Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy

Understanding Role of Propaganda and Self-Delusionment

Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy;
Changing Not Knowing You are Changing!

Why is it so difficulty to enlighten people as to the Critical Theory Hermetic danger engulfing them, changing society right before their eyes with their own consent! In other words, why is Satan able to establish his Simulacrum Delusion Subjective Imagination Non-Reality when God’s Recalcitrant (Objective) Reality so obviously contradicts it (2Th 2:3-12)? I believe the Gaussian, or Bell, Curve gives us the best illustration or schematic to understand the how and thus the why this Delusion progresses despite its constant failures to explain Reality. We will use the above graphic in our discussion.

The foundational understanding people must grasp is that they want to be deluded! Each person is born a sinner (Ps 51:5; Ro 3:23). Each person develops a worldview that explains reality without God (Ro 1:18-28). The purpose of each person’s worldview is to make them the hero of their own worldview; i.e., justify their sin as good and God’s good as evil (Is 5:20-21; Ro 3:3-4). This means they do not need salvation which involves repentance; admission of guilt that one is indeed sinful and needs a Savior. If there is a God then sin is His fault which absolves the sinner of guilt; again, negating the need for a Savior and eliminating the threat of eternal judgment (Ps 38:20; Pr 17:13; Ro 3:5-18). How are people able to maintain their Delusion of Good in the face of deteriorating societal order evidenced by embracement of degradation and violence?

I will approach the answer from two perspectives. The foundational perspective of each person is that they are of the Elite class regardless of economic or social conditions. They may not be as elite as the famous and/or rich but they are on that path, so they think, regardless of present conditions or understanding. How do they deal with changes in social philosophy and structure? Let me give an example.

Today’s Conservative would have been labeled a Liberal only a decade or two ago. An ultra-conservative in Massachusetts or New York would be considered a wild-eyed liberal in the Southeast. How are they able to maintain their Delusion? They compare themselves among themselves; in other words, they cherry-pick which group to compare themselves against to achieve the desired label (2Co 10:12). Those who may expose their delusion, either knowingly or unknowingly, are judged as worse to degrade their testimony (Ro 2:1-11). This is why the Logical Fallacies of False Dilemma and Equivocation are so frequently used by News-Information propagandists and Politicians.

Each person measures themselves by those they aspire to imitate within the confines of socially acceptable norms. As these norms and their idols slowly change, they also change to maintain their same self-imagined relationship. Hence, in their minds, they have not changed at all over the years. However, in reality, they have slowly moved along the Gaussian Time-Issue Line to maintain their position in relation to everyone else. There is the illusion of no change but significant change has occurred!

The News-Information Propagandists have constructed the illusion of a static society, maintaining the same values while introducing as normal the Hegelian Hermetic Dialectic perspective embraced by Progressive icons such as the rich and famous, which the masses view as themselves if given enough time and opportunity. This Subjective Imagination Construct has several major purposes: Control the Masses; Keep the Masses from contaminating the Elites; Exploit the Labor of the Masses and Eliminate Excess Masses to prevent keep the Elites as Elites for as long as possible {Fixed-Pie Resource Mentality}. Violence is always an option but violence as the main option is counter-productive, destroying resources. The 20th century socialistic governments proved the futility of relying solely on violence; i.e., U.S.S.R. Hitler’s Germany, etc.

This illusionary Present requires both a Future Hopeful Goal and an establishing Past. Evolution is an ancient establishing past that denies God by substituting natural uniform processes as change agents (2P 3:3-12). When spontaneous generation was debunked, it resurfaced as Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory which contained the genesis of its real motive: Eugenics or the improvement of the race, or at least of certain elements of the Human Race; i.e., Elites. When eugenics was aggressively, openly practiced by East and West, Socialistic and Democratic societies in the early to mid 20th century; it morphed into population control to preserve the finite precious resources necessary for modern society such as fossil fuels, even though there is not one iota of evidence that petroleum came from prehistoric animals or is finite! The Illusion: We are chained to this one globe and everyone must limit their usage of limited resources to secure the future of our heirs!

The goal presented in this modern time is the advancement of technology merging digital-medical-physics technology to create a body that will not die: promise of eternal life without judgment, without a need for God or His salvation! Transhumanism is simply the experimentation, read exploitation of the masses, of these technologies today to achieve the promise for tomorrow. The goal is Posthumanism in which one’s consciousness will be placed in an android who parts can be replaced as needed: think Data, Star Trek Next Generation.

People embrace the Delusion of the evolutionary past and endure the present increase of Control, socialism, necessary to achieve the Delusion of this eternal life future. They participate in this Delusion by seeing themselves as not changing in comparison to those they measure themselves against even though in absolute terms of change they have morphed dramatically. Though they believe themselves to be the same, in large measure; they are very different. It passes undetected because they do not measure themselves against an unchangeable standard such as Scripture. They measure themselves by standards that are changing as they change; each other and what is considered normal in society.

The purpose of the term, racism, is to demonize the past society as essentially evil which justifies remaking modern society according to Critical Theory; which is itself merely a modernize version of Hegelian Hermetic Dialectic philosophy which itself was a modernization of ancient hermeticism with its roots revealed only in the Bible (Ge 3:5).

There will always be those few who refuse to conform, the trailing tail of the Gaussian Curve. These are labeled as Conspiracy Theorists, haters or even as insurrectionists who put their selfish demands above the needs of the majority, non-democratic! Christians, those who truly follow the Scriptures in repentance and salvation are in this category also (Ro 10:9-17). Since true faith comes through the faithful teaching of the Scriptures, the Scriptures and these faithful believers must be eliminated. Their faith is the testimony of the lie of being promulgated today (Mt 5:10-12; 2Co 2:14-17).

Christians should never be members of rebellious groups as God hates rebellion (1Sa 15:23)! Christ stood silent before His accusers because His kingdom was not of this World system (Is 53; Jn 18:33-38). Even when Christ comes and establishes His Millennial Kingdom, sinners will rise up and rebel against Him proving their judgment is just; even Satan (Re 20). Then their futility will be evident but it will be too late. This creation which they hoped would endure forever will melt with a fervent heat and a New Creation without sin will take its place (He 1:10-12; 2Pe 3:10-12; Re 21:1-4).

Are you content to live in the Delusion that you help create until Death reveals God’s Absolute Recalcitrant Reality (Lk 16:22-31)? Would you enter the Second Death from which there is no hope and even your worldview in which you trusted testifies against you (Re 20:11-15)? This time is the time for salvation (He 3:7-14; 4:6-11)! This time is the to awaken to truth! The ones who promise a hermetic paradise only seek to feed themselves off your delusions caring nothing for your soul (2Pe 2:12-14, 17-19; Jude 8, 10, 16). Why will you not only follow them, but assist them in your own Delusion as they metaphorically feed on you for their own gain (or so they think as they also are trapped in their own delusions of grandeur? Why?

{Yes, normalacy deliberately misspelled though usually pronounced as such to illustrate the Elitist disdain for the Masses, Us, and their sarcasm at how easily we are led about by their propaganda efforts.}

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