How Central Banks Control Everything via Credit

Debt Free Myth

DebtHow Central Banks Control Everything via Credit;
Debt-Free is the Unachievable Myth into Poverty

My previous post showed how the world is already intimately bound together into a one world system {One World System Already Present.}. This post will attempt to show how this system functions to Control governments and populations according to its own agenda. Of course, I am referring to the Bank for International Settlements with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, various national central banks and the furtive financiers that remain cloaked behind the scenes {Read: One Faith to Rule All Religions…But One.}. Much of the information was gleaned from the Princes of Yen documentary video. In no way am I touting myself as anything more than a sharer of information from other sources. I invite you to read my references and watch the videos to learn from those with considerably more expertise in these matters than myself.

However, before I begin I must disabuse you of one major misperception nearly everyone person has concerning central banks. We draw from what we know, or think we know, and project it onto those subjects that appear related; it is a human trait and the Four Law of Logic: Logical Inference. However, the emphasis must be placed on logical analysis and not simply assumed concepts that have not been investigated, which usually flies under the banner of, “I thought” or “I believe“.

Individual and family finances work under a very simple dictum: Don’t spend more than you make or can afford to pay! In other words, avoid debt if possible, which it is not possible in the modern economy, or only take on the necessary and affordable debt required for lodging, transportation and rare necessities. It is this conceptual model that people project onto central bank fiscal policies and then wax eloquent in their ignorance. Central Banks do not operate under this same dictum. In fact, Central Banks make money out of debt! The national government asks their central bank to print more currency, out of nothing, as advance loans against future tax receipts. If governments were able to eliminate all national debts in essence there would be no currency! The entire financial structure would collapse. This is one reason why governments do not encourage citizens to save; it takes currency out of circulation causing a contraction {reduction} of the currency supply making prices rise. The simple truth is that central banks want to be the only source of currency expansion and contraction. It is how they control both governments and people.

Credit Expansion-Contraction Club

Central Banks Create Booms via Credit Expansion
They then Create Busts via Credit Contraction

You were taught that Capitalism creates destructive boom and bust cycles. Governments seek to protect people from these arbitrary free market cycles through Socialism. This is a false dilemma logical fallacy. The free market system ties currency to tangible wealth in the form of produced goods and services. If people value the goods or services more people are employed, more currency is circulated and prosperity increases. If others can produce the same goods more efficiently or produce a better product then they continue the cycle of prosperity. The free market system does not credit the bust and automatically controls a boom via the availability of resources necessary to produce the goods and services. Well, how is the boom and bust cycle produced? The absurdly simple answer is: Banks! The more complex answer is: Central Banking System.

Simply put, banks use the fractional banking system; i.e., you put your money into the bank and the bank uses your money to make loans. Right? Wrong! Central Banks keep a certain amount of resource on hand, usually 10% but sometimes less. Their actual resource is debt, the loans they give to commercial banks who loan to businesses and eventually to you. These loans are manufactured out of thin air! Central Banks stimulate boom cycles by expanding credit and circulating currency. This is an intentional policy to achieve a desirable objective. After some period of time, the central bank will then call in its loans and contract both credit and circulating currency creating a bust cycle or financial crisis. It is during this crisis period that laws and policies are passed and adopted achieving the desired goals.

Thus, the very system that was adopted to prevent these boom and bust cycles actually creates them! The free market system became the bearer of blame for the deliberate intervention of central banks. But, this occurred in America before we had a central bank; i.e., Federal Reserve System. Well, yes and no. Several major banking firms, including Wall Street firms, formed competing cartels and used this same methodology. However, informal cartels are prone to breakdown by those rouge banks who seek to benefit themselves alone. The one lesson of the Progressive Era is that cartels do not work; but, government enforced systems work because of the threat of government force! These various banking firms came together to support the passage of the Federal Reserve Act (1913); why, because the government would only work with this one central bank and its geographical branches. All others would be secondary and if they did not abide by the rules they would be forced out. So, let us look at an early example of how the Federal Reserve System used the boom and bust cycle to advance its agenda.

America, under President Wilson, entered World War I (WWI) not for democracy or even to avenge Americans killed in the Germany torpedoing of the Lusitania. America entered WWI so President Wilson could advance his socialism agenda during the war crisis. He was successful; however, after the war many of his measures were rolled back. The Federal Reserve System tried to contract currency under President Harding and later President Coolidge. However, these men were not inclined to be stampeded and their Control attempt fizzled out. The lesson learned: one cannot have a bust cycle if there is not a sufficient boom cycle preceding it!

The early Federal Reserve (Fed) began to expand credit which increased loans which increased currency. This period became known as the Roaring Twenties! People were especially encouraged to dabble in the Stock Market on credit for nearly a decade. Americans became enthralled with their newfound wealth, or at least the appearance of wealth. Once society became hooked on easy credit it was time to apply the bust cycle. Loans were called in; credit became nearly unobtainable and currency quickly contracted. President Hoover began the process of big government intervention; however, he would not go all in for socialism. Thus, he was vilified as the cause of the Great Depression and a more pliable man was elected president: FDR.

Central Bank Kobuchi TheaterWhen Central Banks Want to Control You
Credit and Currency are Turned Off

FDR had no qualms about continuing President Wilson’s socialism agenda and even rebranded President Hoover’s programs but with more government control. His policies not only failed to eliminate the Great Depression, they actually continued America’s depression long after other developed countries emerged; especially the socialists countries such as Germany. Americans became addicted to their own flavor of national socialism under the guise of Medicare and even allowed themselves to be rationed the necessities of life during World War II (WWII). FDR had dairy farmers destroy millions of gallons of milk and cheese while 25% of Americans were unemployed and starving! Yet, they thanked him for his propagandist fireside chat speeches!

The Central Banks’ goal is to concentrate wealth in the hands of a very few while controlling the masses who receive less and less. As the World Economic Forum’s head has said, “You will own nothing and be happy (by 2030) {or else}. You will be debt free because you will have nothing except what they allow. This is the goal of Socialism. This is Satan’s master plan. It is already in place and underway. You will be happy because you will accept their delusion (2Th 2:3-12). And at the auspicious moment, Satan’s Antichrist will arise as revered leader of all Socialism. His False Prophet will probably not be a religious leader in the traditional sense; instead, he will be the Central Banker who has made this possible. And you, if you will not be compliant you will not be able to buy or sell; i.e., you will have no access to currency.

For those who think cash is king or who hoard precision medals as your bulwark against this future, these items will be worthless. Central Banks are moving away from physical monetary exchanges to digital currencies or Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Cash and gold will not be accepted for food, fuel, medicine, etc. This is the future that awaits us. This is the Great Reset planned for our brave new world. This is our coming Great Tribulation of disease, war, violence and wholesale death (Mt 24:3-14). Then they will do what they have always tried to do since Cain; kill all believers to remove truth from the earth. Then when all seems bleakest, Christ returns (Mt 24:29-31).

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