Pax America: Out of Many a New Ordained Order

Ancient Propaganda: Senate of the People {Elites} of Rome

Pax America: New Ordained Order from Many;
Mimics Pax Romana’s Historic Propaganda

Pax Romana was supposedly the longest era of peace in the Ancient World due to its military power and economic-cultural influences. Era of Pax Romana began with Julius Caesar and ended with the slow dissolution of Rome into historic oblivion in the 5th century A.D. Rome’s influence was felt from today’s Great Britain to India while its trade influences believed to extend even into China. When Western Rome slowly collapsed; much of it due to the escape of the wealthy elites to Eastern Rome headquartered in Constantinople even distant cultures were disrupted which began vast migrations including peoples enter North America to become the American Indians {Young-Earth Y Chromosome Clocks Confirm Known Post-Columbian Amerindian Population History and Suggest Pre-Columbian Population Replacement in the Americas. Answers. Research Journal.}!

Modern perspective of Pax Romana is shaped by public education giving the illusion that Rome became a bastion of freedom(ish) after abolishing its monarchy. However, this was short-lived and Julius Caesar installed himself as dictator over the Senate which modern entertainment claims represented the people. In fact, the Senate spoke for the Elites, Oligarchy, who killed Caesar but lost power to his adopted son, Augustus who wisely took the title of, First Citizen. Rome, like ancient Sparta, was never about liberty to the people. America has been compared to Rome since victory in World War II; again, an illusion propped up by propaganda perpetuated through the education-information-media system. Today’s political events would be more clearly understood if one understood the Simulacrum, illusion, being imposed on you from nearly every quarter.

One Dollar, One Nation; One New Secular Order under "Heaven"?

Pax America Begins, Not in 18th Century
But in 20th Century with Federal Reserve

Before you no longer possess paper or fiat currency look at the back of the One Dollar bill {pictured above}. This is not money be a representation of money created not by the American government but by a private central bank system institution called the Federal Reserve (Feds) {1913). The Fed did not originate paper currency. America did not originate paper currency. Lincoln’s government resorted to paper currency during his reunification war and were called Green Backs due to their green ink. The Fed was designed after the already privatized Bank of England whose history stretched back to the 17th century {History of Monetary Systems. A. Del Mar. pp. 388-391, 1901.}. The Fed was unpopular as was paper currency as was the gold standard. The paper currency was as much propaganda as medium of exchange which was true of coinage since its inception near Lydia in the 7th century B.C.

Purpose of propaganda is to take what is known and redefine it to mean something different over time; i.e., conflation and equivocation until acceptance by the general population as truth. Today these techniques are known as Reflexivity and False Dilemmas as practiced and popularized by George Soros. These are generally lies told often enough and believed by enough people that they become accepted as self-fulfilling and become truth. Rather than be labeled as unethical, these practices are today justified as the very heart of psychological, sociological and educational research! It is no wonder that these techniques did not originate with Mr. Soros but were popularized by Edward Bernays in his book, Propaganda, later relabeled as Public Relations. The Fed and Mr. Bernays share a common time period laying the foundation for Mr. Soros to influence Western governments and finances into the 21st century.

Out of Many One; One What?

Out of Many, One: One What?
Terms are Never Defined

I am not going to chase meanings of these symbols back through gnostic groups such as the Masons as is frequently documented by others. There may or may not be conspiratorial links but this clouds the true issue. The Feds developed paper currency to promulgate their message accrues socio-economic lines as everyone must use the paper currency. It has served its purpose for over 100 years! America’s motto, Out of Many, One became popularized in another motto, The Melting Pot. America’s myth is that the nation took people from all cultures and enriched its culture by incorporating the best from every culture. This did occur on informal levels perpetuating the myth such as slang terms, music, cooking, etc. However, The Progressive Era was well known for its suppression of unwanted cultures and its use of public education promoting accepted cultural values: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant or WASP.

Like Pax Romana, Pax America operated under the guise of diversity but for the goals of the elites; not necessarily of the government. Thus, Out of Many, One can just as easily mean that the many will be forged into one group and not necessarily the Elite group which sought to protect itself via the scientism of Eugenics; later renamed as Population Control promoting ecology, green earth issues, etc. This Pax America would spread by the olive branch, peace, when possible or by war, when necessary; however, it would spread. The thirteen original independent, sovereign states were forced, by war, into a unified federal control system. Control over currency became the last nail in the coffin of individual liberty along with the legalization of the personal income tax (1913).

New World Order Ordained; by Whom?

Annuit Coeptis: Approved Beginnings
Novus Ordo Seclorum: New Age Order

The Hermetic Dialectic of the Fed becomes clearly visible with this schematic depiction. Yes, it was drawn from the Founding Fathers but it does not mean that it retained the same meanings. The Fed, guided by the Bank of England and later subordinate to the Bank of International Settlements post World War I, has slowly used expansion-contraction of the monetary supply to change societies {Century of Enslavement. Princes of the Yen, Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy.}. The World Economic Forum, front for the BIS and its hidden financiers, publicly announces its plan to initiate The Great Reset to establish The Fourth Industrial Revolution remaking societies into Open Border states under centralized control similar to what Lincoln accomplished with war in America.

It was the with the 1913 Revolution that the Democrats came to perpetual power. Prior to this period the Republicans were the dominant political power and pushed for national socialism under the guise of national exceptionalism. However, the emphasis of national identity over submissiveness to an overarching international entity was antithetical to the central banks’ goal. The League of Nations failed because the Republicans would not allow America to enter the treaty. They were the great isolationists refusing to fund American involvement in foreign adventures. The Democrats were all for foreign adventures, renting out American military muscle, as it brought them political control they had lost with Lincoln’s War.

The 20th century saw Democrats enter America into every major conflict: World War I and II; Korean Conflict; Vietnam Conflict; etc. Pearl Harbor attack discredited Republicans so much that it destroyed the isolation movement. The CIA’s Mockingbird Project so changed the face of conservatism that they competed with the Democrats for overseas adventures; i.e., wars. It was not until the 21st century that the Republicans were able to vie for political power via overseas adventures: Gulf War A and B; War on Terror, etc. So, how does any of this explain America’s political issues today?

Tucker Carlson explained why those in Control in America hate President Trump so much that they effectively emasculated his presidency and hounded him in and out of office {Tucker Carlson Ep. 4. Wannabe Dictator. Twitter.}. President Trump publicly exposed the corruption that both political parties rely on to achieve national power at the expense of enslaving America to international financiers.

Both parties were encouraged and supported by the Fed’s expansion of the monetary supply to engage in reckless welfare spending to keep the masses quiet via entitlement spending; i.e., bribery! Trillions in debt were incurred purposefully for the day that these same financial forces would contract the monetary supply to force the changes they have long plotted to initiate. A New Age Order {Fourth Industrial Revolution} of which they approved: Approved from above. This would force the diverse competing groups to come together willingly to form a compliant unified society intent on receiving food and medicine; olive branch of peace. Those who oppose will face the arrows of force and be reeducated or removed; You will Own Nothing and Be Happy…Or Else!

Yet, you claim that can never happen in America because Congress makes the Laws! Yes, and No! American presidents increasingly operate by executive order or fiats. It was but such an order that Americans lost the right??? to own gold until it was given back again. It was by executive fiat that the CIA was brought into existence and even when warned by President Eisenhower of it growing power, America ignored the threat which resulted in their possible involvement in the death of one dissenting president, JFK, and the ouster of another who fell into disfavor, Nixon. But, can Congress save us?

During the 20th century much of the Legislative’s political clout passed to both the Supreme Court and to the Executive Branch. The laws Congress passed were either approved by the president, and his party, or were the result of enforced economic mandated changes resulting from fiscal contractures: Great Depression 1930s, Stagflation 1970s, Bank S&L collapse 1980s, Bank Collapse 2008 and today’s Banking Collapse, in slow motion. Congress holds hearings on obvious government corruption but lacks authority to bring charges demonstrating its impotence! Most members of Congress vote for the furtherance of policies approved by the slogans depicted on the One Dollar bill.

It is apropos that these slogans were one the One Dollar. The number One constantly reinforced the goal which was once hidden and considered a conspiracy theory but is now in the open and touted as a promised Great Reset of Diversity, Equality and Change! It yearns for one centralized Control entity much like predicted in Star Wars, A New Hope; the emperor dissolved the Senate, the local bureaucracies will now have local control. That is, national governments will be reduced to dependent states reliant on the BIS, via its Central Banking chapters, to fund their existence depending on their compliance and essential support. Local congresses will be merely rubber stamp entities with dissenters having tragic accidents.

The pyramid with its all-seeing-eye is not God but a reference to Satan operating behind the scenes since the earliest times (Ge 3:5; 11:1-9). We do not now what structure was used in the Antediluvian world but we do know that the Ziggurat was the central worship structure in Babel and other parts of the World. Egypt, under Mesopotamian influence modified this into the smooth-sided pyramid which was not a burial edifice, though its original functions remain unknown.

Once again the World threatens to extinguish Truth of the Gospel leaving mankind no hope but degradation, violence and death; especially to the non-compliant, especially to the Christians married to Christ (Ep 5:22-32). Where will you turn? Congress is impotent. Churches frequently embrace the hermetic dialectic of Wokeism of Critical Theory. There is no place to turn to except One who has the Words of Life (Jn 6:66-69). Want to know if you are saved? When faced with reeducation or death your choice will reveal where your heart truly lives. Or, will you discover that your heart truly sides with Satan (Jn 6:70; 8:44)? Pax America is not about world peace, truth or godliness. Pax America, like Pax Romana is peace only with Satan when one rejects Christ and His Truth.

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