Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism

Hegelian Dialectic Alchemy Process

Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism;
Rousseau-Hegel-Marx-Great Reset’s Old Religion

My last post, The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored, I gave a brief synopsis of ancient Hermeticism from a biblical perspective. As this is a Christian post, this should be no surprise to any readers. As interesting as this may be to some, it is of little interest to modern readers who demand a 20 second synopsis in sweeping video before moving on to the next mildly interesting Tik-Tok phenomenon. This post will briefly cover from Rousseau to Hegel to Marx to Schwab to promised coming events such as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset {their title, not mine}. These financed political innovations actually spring from faith-based Hermeticism articulated by Hegel and later modified by: Marx; Gramsci; Fabian Society; Rhodes Round Table; Frankfurt School; and the front organization for the behind the scenes financiers-World Economic Forum. In addition to reading the articles referenced in the preceding links, I would encourage the reader to watch Sovereign Nations, Mere Simulacrity Conference video #12, As Below, So Above, presented by Dr. James Lindsey, not a Christian. The remainder of this post will refer to the above graphic as to the process put in place to ensnare all peoples to the oligarchic elites at the very top of the hierarchal pyramid: The Eye that Sees All because it Controls All (Wealth) {See American Dollar}; especially with the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Continue reading “Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism”

The Social Contract Myth

Locke's Social Contract Republicanism

The Social Contract Myth Underpins Modern Age
Becoming Foundation for Democracy and Socialism

The concept of The Social Contract has become the de facto justification for allegiance to government in the Modern Age, post Dark Ages through today. It coincided with the rise of the nation-state and grew out of the Enlightenment Age’s need to justify why citizens should accept this new form of government on the brink of the Industrial Age which would bring serfs prosperity, education and a greater participation in government. In other words, the Social Contract was simply Satan’s ploy to short-circuit the benefits of the Industrial Age and return people to slavery; or serfdom if one prefers a more polite word. Continue reading “The Social Contract Myth”

Father of the Never Ending Revolution

Rousseau Government's Truth

Father of the Never Ending Revolution;
Blood His Writings Shed Greatest in History

Jean Jacques Rousseau is embraced as the Father of the French Revolution; in truth, he is the Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Much of my material comes from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and a discussion between Tom Woods and Professor Jared Casey who authored, Freedom’s Progress? {The Totalitarian Jean Jacques Rousseau. Tom Woods Show.}. The vast changes occurring in Western cultures, especially America, are not random but flow directly from Rousseau’s disjointed and confused ramblings embraced as philosophy. Within eleven years of his death the French Revolution occurred based primarily upon his ramblings and it has never ended though it has hidden away only to arise in various forms from time to time: Soviet or Lenin’s Revolution, Marcuse’s Liberation Movement philosophy and Postmodernism. Today we know it as Social Justice but its slogans come from Rousseau’s confused writings. Continue reading “Father of the Never Ending Revolution”

Government Without Socialism?

Rousseau’s Social Contract
Direct Pathway to Socialism

The father of the French Revolution, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, framed his argument as a social compact (contract in today’s language) between government and its citizens. However, he usually violated Aristotle’s First Law of Logic  (Law of Identity) by not defining his terms; a common problem amongst politicians even today. It’s easier to have the listener define the terms, usually incorrectly, leaving the speaker free to commit the logical fallacy of reification (changing definitions as convenient to his (her) argument. Continue reading “Government Without Socialism?”