Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand

Nothing New Under the Sun: Socialism

Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand;
Monarchy: Form of Socialism-Central Control

Bible teaches that nothing is new in history! Everything we experience today is simply repetition based on rejection of God’s truth for Man’s lies (Ec 1:9-12; Ro 1:18-28). Ancient Israel demanded a king like the other nations (1Sa 8:4-20). In essence, they were demanding a strong centralized government over the limited local government they had since God led them out of Egypt. Why? Because they believed that it afforded them protection, security, while remaining in rebellion against God. This is Socialism by another means. The Covid-19 pandemic has raised similar demands in non-socialistic countries. People demand strong centralized healthcare to force people to receive questionable health treatments or suffer consequences.. This reinforces veracity of the Bible and its relevance to today’s issues. Continue reading “Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand”