Ouroboros: Truth of Gnosticism

Ouroboros: Ancient Symbol of Truth
Unifying Mankind into one Body of Believers

The ouroboros is the ancient symbol of a snake, dragon, forming a circle by clasping its tail in its mouth. As the above graphic depicts, this symbol depicts all mankind unifying into a single body of belief through the commonalities of the various world religions that rely on works of the flesh for proof of man’s goodness and righteousness. It is the symbol of Gnosticism, the new faith of the coming False Prophet that will unite all mankind into receiving the prophet of the dragon, the Antichrist. Continue reading “Ouroboros: Truth of Gnosticism”

Propaganda: Staple of Life

Propaganda is such a loaded word
People rarely define it except as lies

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, propaganda? I was told the other day that it is only propaganda when it contains lies. But, it this true. “In the twentieth century, the term propaganda has often been associated with a manipulative approach, but propaganda historically was a neutral descriptive term (Wikipedia).”  For a republican form of government to work effectively requires an informed voter; but, can the voter find clear unbiased information? Continue reading “Propaganda: Staple of Life”

Who is Worthy?

Orthodox Christianity Does Not
Explain Sin’s Origins or Satan’s Fall

Historically Christian dogma rested on ignorance safely ensconced behind the wall of limited biblical hermeneutical interpretation. Churches could provide little explanation to comfort believers during times of crisis. This left believers easy prey to those false teachers who had easy explanations based not on Scripture but on simply believism. This is the foundation for the introduction of heresy and confused doctrines. Continue reading “Who is Worthy?”

Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism

This is how Mr. Soros broke the Bank of England
Using his Reflexivity Stratagem

The above graphic shows how Mr. Soros began rumors about the unsoundness of the Bank of England, which were untrue, to cause the Bank of England to become financially unsound. In biblical terms he started rumors behind the scenes through various outlets. Hearers believed these rumors and began a run on the Bank of England. The news media fueled the rumors until brokers around the world were dumping their Pounds {English currency}. No bank, especially central banks, carries much beyond 10% liquid stock to cover all the funds invested with them. This sudden run depleted the cash on hand which meant the Bank had to close its doors; i.e., was broke. Since Mr. Soros had previously shorted the British Pound, meaning he bet that it would fail, he received millions in return for basically causing a rumor. This is how Reflexivity works. Let’s adapt this to other issues in today’s news. Continue reading “Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism”

Seeing Through an Enigma

This book reveals in the political realm
Truth Bible revealed centuries ago

President Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time;” because he succeeded in fooling all the people all the time using the hammer of war against those who would not believe the lie. President Lincoln’s control of the press was blunt: he destroyed presses and imprisoned thousands for exercising their right of free speech {DiLorenzo, T. Lincoln Unmasked. Random House. 2006.}. The government learned that lesson well and continues to control the press today, though less heavily handed than President Lincoln.
Continue reading “Seeing Through an Enigma”

Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future

Popular Cartoon of Santa Claus by
Thomas Nash 1881 in America

Nothing is more enduring in America today than the gnostic mythos of Santa Claus and the supposed holiday {holy day} of Christmas. I could opine about the gnostic values of Christmas being antithetical to biblical Christian truths but no one, saved or lost, cares as long as they can wax nostalgic on this holiday {Merry Gnostic Christmas}. Facts concerning this pagan celebration are lost on even the most pietist believing Christian who worships the power of the state to bring about God’s kingdom on earth. This is probably the basis for Christians and non-Christians uniting around this mystic figure. Continue reading “Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future”

Fallaciousness of Autonomy

This Painting: Temptation of Eve
Depicts the Lack of Clarity of this Sin

When Lucifer encountered Woman {Eve} in the Garden she was in her pre-sin state. Her mind, unlike ours, was unclouded by sin. She could reason more clearly, more fully, than we can possibly envision; therefore, the question becomes, “How was she deceived?” Herein lies the tale that affects us especially today in our 21st century postmodern worldview: the fallaciousness of autonomy. Continue reading “Fallaciousness of Autonomy”

How Feminism Was Tricked into Increasing State Power

This Corollary Should Never be Forgotten:
State Always Acts to  Increase Its Power

In the beginning there was a man and a woman. The woman was to be protected by the man. A trickster entered the screen and tricked the woman into taking an independent action that he claimed would make her independent. She did; it did not. The man saw the event, allowed it to occur, participated himself as he liked the outward result but when confronted by his superior he took no responsibility seeking to make the woman totally responsible. Sound familiar? Story of sin! Continue reading “How Feminism Was Tricked into Increasing State Power”

Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?


Since Satan a Major Agent in Sanctification
Is he then our Friend?

In our last two posts I have laid the foundation to ask the question, “Is Satan our friend or foe in our sanctification?” This is the forced conclusion of the two suppositions: 1) Man has no free will and 2) Satan the major agent in testing us, preparing us through the sanctification process. Continue reading “Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?”

Fallacy of Free


This is an example of a Logical Fallacy
The False Dilemma Excludes

Another Possibility: Fallacy of Free Will

To discuss this issue we must first define the term, “free”. There are many nuances to this word but probably the ones that are most pertinent to our discussion are: not affected by a given condition or circumstance or to be without control or constraint of any influence {Free Dictionary}. Continue reading “Fallacy of Free”