Tyranny of Good for Evil

Nothing is more disturbing than Fairness
Who Decides Fairness? Who gives fairly?

In my post, Fairness: Doctrine of Satan, I warned how this doctrine was actually the opposite of people’s beliefs; a form of tyranny that gains the consent of those being oppressed. I want to show how this is ongoing today under the guise of Fair Wages or the Minimum Wage philosophy. On its face it seems fair and simple to implement; however, ignorance of its true motives seduces the masses to accept this tyranny of good when its results are evil.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1939 seems like a fair piece of legislation. Everyone works for the same pay under the same conditions doing the same work; however, look at the above graphic closely. Who is missing? Where are the minorities? The Minimum Wage mandated under this Act literally forced minorities from many industries including unions; which was its aim? To understand this sinister aspect of doing good we must study that germinal period of national socialism in America: The Progressive Era.

I first became aware of this history while listen to an episode of The Corbett Report, The Dark History of the Minimum Wage. I would have dismissed this podcast except for the excellent documentation of relevant AND credible sources documenting this history. One thing I appreciate about the Progressive Era; the honesty of their aims and the first use of science to remake society as others so desired. With the revitalization of Darwinism as Social Darwinism, so-called scientific reasoning was applied to social problems. This was not an evil twisting of Darwinism. Darwin’s thesis was the so-called application of genetics to explain white race superiority over all other races; Social Darwinism was simply the application of Darwin’s principles to society rather than simply to selective breeding alone {On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life}. The people of Darwin’s era had enough faith, and sense, to reject his thesis; however, by the turn of the century society has so devolved as to accept Darwin’s thesis and the use of science, actually scientism, to implement its policies. The so-called science of Eugenics was born, not in Germany but in England and America whence it migrated to Germany where Herr Hitler bluntly implemented it on a grand scale while England and America operated under the guise of laws and fairness on a limited scale. One of these limited approaches was the Minimum Wage concept.

Minimum Wage Supposedly is a Fair Wage
Minimum Wage is Unfair to Minorities

The application of real applied science resulted in an unprecedented explosive growth of industrialization, wealth, life span and population growth; especially of those peoples that were considered inferior by the Anglo-Saxon people under Darwinism {The Eugenics Plot Behind the Minimum Wage. Foundation for Economic Education.}. The Minimum Wage was first devised and passed to penalize Black workers who accepted lower wages than Whites in the railroad industry {The Racist History Of Minimum Wage Laws}. Hence, under the guise of fairness, this discriminatory law was passed resulting in the immediate unemployment of black workers in favor of white workers. According to Milton Friedman 1966, the Minimum Wage law “became the most anti-Negro law on our statue books”. Under Johnson’s War on Poverty, the Minimum Wage was applied to farm workers, predominately black in the South. This immediately resulted in massive black unemployment. These blacks migrated to cities to find work and many ended up in Federal housing projects or ghettos living on welfare with its draconian anti-family provisions. Southern farms quickly mechanized wherever possible and where not possible illegal migrate Hispanic laborers replaced the legal black laborers. Thomas C. Leonard {Eugenics and Economics in the Progressive Era. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol 19. No. 4. Fall 2005. pp. 207-224.} wrote that the Minimum Wage tyranny was not just an anti-Negro device but was also used to force women and children from the workplace as they also worked for lower wages than white men. Under the guise of family values, women were forced into the homes strictly as wives and children were consigned to mandatory public education institutions for their own good.

How was the Minimum Wage supposed to eliminate undesirables? It was believed that if these minorities could find employment that they would reproduce less and whites, who were already reproducing less, would maintain ascendancy in society. However, this did not occur as planned. Minorities continued growing as percentages of the population and a new approach was needed. Johnson’s War on Poverty literally paid minorities to not work and tied them to government entitlements. This ensured their votes to  the Democrats even though this same party had a long, but not exclusive history, of minority oppression even into the 1960s! These same minorities being actively oppressed continued voting to keep their oppressors in power for the sake of a monthly stipend; can legalized bribery be any more blatant!

The Ultimate Result of Minimum Wage
“No Wage” Worker Who Never Complains

Today’s populist Minimum Wage advocates are probably ignorant of Minimum Wage’s dirty history. However, this does not mean that the results are any different. The increase of the Minimum Wage to $15.00/hour in selected areas has shown that the goals of the Progressive Era politicians were correct. A Cato Institute article, Making Sense of the Minimum Wage: A Roadmap for Navigating Recent Research, discussed the results of these modern implementations of the Minimum Wage. Many of those who had experience in their jobs remained in their jobs; however, often hours and/or benefits were decreased. This biggest result was the barrier to employment among unskilled laborers. Those who needed to enter the job market to gain skills were prevented because of the Minimum Wage. This meant no escape from the ghettos or government housing projects. These would remain beholding to government welfare in exchange for their votes; i.e., these minorities were nearly completely ensnared in these vote farms, a form of modern slavery implemented by the Democrats and maintained by the Republicans! No party is without sin! In addition, many jobs were immediately mechanized or are in the process of mechanization. Thus, under the guise of doing good, evil was thrust upon the ignorant with their own consent.

Political Leaders are NOT Ignorant
Every Law is Calculated to Obtain Power

This has been carefully orchestrated through the 20th and into the 21st centuries. Gone are the violent overthrows of the 19th and early 20th centuries; they did not work precisely because they did not have the consent of the people. Hence, those lusting after absolute power have sought to re-educate the masses to accept as good those measures that are the most evil. This is part of the delusion Paul referenced (2Th 2:3-12). This is what Hayek warned about after seeing how national socialism was implemented by Hitler {Road to Serfdom}. Eugenics, good genes, has not died; it retreated into the shadows where it operates with impunity and Anonymity under the cloak of doing good. And its handmaiden remains the cloak of science justifying through fraudulent manipulations those very machinations necessary for the enslavement of society.

There are many tortuous pathways that come together to form the big highway of delusion that leads to destruction of the mind and the soul. From all this noise there is but one small, narrow path that leads to life and its only guidepost is the Bible; rejected by those who claim to be adherents of science; the very tool that is being used to enslave them to their sin and to their death (Mt 7:13-16; Jo 8:44).

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