Second Amendment Militia Myth

All Really Means Some

Second Amendment Given by God Some Say
Historically It Only Applied to the Franchised

One of the most hotly debated topics today is gun control: For or Against. American Constitution’s Second Amendment Militia Myth has caused its detractors to resort to their own myths. In reality, this discussion has simply become a battle of myths supported by propaganda cliches that block discussion and detract from the true goal: Evangelization. Continue reading “Second Amendment Militia Myth”

Remembering the Victims, Honoring God

A concept image of liberty showing a pistol and rifle with the constitution booklet on the American flag,

Another Mass Slaughter
Another Cry for Political Action
Another Opportunity to Use the Victims

News came today about the mass murder in Orlando, FL, at the Pulse Club, a club frequented by gays. The shooter has been tentatively identified as Omar Mateen, with possible extremist Islamic leanings. The President has been briefed and will be continually updated. Unfortunately, this heading has become all too common, all too often. Continue reading “Remembering the Victims, Honoring God”