Apologies for My Ignorance of DDT

What Appears to be Benign is Harbinger of Disease and Death

Apologies for My Ignorance of DDT;
Retraction of, How Much is Life Worth?

I had previously written a post touting the benefits of DDT and whining about it being withheld from Africa exposing them to the ravages of ongoing malaria {How Much is Life Worth? 23 Aug 2016.}. Though my intentions were to advance the eradication of diseases in poorer nations, especially Africa, I was misguided. My question still stands, How much is life worth? Apparently, not very much when compared to personal wealth by those entrusted to safeguard those under their charge; i.e., public health agencies.

Due to geography and climatology, Africa has been isolated from those influences and currents of history that have brought development to first the Mediterranean and later to Northern Europe. And, though the slave trade supposedly ended in the early 19th century, the colonization and later corporatism invasions of Africa kept the population enslaved and in place. The exploitation of resource rich Africa has become the perfect model of Social Darwinism implementation under the guise of benevolence.

From Africa across the Middle East to the Far East, parasitic and insect borne diseases have reigned supreme. These were largely ignored until the 20th century when technologically advanced Western Nations fought over and later exploited these poorer areas for their resources. They faced these same diseases but believed they had the tools to overcome the threat. They considered themselves the saviors of the downtrodden through their use of chemical weapons against diseases. Primary in their arsenal during the mid-20th century was DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane); an organochlorine pesticide indiscriminately used worldwide until finally taken off the market; sort of. Actually, they were replaced with organophosphate pesticides which are probably more neurotoxic than the organochlorines they replaced!

DDT Causation Hidden by Government

DDT Implicated in the Rise of Polio
Contest Between Some Doctors and Corporatism

Poliomyelitis is a descriptive name of a cluster neurodiseases that range from temporary to permanent neuro disabilities of all ages. It began to be recognized in America in the late 19th century which coincidently was the period in which lead-arsenic insecticides were introduced; both of which accumulate in the body and can result in neurotoxicity and even death. The organochlorine pesticides were to be an improvement. However, their implementation post World War II (WWII) coincided with the epidemic of polio cases of which children became the posture picture; we must Save the Children! Government efforts were focused on disease causation; i.e., some organism must be causing this epidemic. Since bacteria, which can be isolated and observed via light microscopes, could not be found the Public Health Service’s (forerunner of the Center for Disease Control-CDC) explanation fell upon viruses. This was odd since viruses could not be observed either; however, vaccinations could be developed to protect people. Though vaccinations had hitherto been shunned by the American population, the promise of protection of their children induced most Americans to receive these injections. However, there were lone voices that were eventually squelched; only now are they again coming to light {Material from The Viral Delusion.}.

DDT Propaganda Rest In Peace Death

Government Propaganda Touting DDT
Rest In Peace Double Entendre for Death

Dr. Ralph Scobey, Syracuse, NY, published numerous scientific papers documenting the correlation between DDT usage and polio’s rise among the population (The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis and Obstructions to its Investigation. Archive of Pediatrics. April 1952.). He appeared before select Congressional Investigative committees with his well researched and documented, footnoted, information. But, he could not overcome the partnership that had already contaminated government and corporatism since the Progressive Age. DDT usage continued and Salk’s vaccines were instituted; however, they had to be quickly withdrawn from the market due to harming its recipients!

Another strident voice of warning was Dr. Biskind {DDT Poisoning and the Elusive “Virus X”:  A New Cause For Gastro-Enteritis. American Journal of Digestive Diseases. 3/1949. Vol 16. Pp 79-84.}. While this particular article details DDT’s gastro side effects, it also shows DDT’s pervasive deleterious effects on the body’s major systems. Once again this well documented and footnoted article was ignored and buried so DDT usage could continue irregardless of possible dangers to Americans whose diets were increasingly contaminated with DDT infested foods. Government, supposedly charged with protecting the public, refused to research these well documented claims and DDT usage continued in America until the 1970s; which also coincided with the decrease in poliomyelitis cases.

DDT Advertisement as Propaganda

Public Ads for DDT were Propaganda
Lulling Americans into Acceptance of Poison

But, what of malaria which ravaged tropical populations from Africa to Asia? Was there any hope for something other than a well documented poison? Quinine was recognized for hundreds of years as a treatment for malaria {Hydroxychloroquine: From Malaria to Autoimmunity. 2012; 42(2): 145–153.}. Western medical science also accepted its usage since 1894. Quinine was bitter and its taste was disguised in seltzer water, known as tonic water, mixed with mint or gin or whatever the person’s preferences. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), synthetic form of quinine was developed in 1955 and was better tolerated due to its non-bitter taste. It can be administered once weekly to prevent malaria or more frequently if malaria symptoms occur or return. This was little advertised in America because DDT helped eradicated mosquito’s breeding ponds. And, America’s informational systems using Bernays’ propaganda techniques told Americans that DDT was safe and effective and promoting their improving modern lifestyle. American farmers, almost entirely corporate farms, lobbied to suppress divergent voices as DDT improved crop yields while remaining cost effective; i.e., corporatism in action. Now, you may ask, What about the science?

Bull of Daniel We Worship

Idols are Symbols of Contextual Concepts
Into Which Society Develops Truth-Facts

Professor Harald Wallach epitomizes the problem of scientific fact and development of philosophies apart from the Bible. In the Viral Delusion series he states that science facts do not exist in isolation; independently of context. They exist as facts within a certain societal context. This was suggested by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer’s (1788-1860) Three Stages of Truth (Paraphrased). 1) Ridiculed! 2) Violently Opposed! 3) Accepts as Self-Evident! More importantly, the Bible, as our absolute source of truth, tells us that sinful people cannot, and will not, organize their knowledge according to God’s revelation (Ro 1:18-28; 2Ti 3:16-17). Professor Wallach is correct that facts are used to support societal’s  view of truth; however, he also misses the fact that the only source of absolute truth is the Bible.

Science is viewed as the golden pathway to absolute truth. But how can this be when the very definition of science denies absolute truth as attainable! Science can only reveal theories that stand until falsifiable! This is because the natural man, all people born into sin, rejects God’s truth; it is foolishness to him, and her (Ps 51:5; 1Co 1:18-25; 2:14). It is no wonder that science has been arrayed against Scripture nearly since its very inception during the Enlightenment; Age of Reason. Modern man has not changed nor has his rejection and suppression of truth. Modern people rely on their metro-chemical medicines which have some value in treating short-term crisis but do not remove the source, the cause, of chronic illnesses. Treating the symptoms does not cure the issue; however, it does make one dependent on lifelong therapies which is the well established methodology of modern medicine. Once on a drug, one is expected to remain on the drug for life: hypertension, diabetes type 2, etc. The chemical is the savior; it is the answer!

But, this so obviously not true that even medical people are forced to admit that this approach is illogical; I refer to Drs. Biskind and Scobey. DDT was unnecessary to treat crops or diseases. Malaria treatments were already known and one could just grow more crops. Americans behold their government as coming directly from God when in fact it is simply the latest in a long line of experiments by Satan to achieve his final world dominating government. We live in an advanced world where ever novel invention is actually built on erroneous theories that develop constructs designed to keep you enslaved. Just as it was nearly impossible to get the truth of DDT out to the public, it is again nearly impossible to get people to understand the current Covid-19 and enforced injections fallacies. They want to be enslaved. They want to be dependent upon a Controlling system that doles out cures just as a drug dealer doles out addictive substances to those who are enslaved and can pay. The payment for our curative addictions is loss of liberties until we are properly enslaved. This is why science becomes scientism.

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