Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism

Science Begins in the Mind; Hence, is Faith

Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism
Masquerading as Facts These are Ungodly Linked Faiths

What is Science? We must answer this to satisfy the Law of Identity lest we too become victims of incoherent confirmation bias to arrive at any conclusion we deem appropriate. “Science begins with the null hypothesis, which assumes that the claim under investigation is not true until demonstrated otherwise…Failure to reject the null hypothesis does not make the claim false, and, conversely, rejecting the null hypothesis is not a warranty on truth” {What Skepticism Reveals about Science: A skeptic’s journey for truth in science. Scientific America.}. Skepticism is one of the cherished qualities of scientific inquiry; i.e., do not trust to that which cannot be tested by scientific experimentation. However, the author of our article notes that not everything can be tested. Thus, to rely on hypothesis that cannot be tested requires faith. What this means is that those who believe science the only means to define the knowable begin from a position of faith for assumptions are accepted as true though unprovable. Those who reject biblically based Christians as believers of myths are themselves guilty of doing the same. Thus, they consistently violated Law of Non-Contradiction.

What is even more perplexing to me is that those who claim Science can give absolute knowledge do not know the definition of Science which claims that absolute knowledge is not obtainable! This debate began in the early days of the Enlightenment era as Natural Philosophy and ended with the separation of philosophy and what came to be labeled as science. Science’s limitation is empiricism. Science is based on measurements and repeatability. If it is not measurable; hence, empirical and if it is not repeatable then it cannot, by its own definition, be science! In addition, the scientific method does not claim to discover absolutes. It only claims to approach within 95-99% to confirming the hypothesis which is not absolute.

Therefore, basing one’s worldview on Science requires faith. Any decision that labels some data as true and some as false flows from non-scientific basis or context. Claims that Science is unbiased is again a falsehood since hypotheses, measurements (experiments) and interpretation of data are made by people who have inherent biases. Any discoverable measurements have meaning only when interpreted within a context to either support or refute the hypothesis. When one uses Science to build a worldview one is building on Sand (Mt 7:24-27).

Popper's Intolerance of Tolerance Contradiction

Karl Popper Father of Open Society Socialism;
Shifted Responsibility for Disproving Science

Popper’s contribution to Science is his thesis that the responsibility for Scientific data does not rely on those who advance their hypotheses; instead, those who disagree with the hypotheses must disprove it by discovering just one incoherent measurement! Well, that is the theory anyway! Einstein’s Relativity Theory has been disproved but refuses to die because majority of so-called scientists refuse to accept the rejecting experiment! The same is true of the Big Bang Theory which has also been debunked but refuses to fade away due to the blindness of prevailing astrophysicists!

Planx's Truth: Practitioners Must Die
Truth is Not Accepted Because it is True;
Truth is Accepted With Next Generation

Herein is the Truth of Science; it is not generally accepted by the old faith but must indoctrinate the new faithful to change worldviews. Thus, Science practitioners tacitly admit that Science has nothing to do with fact and Truth but grudgingly with faith. Paul said this over 2,000 ago when he, under inspiration, wrote that all sinners reject God and His Truth (Ro 1:16-28). They build their worldviews deliberately apart from God based on their understanding of empiricism. Now this is said in relation to the Hard Sciences. The Same is true but more so for the Soft Sciences which are not sciences at all but Scientisms.

Social Sciences Simply Scientism in Ungodly Context

Social Science Claims to Undergird All Sciences;
Its Realm is Non-Empirical, Hence it is Scientism

Social Sciences could not gain traction as philosophies but once they conflated themselves with the Hard or traditional empirical disciplines they gained ascendancy in that they became the tools used to define one’s perception of Everything! They borrowed from philosophers that advanced their casus belli for they considered themselves at war with biblical Christianity. These philosophers transitioned from the ancient, Neo-Platonism, to the Enlightenment, Rousseau, to the modern, Hegel and Marx, to the modern, Gramsci and Horkheimer {Critical Theory: Selected Essays.}. Whereas Science must stop at the borders of empiricism, though it freely trespasses whenever it can; Scientism has no such limitations. It masquerades under the guise of Science to infiltrate and influence the worldviews of each succeeding generation through public education, John Dewey being the Father of Public Education, which meshed with the philosophies of Fabian SocietyFrankfurt School Open Society Foundations, grew out of Karl Popper’s socialistic philosophy, as notable examples.

However, these groups are unable to spread their socialism with the backing of financiers who arose during the Renaissance but became consolidated during the modern era via Rhodes’ Roundtable which gave rise to the Bank of International Settlements and various national central banking systems to include America’s Federal Reserve. Their front organization, World Economic Forum (WEF) floats trial balloons gauging people’s susceptibility to their global governance efforts but as trial ballooning The Great Reset to implement digital currencies and thus total Control over peoples whose central banks knee to the system. This group as the behind the scenes fascism to control general socialism with nation-states becoming governing regional bodies under United Nations tutelage.

Science Begins in the Mind; Hence, is Faith

Begins in the Mind Trained by Public Education;
Hostile to God and His Truth Preventing Salvation

The natural or Lost mind is hostile to God (Ro 8:7). It rejects the Bible as foolish (1Co 2;14). ALL people are conceived as sinners and must be saved to receive the New Nature (Ps 51:5; Jn 3:16-21; Ro 10:9-13; 2Co 5:17). Since the Enlightenment era Satan has been tying together ALL knowing into a godless system hostile to Truth; today we are realizing the coming together of these elements of this system. WEF boasts of implementing its Great Reset according to the United Nations 2030 Agenda. To the Lost this is normal except for those on the fringe whom Satan has not been able to control. These seek to bring the saved into their cause to lead a rebellion. This shows their ignorance of Scripture for God hates rebellion in any form (1Sa 15:23).

Christians are the messengers of the Gospel (Mt 28:18-20). We seek a city to come like Abraham, father of the faithful (He 11:13-16). False Teachers are in the churches, in the media, in our midst to bring YOU into line with worldly philosophies such as Science and Scientism. Science with its inherent skepticism had to inevitably result in Critical Theory whose only emphasis is to critique or debases anything and everything that contradicts its goals of socialistic global governance at the hands of the fascismic-socialistic financiers who think they will gain by your loss. They are controlled by Satan who will enslave everyone.

You reject this because it depends on faith and you, being a person of Science, do not live by faith but by fact. However, Science does not deal in facts; it only deals in faith. You have been blinded to a delusion and consider Christianity a delusion which hides the Gospel from your consideration condemning you to eternal judgement (Re 20:11-15). Bible calls you to salvation for God is unwilling for any to perish (2Pe 3:9; Re 22:16-17). Throw off the bondage of your mind to realize the Truth in Christ who calls you to His mercy (Ro 6:15-23). Come!

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