Unbiased Worldviews are Incoherent

World Equates Biases with Prejudice
Unbiasedness Must Therefore be Good

This of course is the False Dilemma logical fallacy forcing a conclusion which appears correct but is in fact incorrect. Both the Lost and Christians charge into this false dilemma based on false assumptions, incorrect worldviews and willful ignorance of history.  In fact, without bias one cannot have a coherent worldview of any sort!

Let us use a real world example to illustrate the necessity of bias. Imagine earth without gravity. First, however, we must understand the effects of gravity on some fundamental concepts such as up and down. Gravity, force that pulls one down to earth, gives the concept of vertical directionality, meaning. If I release a glass in a zero gravity environment it would simply float; i.e., it would neither go up nor down. I could define up as away from the earth and down as toward he earth but these would be artificial constructs without gravitational force. I could just as easily define up as away from me and down as toward me. The point being that without the constant of gravity up and down become essentially meaningless.

Unbiasedness: Rejection of Biblical
Worldview for Lost Worldview

Now, let us apply this concept to one’s moral value system {worldview}. People demand unbiasedness in news reporting which presupposes that unbiasedness actually exists. The demand for unbiasedness is like a world without gravity; no directionality for one’s worldview, moral system. The call for unbiasedness is impossible and thus incoherent. All life is fundamentally biased toward life. Dogs have a dog’s perspective, cats have a cat’s perspective and so forth. Thus, a dog cannot be a cat nor can a cat be a dog. To demand that they be unbiased is to demand that each have no nature. People also have a fundamental bias. All people are born sinners (Ps 51:3-5; Ro 3:23). What does this mean? All people are born rejecting the truth of God and substituting their own truths {Lies} justifying themselves are righteous and in no need of God (Ro 1:18-25). Therefore, since sinners reject the truth of God they reject those who are saved and hold to the truth of God’s word as biased and themselves as unbiased. Notice the subtle switch to artificial definitions of biased and unbiased? That is the Logical Fallacy of Equivocation. What sinners actually mean is that the Christian must give up the Bible as their measure of Truth while the Lost never give up their lies as their measure of whatever they believe at that moment. This leaves the Christian without any defense of their worldview while the lost are free to use whatever is convenient for that moment. This is because the Bible is foolishness to the Lost and in their lost condition they will never accept its precepts (1Co 2:14). The Christian says, “This is self-evident,” and the lost cries foul, “I do not believe in the Bible therefore your argument is pointless!” However, this does have relevance especially concerning modern history.

Schematic of Worldview Thinking
According to the Lost

The above graphic is indicative of many that can be found and are taught in Western universities. The exact elements of the schematic are not as important as the underlying fallacy upon which it is built. Since man from Adam onward has rejected the truth of God, he has had to substitute his own understanding to define both the physical world and his own moral system within the world; especially as concerns morality: right and wrong. The term we use today to describe these efforts is philosophy {love of wisdom}. Modern man discounts ancient man’s philosophic endeavors because of its emphasis on idolatry or gnostic paganism. The strength of ancient man’s philosophy is that it attempted to account for the influence of spiritual forces on both the world and man in that world. Yet, even Hellenistic philosophy was moving away from a strict reliance on mythology and toward an allegorical interpretation of the meaning of such stories to explain one’s worldview. Judaism revealed the hidden, forgotten, God to lost man except that Judaism moved from a belief in God toward belief in God as redefined by man. This was idolatry since man was making God in his own image. Judaism also fell into the pit of allegoricism. When Christianity was sent out into the world after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ it also fell into allegoricism within two hundred years. Allegoricism is simply the substitution of man’s reasoning for God’s truth predicated on whatever man believes at that moment {Remember the artificial constructs of gravity? That is allegoricism}. This ushered in the Dark Age or medievalism. The Reformation returned man back to the Bible alone, for a short time. This ushered in the Enlightenment which for the first time in man’s history sought to define truth apart from metaphysical or spiritual myths and legends.

Hume, Father of Experiential Knowing
He Becomes the Father of Scientism

The Enlightenment ushered in the search for absolute knowledge through the use of thought experiments and rational understanding of the world through the five senses. This created a tension since the five senses limited man’s understanding to the empirical: measurable and repeatable. By the 19th century the search for absolute truth {natural philosophy} was abandoned and the use of empiricism was named science. However, the seeds for the mythology of science had already been planted by the English philosophy David Hume who claimed that only experience is the basis for understanding rather than strict rationalism. Thus, he laid the foundation for man’s biggest foray into mythology: the mythology of scientism.

The 19th century began man’s reliance on science and scientism. Science brought in the greatest elevation of man from the slavery of grinding poverty the world had ever seen. It began in incremental stages with imperfections but always willing to overcome its shortcomings. Its bizarro twin, scientism, claimed to have knowledge beyond the empiricism of science though it masqueraded as science. From this pit of mythology came evolution, psychology, eugenics, Social Darwinism and socialism to name just a few of its destructive spawn. While science elevated man; scientism sought the destruction of man and his return to his enslavement to ignorance, grinding poverty and hopelessness due to the suppression of the Biblical Gospel of Salvation.

Today’s people live in an age so Dark that it makes ancient man look enlightened by comparison. The myths that permeate through societies are so pervasive and debilitating that all knowledge of truth is in danger of suppression except for the power of God alone. People do not want to know about how they are being enslaved. They do not really care as long as they have their distractions, their bits of propaganda that keep them comfortable and their artificial definitions of truth that persuade them to go quietly back into grinding slavery and poverty; the delusion (2Th 2:9-12). The lost have no understanding and can be pitied. However, Christians have the truth but many are giving it up to follow after the myths of the world (2Ti 4:3-4). This reveals the lost within the churches but it also reveals the shallow, willful immaturity of today’s Christians. Well did Christ ask if He would find faith on earth on His return (Lk 18:7-8). If left to our own, no! Even the saved so easily go astray and but for the faithfulness of Christ. Yet, many will cry when account must given to Him for what was done and not done in this life (2Co 5:10).

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