General Will to General Welfare to Democracy Achieving Socialism

Propaganda of General Will as General Welfare Promoting Socialism

General Will to General Welfare to
Democracy Achieving Socialism

It has dawned on me that while Rousseau’s directly applied philosophy in France failed; it spectacularly succeeded indirectly in America! Americans have been educated, propagandized, to believe that the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are similar, and thus, compatible philosophical documents. The Declaration of Independence embodied Locke’s Social Contract based on natural or God-given rights; a concept not grounded in the Bible as declared by its advocates. The Constitution took a different bent and thanks to the diligence of the Federalists became the successor to Rousseau’s Social Contract vision. What the Federalists envisioned and the Republicans began, today’s Democrats are completing. Though clothed in different vocabulary, Rousseau’s General Will never died but morphed through various terminologies to become today’s Critical Theory agitating for tomorrow’s Socialism under the banner of Democracy. Continue reading “General Will to General Welfare to Democracy Achieving Socialism”