Do Trials Make You Stronger?

Fifth Element Adage, “Whatever doesn’t kill you
Just Makes You Stronger,” Is This True?

This adage, old saying, keeps cropping up in everyday conversations until it is perceived as true irregardless of whether it is actually true. This is how folk knowledge passes into accepted knowledge without any actual thought as to its validity. The adage appears to comfort those going through some difficult experience hoping they will become better; will they, did you? If the adage were true then there would be little to no Post Traumatic Stress Disorder {PTSD} for everyone would be made stronger through their traumatic experience. Continue reading “Do Trials Make You Stronger?”

Addiction: Excusing Sin

Addiction is the Escapism of Sin
Behind the Scientism of Medicine

Addiction is a billion dollar industry that adds additional behaviors under its guise of applying scientific means to control these so-called addictive behaviors. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its Diagnostic Statistical Manual (5th Ed.) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. People with addiction (severe substance use disorder) have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life.” Later in the same article other forms of addiction are listed having nothing to do with substances: gambling and internet gaming for instance. The American Society of Addictive Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” Notice the key words in both definitions that removes responsibility for addiction from the individual: compulsive, chronic, medical disease, etc. Recidivism rates are so high that one cannot find reliable figures but instead find doublespeak terms that elude precise figures to hide the dismal failure of so-called rehabilitation treatment programs. In other words, there is little hope though there are a great many expensive programs touting a scientific rationale for its treatment approach; i.e., scientism. Nearly all of these programs eschew faith as the appropriate weapon for the ever mounting list of addictive behaviors forcing most churches to funnel their so-called addictive members into these failed programs. The implicit message: The Bible does not work. Continue reading “Addiction: Excusing Sin”

Fairness: Doctrine of Satan

“Double Speak” Denies Fairness as Equality
But as Deservedness: Who Decides?

What is fairness? The term is used nearly everyday but rarely is it actually defined. This clearly violates the Law of Identity muddling the conceptual waters. What is meant by fairness? Many Christians reject the doctrine of Election because they believe it is not fair! If God decides who is saved and who is not, many believe that He is responsible for sending sinners to the Lake of Fire making Him the true evil one for who can resist His will? Is fairness a character trait of God? The above graphic demonstrates the incoherence of discussing fairness by rejecting the obvious meaning of fairness for a social justice meaning of fairness without ever presenting a coherent argument as to the correctness of their assumptions. But, even more troubling, is the unanswered question as to who gets to define what everyone needs. If not God, then whom? Continue reading “Fairness: Doctrine of Satan”

Embracing the Fire of Life

Medicine claims to unify the person
Yet its scientism of healthcare yields death

Man has always sought a solution for the physical manifestation of sin; i.e., illness. The Greek word for moral weakness can also refer to illness and disabilities {ἀσθενής; asthenēs}. Christ debunked the myth that illness, disabilities or even death were the direct result of one’s special sinfulness (Jo 9:1-7). Christ was constantly healing those He encountered demonstrating the link between illness and sin (Mt 9:1-8). It was a mark of His compassion and grace inherent in the coming New Covenant salvation. The development of healthcare grew out of Christians imitating the mercy of Christ toward those sick and injured. During the Enlightenment, man applied logic and scientific methodology to discover the cause and relief of illnesses which culminated in the Golden Age of Medicine in the mid 20th century. However, even in this golden age the forces of ignorance were counterattacking in the form of scientisms {Public Discourse. The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Blinded by Scientism.}; i.e., ignorance. Today, medical errors are the third largest cause of death in America {CNBC}. Continue reading “Embracing the Fire of Life”

Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes

Postmillennialism Resurgence: A
False Hope of Bettering the World?

Postmillennialism is the belief that the Church Age will percolate through the various societies ushering in a glorious age of peace throughout the world. This view competes with Amillennialism, belief all things continue as they have also had until Christ returns, for dominance in mainline denominations. The 20th century opened with many Christians believing in Postmillennialism, until it was crushed by the slaughter of the Great War (Part One) otherwise known in America as World War One. Postmillennialism is one of those beliefs that simply will not go away. It is a case of, hope springs eternal. Continue reading “Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes”

Destruction of the Church by Fear

George Lucas (Star Wars) got it wrong
Fear Leads to Murder & Destruction

The Gnostic philosophy of George Lucas, creator of Star Wars, missed the mark in expressing the truth of fear. Anakin Skywalker got it right, fear of losing his mother and then the loss of his mother expressed the right conclusion; fear led to murder. This is embodied in the commandment, “Do not kill” (Ex 20:13) as Christ explained the fullness of this commandment in His Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:21-26). Why does one hate? The quick answer is “fear of God’s judgment” (1Jo 4:18). Continue reading “Destruction of the Church by Fear”

Why the Process of Suffering?

This question plagues the lost and often
Confounds the saved; yet, God has an answer

Why is there evil in the World? How one answers this question is determined by one’s method of reading and understanding the Bible, hermeneutics; one’s prevailing worldview; and one’s position relative to God and His salvation. James tells us one obvious reason people suffer: they covet what others have and seek to obtain by force that which was not theirs (Ja 4:1-4). This places the blame squarely on each individual; however, theodicy seeks to explain evil by blaming God. Thus, sinful man ducks responsibility making God responsible for evil and thus morally incapable of righteously judging sin since He is the author of evil and must first judge Himself. Continue reading “Why the Process of Suffering?”

Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny

 Events in Genesis Capture the Imagination
But Defy Credibility Yet Nimrod Was as Cain

Historians, scientists and even religionists reject the truth of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. A six-day creation, worldwide cataclysm {Flood}, survival of mankind on an unguided ark and the astounding story of how languages came into existence sound more like Tolkien’s fantasy than factual historical events. Even Christians teach this section of Genesis as stories and thus as not real events. However, I beg to differ. Using the normative hermeneutical interpretive technique I will show that not only was Nimrod very real but the danger he posed would have undone the reason for the Cataclysm: preservation of the Gospel and hope of salvation of people past, present and future. Continue reading “Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny”

Duality of Covenants and Priesthoods

 Levitical Priesthood:
Failure in need of a Messiah

The Bible is replete with dualities. The number two represents difference that may form a union or cause division. Thus, two witnesses will either agree in their testimony affirming a fact or disagree to annul a charge. There is the dualities of covenants, priesthoods and final destinations. A discussion of these differences will deepen one’s understanding of the Old Testament and the need for the Law {Mosaic} Covenant. Continue reading “Duality of Covenants and Priesthoods”

Which Gospel?

The Answer depends on One’s Definition
Law of Identity Can Force a False Dilemma

Paul used this phrase, “…according to my gospel…” in his Roman epistle {letter} (Ro 2:16). Scholars have debated the meaning of this phrase down through the centuries. As is true of most discussions, one’s position is defined by the very definition one chooses to apply {Law of Identity}. The term gospel simply means good message in the Greek {εὐαγγέλιον}. Many scholars have postulated that Paul was indeed preaching a different gospel from Jesus’ message in the four books commonly referred to as the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. What does gospel means to you? Continue reading “Which Gospel?”