Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You

Energy Control Based on Scientism

Fallacy of Science Truth and
Scientism’s Control of You

Modern ecology movement, green earth utopia, targeted so-called fossil fuels as a major contributor destroying earth. It was further demonized in Climate Change models by contributing carbon dioxide (CO2) which supposedly abnormally warmed the earth leading to catastrophic death of Man and the environment. We have a serious problem as fossil fuels provide the energy to power industry that lifted Man from slavery to Middle Class as never before in history. In fact, petrochemicals are the basis for nearly every aspect of modern life and health. Since the 1960s people have been sounding the alarm that we are selfishly using up a non-renewable resource to leave future generations to shiver and die in the misery and cold because of our selfishness. But, is their basic assumption correct? Are petrochemicals derived from fossil fuels? Are these resources nonrenewable and thus limited? What is the science?

Oil Depletion & the Coming Global Energy Crisis, Seth Cook (June 2012),  propagates the conventional wisdom that fossil fuels have peaked, they are finite and we are condemning future generations to grinding poverty and a polluted dystopian future as depicted in many popular science fiction movies and shows. Certainly, your thinking is directed in this vein because of the label, fossil fuels. Fossils are not being made any more; hence, these fuels must be limited. Science supports this certain reality and has been drilled into our heads via public education since oil’s discovery in the 19th century. However, modern societies have propagated the myth that science deals in certainties to become the true religion of modernism with scientists its high priests and priestesses. It is essential to examine these hidden assumptions as we are being told we must return to serfdom {slavery} to save the future. Is it True!

Protesting Fossil Fuels in Ignorance

Propagandized Population Agitates
Against Fossil Fuels; hence, return to Serfdom

What is science? It is observation resulting in measurability frequently repeated to insure accurate, consistent results in support of one’s hypothesis. Science can only deal in the empirical world. Scientific observations and measurements give facts that are meaningless until placed into a conceptual context. The scientist is simply a person trained in a particular specialized subset of this empirical universe and supplies the conceptual framework. Already we have a problem with people’s claim of science’s certainty. Hypothesis, theories, empiricism are not absolutes; they are suppositions of how some aspect of this universe may function. Hence, science can never give certainty and thus can never be a source of truth!

Modern science is predicated on evolutionary presuppositions first developed to explain earth apart from God and the Bible. James Hutton and Charles Lyell developed the science of geology on uniformitarianism by rejecting biblical explanation of Noah’s Cataclysm {The Blasphemous Geologist Who Rocked Our Understanding of Earth’s Age. Smithsonian Magazine.}. Uniformitarianism became the mainstay of all modern science. Charles Darwin applied this process to biology to develop his theory of evolution. These men, and all who followed after them, presupposed a world without God ruled by impersonal forces that could be Controlled, at least that was the goal. Bible writers rejected this approach 2,000 years ago based on material written over 3,000 years ago (Ro 1:18-28; 2Pe 3:3-7). Yet, because their logic promised sinners Control in a world without God, their theories prevailed through the use of government force and government directed public education even though they are fundamentally incoherent! Science gives measurements but scientists put those measurements into a ungodly conceptual framework to prove the universe runs without an appeal to God. Scientists turn science into scientism; something that has the appearance of science but is conceptually directed rather than fact directed. Let us return to how fossil fuels reveal modern man’s scientism rather than science.

Fossil fuels are so called because scientists say they were developed in the prehistoric periods. Coal developed from plants and oil from dinosaurs that were buried millions of years ago and slowly, uniformly, converted by heat and pressure into fuels. Hmm, fossils and vegetation must be buried quickly to prevent decay, not slowly over long years. But where did the large numbers of plants and animals come from to form such tremendous beds of fuels? Bible’s description of global destruction has been rejected as myth so how do scientists explain this global catastrophe? Asteroids! (Sigh!) Asteroid of such size hit the earth, caused significant climate change and global destruction that eventually produced fossil fuels. Simple, right? Except, there is no evidence of such an asteroid or explanation of how the earth itself survived such an impact without its own destruction. Simple truth is that plant imprints were found in coal deposits and suppositions were made that oil came from dinosaurs. Since there has not been any other such catastrophes, these fossil fuels are finite. Interesting that they know this non-uniformitarianism process only occurred once when no one was alive, according to their hypothesis, to make this observation. What if there were another hypothesis available that did not require dinosaurs?

Proposed Cycle of Oil Renewal

Proposed Process Depicting Oil as a
Constantly Renewable Energy Source

What if Oil and Natural Gas Are Renewable Resources? {American Thinker} discusses this very issue which was first explored by the old USSR {Communist Russia for today’s youngsters}. The notion that,  we are running out of oil reserves, presupposes omniscience; that one knows of all oil reserves. Again, the erroneous presuppositions of scientists to support scientism reveals the incoherency of their overall understanding-again. Instead, God’s earth creation recycles our wastes to produce our needs just as Christ told Man in the Bible (Mt 5:44-45; 6:7-8, 31-33). Christ castigated those who heap up empty phrases rather than read their Bibles and have faith in God’s provision. Scientists today are usually funded by government or industry seducing them to taint their findings to support their agendas; promoting Satan’s grand delusion {knowingly or unknowingly} (2Th 2:3-12). They are obedient to their masters to keep the money rolling in; this makes them the Pharisees of our time (Mt 6:24; 23:4-7, 13-15).

Climate Change Closed System Fallacy

Scientists Claim Fossil Fuels Cause
Climate Change Supporting Decrease Use

Concurrent with the demonization of fossil fuels as pollutants is the myth that they directly contribute to climate deterioration {change} by altering CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the air; if our atmosphere was so fragile as to be greatly affected by such a small amount we would never have survived {evolved if you are a scientist}. Instead, climate change is powered by energy primarily from the SUN and galactic/cosmic ionized winds impacting earth {Climate Change. Suspicious Observers. YouTube.}. Carbon dioxide is not a causation but an indicator of change. Science shows this but many climate scientists do not since it affects their funding. They are shills for vested interests.

Financiers Vision

Vested Interests Guide Propaganda to
Garner Your Support for Their Control

Government and Corporatism have openly colluded together since the Progressive Era to advance Socialism. This is the true story of the 20th and 21st centuries. The methodical but steady use of Bernays propaganda techniques in news, movies, shows, music and education have produced several generations of people who are now compliant with the given narrative. They believe in the evil of fossil fuels and are willing to decrease the hard won gains made by the sacrifices of their forebearers in order to return to serfdom. They will not make the future a better place for future generations; they will realize the dystopia they wanted to avoid.

Petroleum Basis of Modern Society

Petroleum Products Freed Man from Serfdom
Now Petroleum Myths are Used to Enslave Man

By labeling oil and its petroleum products as essential but limited, vested interests have increased our costs for ALL products and given them the means to ration products based on whatever criteria they choose. Governments do whatever their financial masters demand to retain local power while global power remains in their hands. The goal orchestrated by Satan is globalization under one leader who substitutes himself as god in lieu of God. All who do not pay obeisance will not be allowed to buy necessities (Re 13:15-17). The coming Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be the ultimate means of Control {THE GLOBAL PLAN TO CONTROL SOCIETY WITH CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES. Carter Heavy Industries.}. But it begins with energy Control to weaken societies as energy is the basis for everything. Propaganda, and education which is a form of the former, turns most citizens into compliant participants of their enslavement. They would rather accept the myths of scientists than God’s truth in His Bible (2Ti 2:15-17) (2Ti 3:1-5, 16-17) (2Ti 4:3-5). Christians are to know the Truth and reject the evil while clinging to the Good (He 5:11-14). His Truth can set you free from Satan’s delusion but most would rather have the delusion that enslaves them than the Truth of Christ’s salvation (Jn 8:31-34, 44-45).

Fossil Fuels are Renewable

Now You Know, Oil is Renewable
Reject the Propaganda-Embrace Truth

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