Seeing Through an Enigma

This book reveals in the political realm
Truth Bible revealed centuries ago

President Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time;” because he succeeded in fooling all the people all the time using the hammer of war against those who would not believe the lie. President Lincoln’s control of the press was blunt: he destroyed presses and imprisoned thousands for exercising their right of free speech {DiLorenzo, T. Lincoln Unmasked. Random House. 2006.}. The government learned that lesson well and continues to control the press today, though less heavily handed than President Lincoln.

Paul writes that the truth of Christ is difficult for a saved person to perceive, because we remain in our sinful flesh, comparing it to  an enigma {actual Greek word-nothing to do with mirrors} (1Co 13:9-12). Thus, while the Christian ought to seek maturation in Christ, this process will take a lifetime and not be completed until we see Him face to face. Those who do not have the new nature (2Co 5:17) {are not saved} can never see the truth and thus be held captive in Lucifer’s lies. However, God in His graciousness allows all peoples to peek behind the curtain and see the deception taking place in our material realm. Thus, if it occurs in our observable world then might it not occur in relation to God’s truth as well. Thereby some are drawn to the truth of their sin and the gracious gift of life in Christ. Such is the role of the book, American Pravda.

The book is the tale of one man, James O’Keefe, and his organization, Project Veritas {Latin for Truth}, to cinematically capture the inner workings of government, and its crony partners, revealing the truths that no one wants you to know; that is, they want you to believe the lie furthering their agenda (2Th 2:9-12). Yet, as he acknowledges in his book, he builds on the work of others who spoke these truths before him. For example: “In a section aptly titled,The End of Truth,” Hayek describes the mind-set of the aspiring totalitarian: “The whole apparatus for spreading knowledge—the schools and the press, radio and motion picture—will be used to spread those views which, whether true or false, will strengthen the belief in the rightness of the decisions taken by the authority; and all information that might cause doubt or hesitation will be withheld.” {O’Keefe, James. American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News (p. 81). St. Martin’s Press. Kindle Edition.} Obviously, President Lincoln did this by shutting down all speech that did not agree with his agenda. He was not the first nor the last either as the Alien and Seditions Act under President Adams and the Espionage and Sedition Acts under President Wilson demonstrate.

Hayek, who saw despotism up close,
Tried to warn Americans of its methods

Another quote from America Pravda: “If Hayek spoke against such comprehensive propaganda, others spoke on its behalf, none more influentially than Edward Bernays. Like Hayek, Bernays was born in Austria but moved to the United States as a boy. In his 1928 classic Propaganda, Bernays argued that even literate citizens are incapable of making their own decisions in that they are guided by “herd instincts and mere prejudice.”2 Bernays, who is Sigmund Freud’s nephew, made the case for an “invisible government,” one that would filter and explain complicated data in such a way that people would come to the conclusions the elite wanted them to. The forces behind this invisible government—what we call the “deep state”—know better than to share this worldview with the public. It wars with the self-image Americans have of being a free people capable of making their own decisions.” {O’Keefe, James. American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News (pp. 81-82). St. Martin’s Press. Kindle Edition.}

Americans have been taught {indoctrinated} that the purpose of the press is to inform the electorate to make informed electoral decisions; however, that is not the role of the press. The press is the propaganda arm of the central state insuring that its citizens are moved in the direction the state desires {which is always more power for the state}. However, this causes disparity between reality and presented reality of the state. As President Lincoln said, “you cannot fool all the people all the time,” and from time to time some citizens break away from this groupthink to present a truer reality to the people; such is the current role of Project Veritas. Unfortunately, people have been so thoroughly indoctrinated for several generations that the presentation of a truer reality is incomprehensible to them – it exceeds beyond their worldview given to them by the state.

America has been swept along in this tide of delusional reality of freedom but there are other dissident voices speaking out, such as David Ernst {Donald Trump is the First President to Turn Postmodernism Against Itself. The Federalist. 23 Jan 2017.} who wrote that any truth must necessarily be prejudicial, strife engendering and unequal since it denies the truth of others {of course, to accept this axiom one must ignore that their statement also accomplishes the same thus violating the Law of Non-Contradiction}. Even the use of pseudoscience {climate change} to direct everybody’s action to increase governmental power was predicted by Mr. Hayek. Thus, America, as have all other governments, seeks to increase its power but unlike most other governments America has nearly perfected the use of the press to achieve its goals without the power of the police/military, if one ignores Lincoln’s War that is {though the increasing militarization of the police is cause for great concern}.

We see through an enigma. One part of that enigma is our sin nature which automatically rejects the truth of God while substituting its own erroneous views for reality: worldview (Ro 1:18-32). As stated earlier, the lost are incapable of seeing the truth without direct intervention from God (Ro 3:10-18). However, Christians have increasingly been willing change agents co-opted by the state to further its agenda under the guise of moral respectability. This is nothing new. Roman Catholic Church (RCC) throughout the Dark Ages sought to consolidate political and religious power under one leader, but failed, The Protestant movement quickly became co-opted by newly formed nation-states justifying the rejection of RCC by both movements. This forms the heart of the lie of Lucifer since he is the force behind all governments (Mt 4:8-10) as well as behind the corruption of true churches (Re 2-3). This lie is daily repeated by the press, the media, movies, music, literature, pseudosciences, and all other sources that reject or distort the truth of God’s Gospel.

Christian churches in America have become agents of the government through their incorporation status for tax-exempt status {501c3Congress Should End IRS Oversight of Sermons, Say Protestant Pastors}. This shamefully makes them a pawn of the government rather than a voice for God’s truth {Why Houston Is Forcing Pastors To Turn In Their Sermons}. What the government gives…the government can take away. Christ did not seek to change worldly governments nor did Paul nor any other New Testament author (Jo 18:33-37). We have one charge: Great Commission (Mt 28:19-20); teaching the world the truths of Christ whose kingdom is not of this world. We do not speak for or against any governments, it is not our place. Many will not listen preferring to chase myths, the worldviews that the press and others continually hammer out in a cacophony of senseless noise when compared to the simple truth of Christ; but, as slaves of Christ we must fulfill our charge – preach the Gospel (2Ti 4:1-4)!

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