ, why should they listen to you?

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