Paradox of Laws

Paradox of Law: Laws Define Good
To Reveal the Evil When Laws Broken

Societies and parents define and enforce evil via laws, rules. Without the law people cannot know what is defined as evil; i.e., expected behaviors. Children cannot perceive acceptable behaviors unless rules are promulgated and consistently applied. However, this very process produces the very behaviors societies and families seek to avoid; a paradox that Paul discussed in Romans. A paradox that challenges one’s worldview of self-goodness. Continue reading “Paradox of Laws”

Why the Process of Suffering?

This question plagues the lost and often
Confounds the saved; yet, God has an answer

Why is there evil in the World? How one answers this question is determined by one’s method of reading and understanding the Bible, hermeneutics; one’s prevailing worldview; and one’s position relative to God and His salvation. James tells us one obvious reason people suffer: they covet what others have and seek to obtain by force that which was not theirs (Ja 4:1-4). This places the blame squarely on each individual; however, theodicy seeks to explain evil by blaming God. Thus, sinful man ducks responsibility making God responsible for evil and thus morally incapable of righteously judging sin since He is the author of evil and must first judge Himself. Continue reading “Why the Process of Suffering?”

Worldview “Always a Flaw in the System”

One’s Worldview is One’s Holodeck
Recreating Reality in Our Image

Our two previous posts looking at worldviews defined the term worldview and the force outside of ourselves that molded our worldview {Can You Define Your Worldview?; Your Virtual Reality Worldview}. Our understanding of worldview changed as our understanding probed deeper into the complexities of worldview formation. This worldview article will explore our responsibility in the formation of our worldviews. The holodeck in Star Trek, The Next Generation {STTNG} was designed to respond to the operators wishes, within certain poorly defined limits; yet, it often revealed the flaws in human understanding. This is a metaphor for our part in designing our worldview: poorly defined flaws. Continue reading “Worldview “Always a Flaw in the System””

Justice or Nihilism

Schematic of Man’s Conception of
Good and Evil from the same tree

I read an article on Facebook in which a college-age woman confronted an open-air preacher asking why does not God just forgive everyone? To answer her question means we must understand the underlying assumptions hidden in her question. It is these types of questions many Christians cannot answer because they do not look at assumptions and implied consequences. Continue reading “Justice or Nihilism”

It’s Always About My Happiness

Most basic form of Utilitarianism:
My Happiness over Yours

I became acutely aware of how little people value rightness over happiness or pleasure. This is the essence of Utilitarianism; the philosophy first discussed by Jeremy Bentham and succinctly defined in the above graphic. A classic dichotomy in Utilitarianism is encapsulated in the Star Trek character of Mr. Spock, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the One,” to which Captain Kirk demonstrated, “The needs of the One may outweigh the needs of the many.” As a Christian, which position would you believe to be correct?
Continue reading “It’s Always About My Happiness”

Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You

Context for spread of Socialism: Equality
Reality for spread of Socialism: Fraternity

While usually discussed in economic terms: socialism being versus laissez faire markets the truth is much broader in scope. The French Revolution was the first to join equality and fraternity together with a form of socialism under the false flag of liberty; a cover palpable to the general populace. This formula is still used today, even in America. However, all the slogans, the promises and the countless millions of lives sacrificed the reality remains the same. Governments fear sinners. Continue reading “Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You”

Churches Tolerance of Sin

Modernism equated to Enlightenment
Yet, it ushered in Postmodernism Darkness

Modernism simply put is the philosophical position that man does not need God though it stole its ethical morality from the Bible. Though equated to Enlightenment the Modern period ushered in Postmodernism which is simply spiritual darkness and its attendant confusion of morality. Churches were to be the bulwark against the encroaching darkness of the world; however, true to the church letters of Revelation churches are succumbing to then promoting the morality of the darkness. This confusion is evident in the Revoice Conference (Dangers of The Revoice Conference. Sovereign Nations.). Continue reading “Churches Tolerance of Sin”

Another School Shooting-Another Blame Game

Another School Shooting Means
Another Round of the Blame Game

The latest school shooting, this time in Texas, means the Gun Control crowd trots out its tired media blitz to hammer away at the American Constitution’s Second Amendment. The opposing group bangs out its same ole message of “more government control” to prevent unstable people from obtaining guns! There are two issues never discussed. First, both sides insist that more government control is the answer to gun violence. Second, the true underlying cause is never discussed; the failure of psychological scientism and man’s underlying sin condition. The first is ignored while the second is denied. Thus, the increasing violence will continue regardless of which path “wins” the discussion.
Continue reading “Another School Shooting-Another Blame Game”

Who is Worthy?

Orthodox Christianity Does Not
Explain Sin’s Origins or Satan’s Fall

Historically Christian dogma rested on ignorance safely ensconced behind the wall of limited biblical hermeneutical interpretation. Churches could provide little explanation to comfort believers during times of crisis. This left believers easy prey to those false teachers who had easy explanations based not on Scripture but on simply believism. This is the foundation for the introduction of heresy and confused doctrines. Continue reading “Who is Worthy?”

The Madness of Labels

Most Christians reading this post would probably
describe themselves thusly, and be wrong!

It is a sad fact of life that all of us use labels which we really do not define nor understand just because of convenience and educated ignorance. This is certainly true of the labels: conservative and liberal {conservatism and liberalism}. In today’s post we will quickly look at the meaning of these labels, why they shifted in meaning, somewhat, and how they distract us from the Gospel which is out only mission on earth.
Continue reading “The Madness of Labels”