Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence

Sin Always Implies Violence {Pain, Anger}
Euphemism for Love-Making is Struggle

Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence; is evident from the inception of Satan’s sin (Ez 28:16-17). Christ affirmed that sinners mimic their father, Satan, a liar and murderer from his first sin (Jn 8:44). History is the recording of organized violence on the governmental and ethnic-cultural-societal levels; i.e., mechanisms of Control. Therefore, Control seeks to woo its adherents to their fate via Lust of Eye, Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life {Carrots}; however, force {Stick} is always available should people refuse Control (1Jo 2:15-16; Ja 4:1-4). Expecting peace from sinners is the very essence of insanity for the peace of God is beyond their understanding; and ours if we be honest (Ro 5:6-11; Ph 4:5-7).

Face of Governmental Peace

Hiding Behind the Euphemism of Peace
Government Peace Relies on Violence

Satan could not use violence against Man and Woman because he is spirit and they were physical; each could function in their realm but could not directly access the other’s realm. Spirit could access the invisible, think energy, realm that influences the physical; God controlled this directly via the angels who prevented Satan from using this realm to force Man and Woman to sin (Ps 103:19-20; He 1:14). Satan was forced to use the Carrots since the Stick was unavailable. Cain however was a different story. Satan, and his demons, could influence, if not directly Control, one’s sin nature (Ps 51:5; Mk 5:1-13). One cannot exercise self-control over demonic spiritual forces without the power of the Holy Spirit (Ga 5:22-23). Those who are not believers are hostile to God and thus open to Satan (Ro 1:18-28; 8:5-8). Cain’s offering for leadership was rejected by God because Cain was not a believer; he remained in sin and thus directly influenced by Satan. This was apparent from Cain’s reaction to his rejection by God (Ge 4:1-17).

Cain’s reaction to his rejection was absolute out of Control anger which was a hallmark of Satan (Ez 28:16). God, rich in mercy, warned Cain that he had to exercise Control over himself before he could exercise Control over others (Mt 7:1-5). Cain failed because he did not believe God nor did he ask God for grace, salvation, which would have required repentance, meekness which was the abiding quality of Abel whom he hated! Cain isolated Abel and talked to him, possibly asking Abel to abdicate the leadership given him by God which Cain believed was his by birth. Leadership was a gift from God; it was not Abel’s to give away. Thus, Cain saw only one path left to him: Murder; the elimination of his rival. This did not directly give him leadership as God could not compromise His nature. Cain, differentiated by his mark, went to the land of Nod, wanderers, who had also rejected God and set up their own community. Cain became their leader; acquiring the goal God denied him. He developed a different culture which required Control to prevent its disintegration with wanderers returning to God and His believers (Ex 32:1-9; Ju 18:27-31; 1Ki 12:25-33).

Therefore, Cain the out-of-Control murderer developed government, laws, to Control those under his rule so they would not rebel and remove him or destroy the different culture he had created {socialism} (Pr 14:28). Sin’s appetite has no bounds (Pr 30:15-16). With seven generations of Cain’s leadership violence had become its major pillar of Control (Ge 4:22-24). His society had expanded and was ready to eliminate God’s believing society which was essentially non-violent; led by Seth (Ge 4:25-26; 6:3-8).

The major pillar of Cain’s society was the Nephilim, mighty men or, in today’s parlance, police and military arms of government. With the militarization of today’s police forces, it is difficult to tell the difference between them as the above graphic illustrates. Hence, the man who exercised no control became the leader to demand complete control, over others and not self. Their violence became so rampant that God had to separate the continents and later the people to prevent annihilation of man and God’s opportunity for salvation based on Christ.

Man as Trainable Animal

Evolution Reduced Man to an Animal
Pavlov Showed How to Train Man the Animal

Modern times was a return to war as the main means to Control society and develop a unified society; except that war destroyed the very elements of society necessary for Control {French and Soviet Revolutions}. Satan had been developing a philosophical approach to Control mankind by justifying sin; his major disciple was Sigmund Freud. Though it developed concomitantly alongside Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory of Origins, it suffered from the same problem: Human mind made in the image of God was inherently hostile these directly anti-God philosophies. Professor Pavlov demonstrated a means by which animals, and thus people by evolutionary standards, could be trained conditioned, by one stimulus to react to a very different stimulus.

Edward Bernays, Freud’s nephew, developed the field of modern propaganda behind the facade of public relations and advertising. Antonio Gramsci was teaching socialists how to use the Carrots in lieu of the Stick which influenced the Frankfurt School that had moved to America and ensconced itself in collegiate education to train the trainers. However, as effective as these techniques are, there are always those who do not succumb to the programming: saved and lost.

The truth of this is painfully obvious in how the American party of unity via diversity uses violence against those who will not bow to its socialistic demands; this is the role of Antifa. This is also the role of the American military: Abraham Lincoln used military violence to force sovereign states to remain in a Union to be dominated by his central government and Washington’s first use of his army was to march against citizen’s who refused to pay his whisky tax {probably formed the basis of Lincoln’s plan}. Today America spreads democracy and peace through the frequent and unannounced use of drone missile strikes while deploring the violence of Russia and China as a distraction.

Modern Heros of Violence

Modern Heroes of Young and Old
Fear and Embrace Control’s Violence

Government defines morality through its laws and promises violence to those who violate those laws; hence its police, internal, and military, external, arms of violence. Modern heroes rely on violence to enforce their goodness and people of all ages embrace this violence even when it is used on them! The violence begins small and always against them, those who endanger you. They will not wear the masks; they will not social-distance; they will not accept the vaccines: See! They are endangering YOU; therefore, the government imposes measures via force, threatened violence, to protect YOU. And, YOU cheer them on even though these measures are also being prepared against YOU when your turn comes. But today governments are being set aside as too inefficient and Control will be exercised by the behind-the-scenes financiers. Governments will simply be their mechanisms of regional control; think Star Wars.

Violence comes in many forms. Emotional violence because you are different. Social violence, ostracized for living differently. Selective enforcement of informal group violence that support chosen agendas but severe governmental violence against opponents with different values and goals. Control of food and necessary supplies; medicines; water and jobs are all forms of violence used in varying degrees of Control. But, behind them looms the very real threat of physical violence via the courts and even death for those who do not believe the propaganda produced by the Carrots. Even chemical violence has been perpetrated with limited success requiring more direct physical means until direct nanotech control is feasible. This is the very essence of sin! This was the evil Satan unleashed through Cain. When Satan could not dissuade Christ from His mission via talk; he murdered Him through both Jews and Gentiles through direct, brutal, dehumanizing violence for all to see (Mt 4:1-11; 27:24-50).

Christians will be surprised at these fiery trials coming because they choose to remain in ignorance, as if that is either pleasing to God or will make their lot more comfortable. This is the mindset of those whose faith will falter because their God does not protect them as they believe He should; if only they had known the Bible (1Pe 4:12-19).

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