Brutal Truth of Control

Always in Prison

Brutal Truth of Control Ignored
Until It Comes for YOU

Brutal Truth of Control is lost on most people because they live in the illusion of safety; this is the fruit of subtle propaganda. In several previous posts I have alluded to the more brutal aspects of control without conveying its true individual costs {Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and ViolenceSin’s Hidden Reality: Control-Enslavement.}. Paul wrote that every sin is outside the body, directed toward others, but sexual immorality is directed at you; it is even more tragic when you become your worst enemy (1Co 6:18). When sexual immorality is inculcated upon the defenseless youth it perpetrates a brutality that seeks to keep the soul imprisoned for eternity. Satan’s goal is to free himself and keeping you imprisoned in your sin. This enslaves you to him in perpetuity. Your body is your prison.

Isolation of Normalcy

You are a Mind Encased in a Body
Doomed to Sin, Death and Rot

You are a body {σῶμα; sōma}, mind {ψυχή; psychē} and spirit {πνεῦμα; pneuma} (1Th 5:23; He 4:12). This trinity keeps you in this life. Separation of the spirit and mind from the body separates you from this life, death; however, it is not extinction but transformation based on one’s relationship with Christ as demonstrated in the Bible (1Sa 28:7-20; Lk 16:19-31). Thus, the body will trade anything, everything, to remain in alive. Everything is external to you: wealth, possessions, family all fade into oblivion in order to extend one’s existence in this life. There are certain extraordinary people who would die for others and these are praised (Ro 5:7). Would they be as anxious should they realize the true fate that awaited them? But, there is also another group that sacrifices themselves because their sin has made their body uninhabitable. The ravages of old age, illness and various addictions hold forth the dream of oblivion in death as a release from their pains; however, this is Satan’s lie for he does know the truth; these souls will be imprisoned in Hell until the time of their judgment then be consigned to eternity in the Lake of Fire: Existence without Christ (Jn 8:44; Re 20:11-15). Yet, this is not enough for Satan; he lives to brutalize you as much as possible for he lives for your pain!

Brutality of Pedophilia

Forced Physical Control is Brutality
The Ultimate Form of Control of YOU

Sin naturally degrades the mind which is demonstrated through the degrading use of the body (Ro 1:18-28). This is self-inflicted degradation and it carries its own penalty of which nearly everyone has suffered (Ps 51:5). But, just as Satan and his demons, may brutally inflict themselves on one’s mind; they and those with the illusion of power also forcibly demand your body to feed their lusts (2Sa 13:1-19; Lk 8:26-39). This is not a new issue but it has heinous consequences; especially when perpetrated upon children. The weakest most vulnerable members of society who should be protected but are often used as degrading objects of lusts and then discarded, if they are lucky, to deal with the consequences that leave them especially isolated from others. The seeds of this were evident in the first sin if we take the temerity to examine honestly (Ge 3:1-13).

Notice, Satan waited until Woman was alone, separated from Man. This is the first and greatest of Satan’s weapons. He seeks to isolate each person from the other increasing one’s vulnerability. This vulnerability is inherent in one’s triune makeup, body-mind-spirit, being able to communicate primarily via words which are pale representations of one’s inner self. With soft words of subtle persuasion she is enticed to ignore both the command and her endangered precipice. Her body entices her mind and her spirit consents because of the infatuation of the goal: be as God. She, being deceived, enticed Man who was not deceived but chose to join her in enslavement to Satan and sin (1Ti 2:14). The fleshly {σάρξ; sarx} aspect of the body was unleashed; mankind’s true pandora (Ro 7:14-18; 1Co 1:29).

While the ultimate aim of power is Control; the flesh has difficulty maintaining self-control (Ga 5:22-23). Cain quickly demonstrated the flesh’s lack of control by killing Abel whom he could not control. However, while this is viewed as ultimate control it in fact the very admission of NO control! Not only do you admit you cannot control the person because you must eliminate them, you remove them beyond your, and Satan’s, control. But, the ultimate demonstration of Control is the demand to consume one’s lusts on another’s body without consent. Our society has various euphemisms to hide the brutality aspect to excuse those who do such atrocities but in fact it has but one word in English: Rape.

Imagine being young, unknowledgeable of sexual practices and encounter a soft-talking person who quickly woos and isolates you. Soon enough you find yourself declothed and penetrated while those same soft words continue until the lust is consumed. If one is fortunate, if that can truly be said, you are released to live with the consequences. Far too often today many are enslaved in vast rings to gratify the lusts of the powerful before being brutally murdered as ultimate displays of power. This is not new in history but it seems especially heinous in Western societies which claim to protect the weak and vulnerable allthewhile allowing its elites to prey upon them!

Those who live walk in a special isolation of despair, estranged from most of society who hide from such atrocities to maintain their image of a fair and just society. Massing together in self-help groups is of little value. No one has the words of hope and healing and life; all are in the same sinking lifeboat of despair. Satan achieves isolation whether alone or in a group. Even when you reveal the events to others, they used terms such as molesting or abuse to hide its brutality. No one really wants to understand and society would rather sweep away its rift-raft than prosecute its powerful people as an admission of power corruption.

Who Carries Stauros

Who Carries the Burden of Brutal Control?
You Who are of No Match or Christ?

Everyone is born lost! Everyone is a victim of sin! Everyone needs a redeemer! Christ came to be that redeemer! For anyone who calls upon Him will not be ashamed (Ro 8:3-4; 10:9-13). This is not a magic wand cure. We are infants in understanding and the flesh never quits (Ro 8:5-8). Indeed, as long as we live in our body of flesh it thwarts us for we cannot control our bodies. The only control that exists is the indwelling Holy Spirit (Ro 8:10-17). However, far too often the mind, easily influenced by Satan, Sin, World and Flesh; slips back into the prison of inner torments. One forgets to let Christ carry the burden, for which He is well suited; instead, one tries to carry the burden of the stauros and remains defeated and crushed (Mt 11:28-30). If Satan cannot keep you enslaved to himself; he is happy to keep you enslaved to your dead flesh and hopelessness!

In Christ one is never alone for He endured all temptation in order to experientially understand our pain and give us peace (He 2:10-18). He does not stand afar off leaving us mired in hopelessness but carries us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death through which He has already walked (Ps 23).

The world will not understand for it must then acknowledge its need for Christ and salvation. Most Christians will not understand for it reveals that the World is not, and never will be, the world of peace, compassion and understanding of their illusions. Let us not be deceived that we are totally isolate for each may approach Christ in prayer who will give comfort and hope because of His finished work of salvation. No one escapes from life unscathed or alive; all die. For the lost there is but judgment; for the saved their is peace in Him forevermore: that is our true Hope (Ps 16:11; 1Co 10:12-13; He 9:27-28; Re 22:1-5). Then we will know Him just as He already knows us in the fulness of His love (1Co 13:12-13). There our prisons will be destroyed and we will find true release from the horror of Satan’s subtle, seductively soothing sounds of brutal isolating sin.

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