“All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!

Men Created Equal Deist Propaganda

“All men created equal,” from a Deist? Really!
From a Man Who Hated Christ’s Atonement!

As America comes upon another July 4th Independence holiday, propagandists of all ilks trot out their trite and true talking points to persuade YOU how and what to think. Americans have been so propagandized into their founding myths that they strongly reject any interdiction of truth lest they have to reshape their entire worldview. For example, according to Alexander Del Mar the American colonist’s revolution against Great Britain had little to do with liberty and nearly everything to do with revolt against their central bank: Bank of England {“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution. Best Evidence. Youtube.}. However, you do not get people to risk their lives for your money; therefore, you have to convince them to risk their lives for their supposed issue which you then define for them. Hence, the goal of all propagandists. Are you angry yet?

The above quote from the Declaration of Independence (1776) by Thomas Jefferson is been hotly debated since the Second Great Awakening with its hyper religiosity and concomitant abolitionist movement. Especially when these forces were harnessed by President Lincoln to justify his war against Americans who disagreed with his vision resulting in Lincoln’s War; misnamed the Civil War. Before we analyze the quote we should, just to satisfy the Law of Identity, attempt to understand the man, in relation to God, and his time, also in relation to God, since he invoked God’s name to clothe his writings in an aura of holiness.

How do Deists describe themselves? Here is a quote from one of their modern sources, “In the 1600 and 1700s, some of the most creative and practical people realized that God was too good and loving to only let Christians into heaven” {Enlightenment Deism.}. Deism was the view that a creator of some sort existed but obviously not as described in the Bible; sort of modern Intelligent Design which is simply a form of resurrected deism. This allow natural philosophers to explore empirical nature without having to admit they were sinners in need of an atoning Christ. Deists did not reject God, they simply redefined Him according to their beliefs. Hence, everyone could use the word God and as long as they did not follow the Law of Identity and define God’s nature and their references everyone could agree to agree on God.

Rousseau, father of the French Revolution, and later socialism, was a Deist! Thomas Paine who hated the God of the Bible was a Deist and inflamed Americans to support the Revolution through his tract, Common Sense; when in fact it was simply propaganda without any sense, except what YOU added. Thomas Paine’s later work, Age of Reason (1790), revealed what he truly believed about God and was in line with his actual openly immoral lifestyle. And, Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. He bowed to Reason as the arbiter of Truth; however, he did not define Reason. What was Reason? “The Enlightenment proposed a thinking self-actualized human being existing independently of faith and powered by his and her own intellectual powers” {The Enlightenment and Reason. arthistoryunstuffed.}. It was predicated on logic proved true by science; a fallacy that exists to this day. It began out of the chaos of European religious wars and ended in the chaos of socialism’s first revolution born out of its supposed Reason.

Finally, we must look at one of the great prevailing influences in the America of Jefferson’s day, the First Great Awakening (1730s-1740s). This was considered a reaction to the rationality of the Enlightenment’s appeal to Reason. There was a resurgence in experiential faith along with the rejection of formalized liturgical religions with their rigid and complex rituals that kept parishioners bound to impersonal creeds. Along with this resurgence of faith was also an identical of true faith with nationalism at the grass roots level. Wars previously were fought primarily with small professional armies. However, the rise of nation-states required larger armies filled with nationalistic citizens intimately bound to their government and willing to die when required. The First Great Awakening invoked such patriotism that America’s Revolutionary War could not have been successful without this movement. However, in it lay the paradox; how could Deists, Rationalists, get the average citizen, religionist, to die over fiscal systems disputes?

Thomas Jefferson’s letter to his nephew, Peter Carr, gives us some clue as to Jefferson’s relationship to biblical faith. Jefferson advised his nephew to let Reason decide all matters of politic and religion. He should approach the Bible as any other ancient work and decide for himself the true of its pages. Jefferson edited his Bible to remove all material he considered offensive; including those passages dealing with Christ’s blood atonement. Reason was the passage into heaven; not God providing His Son as the sacrifice for man’s sin (Ge 22:8; Ro 3:21-26). In other words, Jefferson rejected the Bible’s view of Man as a sinner conceived in iniquity whose Reason actively rejects God remaking the world according to empirical investigation (Ro 1:18-28). Paul warned that this would end in chaos; as it certainly did then and is doing again now!

Now we have a problem with Jefferson’s quote in which he invokes God while proclaiming to know God’s reasoning based on his self-evident reasoning. Jefferson’s god is not the God of the Bible. What is self-evident to sinful Man is foolishness to God and the Bible (1Co 1:18-29). Jefferson was actually proclaiming his biblical ignorance while attempting to glory in his self-deceived delusion of wisdom (1Co 2:14). One cannot understand the Bible unless taught by the Holy Spirit. So when Jefferson wrote to John Adams he said that the true teachings of Jesus were are easy to separate from the trash of the Bible as diamonds from dung {The Bible According to Thomas Jefferson. The Humanist.com.}. Obviously, Jefferson did not know God, Christ or the Bible. Hence, any reference made to these three by himself violates even his appeal to Reason; he fails the first Law of Logic, the Law of Identity.

When Thomas Jefferson states, “…all men were created equal…”, he gives no reference. He makes a statement based on his faith which violates his appeal to Reason. Not surprisingly, his life contradicts his statement. He owned slaves. He obviously did not consider them true men made in God’s image. Thus, when he makes his equality statement, he speaks of certain men. Which men then? It must be those who were also Enlightened; that is, those who believed as he did. Since Jefferson considered himself morally superior to God and his Bible his equality statement must refer to men who hold to his same beliefs and are economically successful.

So, why did he bother to include this in his Declaration of Independence which was an apologetic to King George as to why his colonies were rebelling? It was a brilliant propaganda piece for both the Americans who would be needed to fight for his cause, enlist the sympathies of British commoners and provide some international justification for their rebellion apart from the true reason: fiscal tyranny.

The American commoners imbued with their patriotic religious fervor would fight for God and liberty; which they did even though abused and slighted by the very aristocracy they died to protect. Many historians, especially later fundamental Christians, would continue this myth claiming that America was a godly nation; this required ignoring America’s first foreign treaty which stated America was not a godly nation {Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11. 1797.}.

God did create Man in his image but that man rejected God for his own gain (1Ti 2:14). Sinful mankind did not accept each other as equal shown by Cain {given of God} murdering Abel {worthless one} when God chose Abel to be the next leader after Adam {my interpretation}. Cain’s created government became so violently corrupt that God had to remake the World. When Postdiluvian society again remained opposed to obeying God, He instilled various language groups which caused them to self-separate as sinners hate equality; they hate differences!

Rather than view the Declaration of Independence as a holy document written by Jefferson inspired by God; think of it as a propaganda document written by Jefferson unknowingly inspired by Satan (Jn 8:44). It was brilliantly crafted for its day and continues to inspire division to this day as our Critical Theory Woke societies seek to reject those who follow God from those who cling to the ridiculous propaganda manta, “Strength through Diversity!” This Fourth of July let us throw off the vestiges of ignorance understanding that America is as every other nation, a product of Satan being used for his purposes (Mt 4:8-10). Let us continue Christ’s mandate of making disciples through the Bible into His truth by His Gospel message which Jefferson rejected (Mt 28:18-20).

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