Luciferianism the Great Deceiver

Luciferianism Underlies All But Jesus

Luciferianism Undergirds ALL Faiths
Except Biblical Gospel of God’s Grace

Luciferianism the Great Deceiver is the basis of all religions of works including atheism. It is the religion all peoples are born into regardless of their ethnicity or cultural beliefs. Luciferianism is the basis of all governments, wars and deaths (Ge 2:16-17). There are only two belief systems in the world: God’s, as revealed in His Bible, and Luciferianism, flows from the Accuser and the heart of all lost people (Je 17:9; Ro 1:18-25; 3:23; 6:23). Luciferianism comes in many forms but its object of worship is always the same: worship of Satan and his demons, the fallen angels (De 32:15-18; 1Co 10:20).
Continue reading “Luciferianism the Great Deceiver”

Paradox of Laws

Paradox of Law: Laws Define Good
To Reveal the Evil When Laws Broken

Societies and parents define and enforce evil via laws, rules. Without the law people cannot know what is defined as evil; i.e., expected behaviors. Children cannot perceive acceptable behaviors unless rules are promulgated and consistently applied. However, this very process produces the very behaviors societies and families seek to avoid; a paradox that Paul discussed in Romans. A paradox that challenges one’s worldview of self-goodness. Continue reading “Paradox of Laws”

Worldview of Unforgiving Piety

Worldview reduces complex concepts
Into meaningless rhetoric

The current political rhetoric has devolved into pietistic moralistic charge and counter-charge as each talking head seeks to capture the high moral ground while illustrating that the other side spews forth the rhetoric of hate. Yes, it is time for another presidential election cycle to begin. The charge of hate is the latest concept being used to discredit anyone and anything with which you disagree, regardless of the historical period or circumstances. Continue reading “Worldview of Unforgiving Piety”

Law: We Love to Hate It!


Man Both Love and Hate the Law

Ever since Cain went to the land of wanderers to become their leader he found himself forced to develop a system of laws (society) to ensure survival of the city he had built (Ge 4:16-17). Herein is the contradiction; Cain who had murdered his brother in violation of God’s admonition to control himself (Ge 4:6-7) now found it necessary to develop a system of laws so that other people who had rejected God could be prevented from murdering each other Continue reading “Law: We Love to Hate It!”

Remembering the Victims, Honoring God

A concept image of liberty showing a pistol and rifle with the constitution booklet on the American flag,

Another Mass Slaughter
Another Cry for Political Action
Another Opportunity to Use the Victims

News came today about the mass murder in Orlando, FL, at the Pulse Club, a club frequented by gays. The shooter has been tentatively identified as Omar Mateen, with possible extremist Islamic leanings. The President has been briefed and will be continually updated. Unfortunately, this heading has become all too common, all too often. Continue reading “Remembering the Victims, Honoring God”