Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control

Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control;
Ignores Science’s Limits Embracing Ignorance

Today’s mantras “Follow the Science;” or “Science says;” and even “Scientists says” which are supposed to shut down those who appear to oppose Science. I submit that those who repeat such dribble are themselves guilty of the ignorance they ascribe to their detractors. Each of the mantras above, so common in journalism and everyday conversation today, contain logical fallacies. Man, since the age of Modernity, has surrounded himself with the religion of Science in order to justify his ignorance of God. Thus, the true Modern Man: Hears nothing from God; Sees nothing of God in nature nor Speaks nothing about God for Science is his only god. Modern Man uses Science to justify his rejection of God while vilifying those who exhibit faith in God. They put their ignorance on display while decrying the Christian’s ignorance (Ro 1:18-28; 2:1-5). Those who worship Science require more faith to cling to their ignorance than those they oppose.

Science is Faith

Man Claims Science is Factual-Provable;
Yet, Makes Claims Scientifically Unprovable

What is Science? It is a systematic study of a discipline that can be measured and such measurements can be repeatable or verified. It has always existed though shrouded in cultural and ethnic forms. The Hubris of Modern Man exhibits itself in believing that this investigative technique began with the Age of Reason or Enlightenment. Yet, Bible records over 2,000 years ago that God said, “Come now, let us reason together…” (Is 1:18). Man does not, and cannot, reason with God because…Sin! Instead, Man determines to replace God with himself based on his empirical knowledge of Creation. But, herein is the problem; this Creation is more than empirical!

Bible reports this empirical Creation was made from what is not empirical (He 11:3). This is a problem for Man who was made in the Flesh from elements of this Creation and limited to the body’s five senses (Ge 1:27; 2:7). When Science is used to catalogue observable phenomenon it operates in its proper realm. However, Modern Man forces Science to explain what is not observable; i.e., hypothesizing as to causation or non-empirical sources of influences: Energies. To make the statement contained in the above graphic is beyond Science to prove. In fact, Science does not say anything nor can Science prove anything by its own definitions. Hence, Science cannot lead to absolute knowing of anything. Yet, Science is the foil by which Modern Man claims to dispel the ignorance of faith in God. By this I mean true biblical faith leading to salvation in Christ (Jn 1:1-18; Ro 10:11-13).

What is an Expert? What is a Scientist?
Both Claim Special Knowledge: Revelation

It may take years of study in a subject area to understand its intricacies and expand the current limits of understanding; we call such people scientists. They are considered experts in their fields. But people today forget that Science began as Natural Philosophy to prove and understand God’s Creation. But a funny thing occurred on the path to omniscience; Man stumbled into the awful truth that empirical investigation cannot reveal absolute knowing; i.e., cannot reveal God. the Bible explained this nearly 3,000 years ago in Job, probably written the first written book. Job had made several astounding statements challenging God and ignoring the Elihu’s reproof  (Job 34:5-9). Stalemate! Job appeared to be righteous because he ignored any appeal to God as proof. He would have died in his sin if God had not appeared and challenged his hubris of ignorance (Job 38:1-3). He challenged Job, not on theological grounds, but on what we would today consider scientific grounds. God asked Job a series of questions about Job’s understanding of natural phenomenon and his ability to Control such forces. Job was an educated man of his day and could not answer God. Instead, he was humbled by the revelation of his ignorance and repented (Job 42:1-6). However, Modern Man’s hubris is mightier than Job’s; he will not repent but continue to build toward his self-defined utopia: World Without God.

Let us use the current Covid-19 pandemic to highlight Modern Man’s hubris, ignorance and lust for Control apart from the constraints of God and His Bible. The coronavirus is not new nor was it infectious to Man in its natural form. It was not until American government viral scientists gave it a gain-of-function that it could not naturally acquire. These so-called experts had just enough knowledge to be dangerous and more than enough hubris to believe they were above the law. It is against both international treaties and American law to create bio-weapons. By giving the coronavirus a redesigned spike protein that could attach to human angiotensin receptors, these experts weaponized an otherwise harmless to humans virus. When American government scientists were forced to stop their developments, they joined with Communist Chinese government scientists who unleashed this weapon into the World. Why would American scientists do this? Money; whose love of is the root of evil (1Ti 6:10).

The Bath-Dole Act (1980) allowed government workers to patent their work paid for by taxpayers. Thus, they developed processes that could enrich themselves; however, they could not do this alone. Pharmaceutical (Pharma) companies in the 20th centuries had seduced medicine into a love of medicines as the solution to chronic issues. This corrupted research to obtain desired results; hence, science was enslaved to outcome to become scientism. But, the Progressive Era showed that huge gains could only be assured when one was protected by the government. The scientists of the National Institutes of Health (NIH or Not Invented Here) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had patents but they needed a partner who could convert their patents into money. Thus, an unholy alliance was born. Pharma would pay these scientists and government administrators to use the patents and develop therapies that would be government sponsored. The government officials would then receive annual monetary compensations for any authorized tests and any therapies produced. In essence, an ongoing criminal enterprise was born which would not be investigated since the government usually does not investigate itself! And, with the passage of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) the government protected Pharma from any liability incurred. Pharma created experimental mRNA injectables based on the angiotensin receptor to marshal the body to produce a defense against their created bioweapon. These were introduced as vaccines. They were given emergency authorization even though effective treatments were available. The government also violated 21CFR Section 50.2324 by withholding informed consent!

Hubris of Scientists and Governments
Results in Death and Disability for Many

These scientists demonstrate an extreme hubris claiming they understand how the body’s immune system functions; indeed, how all the body’s systems function. They buried animal trials, as the animals usually died, and when the Covid-19 happy accident occurred, presented this therapy as the only answer to save Man from what was barely a more severe form of influenza. The deaths and debilitating side effects of these untried and untested injections were a magnitude greater than deaths from the Covid-19 and many of the Covid-19 deaths resulted from non-treatment! Effective therapies were withheld or forbidden to force the population to receive these injectables. Governments around the world joined in mandating the injectables or face serious consequences. Those doctors, virologists and others who objected were ostracized, de-credentialed or simply labeled as conspiracy theorists! This is hubris on a scale only imaginable in science fiction!

This is the first major international cooperative effort of Control. Fanned by informational {news} propaganda services, entire communities were forced into quarantines. Governments that were too poor to purchase the approved injectables  fell back on unapproved therapies only to find themselves more protected than those developed nations whose populations were either succumbing to the Covid-19 or to the injectables. This is voluntary choice of death simply for Control and profit with no regard for the lives affected. This is only the beginning. These gains will be consolidated and reinvigorated at the next major world crisis which will probably be economic as governments spend like drunken sailors to keep their populations compliant while food and basic necessity chains are broken. Control has switch from governments to behind the scene financiers who will dole out funds, Central Bank Digital Currencies, as necessary for Control and their own comforts. This is how the Last Days look; this is how they come on the wings of crises as people trade liberty for false security. Those people who have closed their eyes to the Bible; who refuse to speak biblical truth and who will not hear less they turn and are saved.

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