Are You Problem Solving or Just Working?

Secret to Success?
Know the 20% to produce Change!

The Pareto Principle was popularized by Joseph Juran, management consultant, based on Vilfrado Pareto, Italian consultant, observation in 1896. Succinctly it states that 80% of effort only solves 20% of the problem. Or, to put it in Shakespeare: there is usually much ado about nothing. This applies to nearly every endeavor in every field including your life and mine. Continue reading “Are You Problem Solving or Just Working?”

Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes

Postmillennialism Resurgence: A
False Hope of Bettering the World?

Postmillennialism is the belief that the Church Age will percolate through the various societies ushering in a glorious age of peace throughout the world. This view competes with Amillennialism, belief all things continue as they have also had until Christ returns, for dominance in mainline denominations. The 20th century opened with many Christians believing in Postmillennialism, until it was crushed by the slaughter of the Great War (Part One) otherwise known in America as World War One. Postmillennialism is one of those beliefs that simply will not go away. It is a case of, hope springs eternal. Continue reading “Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes”

Destruction of the Church by Fear

George Lucas (Star Wars) got it wrong
Fear Leads to Murder & Destruction

The Gnostic philosophy of George Lucas, creator of Star Wars, missed the mark in expressing the truth of fear. Anakin Skywalker got it right, fear of losing his mother and then the loss of his mother expressed the right conclusion; fear led to murder. This is embodied in the commandment, “Do not kill” (Ex 20:13) as Christ explained the fullness of this commandment in His Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:21-26). Why does one hate? The quick answer is “fear of God’s judgment” (1Jo 4:18). Continue reading “Destruction of the Church by Fear”

Paradox of Laws

Paradox of Law: Laws Define Good
To Reveal the Evil When Laws Broken

Societies and parents define and enforce evil via laws, rules. Without the law people cannot know what is defined as evil; i.e., expected behaviors. Children cannot perceive acceptable behaviors unless rules are promulgated and consistently applied. However, this very process produces the very behaviors societies and families seek to avoid; a paradox that Paul discussed in Romans. A paradox that challenges one’s worldview of self-goodness. Continue reading “Paradox of Laws”

Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4). Continue reading “Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance”

Social Justice: The New Religion

Scientific Method Encapsulates
Failure of Modern Rationalism

Years ago I was enrolled in a Master of Science (Nursing) program at a well known major university and was struck by two important teaching points forcibly driven home by the professors. One, we were not there to learn how to think; we were there to regurgitate back exactly what we were taught; no more. Science could neither prove nor disprove any nursing theory making all theories, no matter how contradictory, correct or non-falsifiable. The fact that they taught the Machiavellian theory of nursing leadership was a tip off that they would brook no dissent; and they did not. I voiced the observation that if knowledge could neither prove nor disprove any theory then nursing research was not a science but a religion; I soon had to leave the program, of course. This was my professional exposure to postmodernism as it was transmutating into today’s reflexive social justice religion. Continue reading “Social Justice: The New Religion”

Social Justice is Socialism Embraced

Definition of Social Justice is repackaged
International Socialism of 19th Century

This general definition of Social Justice actually defines nothing specifically. It is a loose collection of terms that remain undefined such as: egalitarian society; principles of equality and solidarity; human rights and dignity of people. The fact that Social Justice includes poverty, discrimination, racism, injustice, civil rights and human issues becomes a blank check to demand whatever becomes necessary for the moment to advance its agenda: international socialism or globalization. Essentially, social justice, like the “War on Terror” operates without mandate, without clearly defined objectives and goals and has no end point; thus, it is an ongoing process. Hayek said it best in the title of his book, “On the Road to Serfdom” for that is the only end point toward which Social Justice strains toward. Continue reading “Social Justice is Socialism Embraced”

Why the Lost Suffer?

Lost Undergo Same Process to
Illustrate Their Powerlessness

In our last post, Why the Process of Suffering, I stated that the lost, those who die apart from the saving grace of Christ’s New Covenant, do not undergo the Hagiazo Process; which is true. The lost are not being made into holy ones or saints since they have not been saved by accepting Christ’s atoning death on the stauros. I further stated that they are not being punished in this life for their sin since God has given them up to live as they choose (Ro 1:18-25). However, God does have the lost undergo a similar process so they will not die in ignorance of their separation from God as He has no pleasure in the death of the lost (Ez 18:23). Continue reading “Why the Lost Suffer?”

Duality Systems at War

Duality is found in all of nature
Duality is also found throughout the Bible

Duality in the Bible means difference. Depending on context the difference may be mutually beneficial or completely at odds. In ancient kingdoms duality was believed to be mutually beneficial even though different; such as  Yin and Yang. There is duality running throughout the Bible. There is God’s system and Satan’s or sin’s system. Continue reading “Duality Systems at War”

Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny

 Events in Genesis Capture the Imagination
But Defy Credibility Yet Nimrod Was as Cain

Historians, scientists and even religionists reject the truth of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. A six-day creation, worldwide cataclysm {Flood}, survival of mankind on an unguided ark and the astounding story of how languages came into existence sound more like Tolkien’s fantasy than factual historical events. Even Christians teach this section of Genesis as stories and thus as not real events. However, I beg to differ. Using the normative hermeneutical interpretive technique I will show that not only was Nimrod very real but the danger he posed would have undone the reason for the Cataclysm: preservation of the Gospel and hope of salvation of people past, present and future. Continue reading “Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny”