Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement

Melting Pot Concept Not Defined

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement;
Myth of America’s Melting Pot Unification

In my previous post, Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?, I introduced the revolutionary concept of Satan pitting different General Wills against each other to obtain the strongest General Will or government for his purpose; enslavement of Man. While we see this play out on the world stage as national socialistic governments are being merged into regional socialisms on the path to globalization; I make the case that this modern experiment was first begun by Satan with the colonization of America. Satan, ever the experimenter, tested the feasibility of this concept in our country using the Melting Pot Concept, just as he used America’s Constitutional “United States”  to test the feasibility of the future United Nations globalization government first advanced by President Wilson as the League of Nations. Let us see history through God’s eyes (2Th 2:3-12).

Melting Pot Myth of One General Will

America Offered Opportunity to All;
Freed from Old General Will Restraints

The Goddess of Reason, donated to America by France the home of the original socialist revolution, erected in New York City’s harbor, promises freedom through Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which is often confused with Jesus’ words promising rest {Statute of Liberty Poem.} (Mt 11:28). The fact that this gift was erected as America began her foray into national socialism should give the astute reader pause to consider what Emma meant by, yearning to be free? Free from poverty? Free from tyranny? Free from medieval constraints of their homelands? And what did the Melting Pot concept promise? Into what would they be made? Americans? But what were or are Americans? Public education from its earliest days taught that all peoples coming to these shores would have opportunity to become a unified group; this was the true purpose of public education. From this same period came the Pledge of Allegiance indoctrinating children into fidelity to the strong central government that was giving them citizenship training; fact that it was written by a national socialist is hidden to disguise its true purpose {Francis Bellamy}. Thus, the two greatest symbols representing America today are representations of socialism popularized during America’s turn to national socialism known as the Progressive Era! It is beyond ironic that todays American Conservatives enthusiastically embrace and promote these symbols as depicting American republic liberty; the very opposite of their meanings. This is the deluding power of Satan’s Luciferianism.

Satan’s attempt to dominate Man via a single government entity was thwarted twice before by God. Cain’s government, through force, was overcoming those clinging to God’s truth; hence, God broke up this system and the single continent system via Noah’s Cataclysm. In the early Postdiluvian world, Nimrod has successfully instituted a single governmental system which God dissolved by introducing different worldviews {languages} causing people to self-separate according to differences {Tower of Babel}. Satan has been slowly rebuilding back toward his goal of dominating all peoples via one government dominated by lies and force (Jn 8:44). Daniel’s book details how Satan experiments and builds via different general wills: from the collapsed Bronze Age there arose Babylonian replaced by Persian replaced by Grecian and finally replaced by Roman empires. Satan liked this final form but he needed something else; he needed the means to surmount global distances and barriers, he needed technology! The Medieval Period, Dark Ages, was Satan introducing confusion into Christ’s new Gospel of Salvation spreading through his Roman Empire, and beyond. Even his Renaissance awakening of Humanism was offset by God’s resurgence of Gospel Salvation by faith {Reformation}. Thus, Satan had to both foster the Age of Reason or Enlightenment to advance technology while promoting philosophical concepts that both opposed the Gospel while advancing toward modern socialism {Industrial Age}. There remained a nearly insurmountable problem since Babel: Diversity.

Diversity Myth of Unification

Today’s Public Education System’s Propaganda
American Salad Mixture Opposing the old Melting Pot

Satan experimented with how to merge diversity into a single focused group. By diversity I do not mean simply difference skin colors or other outward, unchangeable characteristics. I mean the General Will or worldview inherent in each different culture. For Satan’s globalization to work, Man would have to merge into one agreed up entity in spite of outward characteristics. America’s Melting Pot experiment showed him that merging different General Wills was problematic as people would only merge when it advanced their self-interested survival; I.e., prosperity. This was useful to delude people into believing that everyone could share in prosperity and also necessary to develop the technological infrastructure necessary to unite peoples over distances: physically and intellectually. However, it was not his governmental form of top-down enforced rulership. But it had useful tenets necessary to advance his plan which was hitherto failing.

All Socialisms Engender Totalitarianism

Socialism by Force was Self-Defeating;
Satan Needed to Develop Voluntary Socialism

The 20th century saw the greatest failures of forced socialism and the great success of propagandized or voluntary socialism through the use of emergencies. People could not be Controlled long term simply by force and these regimes either failed, limped along in poverty or morphed into a form of crony-capitalism to survive. This latter method was learned from America’s Progressive Era and became dominant in Europe as the answer to prevent forced socialism becoming known generally as social democracy. Still, America remained the dominant holdout in this lockstep movement toward globalization.

Satan introduced Critical Theory specifically to embrace diversity keeping the various groups at odds with each other making piecemeal control an attainable goal. The overall power structure would be enticed to embrace this via the illusion of being elites and thus above the serfdom envisioned for everyone else. Edward Bernay’s propaganda methods would be used along with the scientism of psychology via public education to inculcate people into agitating for their own enslavement into socialism despite its clear historical failures. The onslaught of national and international emergencies, real and imagined, overwhelmed most people encouraging them to embrace changes as necessary t0 secure their safety. Financial catastrophes, ongoing wars, terrorism threats, climate change predictions and disease causing pandemics have been used with varying degrees of success to gain people’s acceptance of ever more restrictive measures. America’s salad of diversity has agitated, sometimes violently, for socialism as the only true form of unity. How is this successful?

Every worldview is born in sin (Ps 51:5). Every sinful worldview is built on delusion, the active rejection of God (Ro 1:18-28). The merging of individual worldviews culturally becomes Rousseau’s General Will. The General Will is not based on consensus but on sin’s rejection of truth. The populace, seeking survival or some perceived grasping of advantage over others, becomes the main enforcement arm for the government. This was true in France’s Revolution, Antifa in pre-war Germany and today’s America. We are seeing the Battle, not for Truth, but between two different general wills: Locke and Rousseau. This is Satan’s refinement methodology. The Christian needs to stay fixated on God’s Gospel knowing that neither course is godly. Let us clearly understand history to understand our time to remain true to Christ’s gospel message of salvation.

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