Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself

LGBTQA+: Does Life Get Better?

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself;
Has It Made Life Better or Incoherent?

This pleasing to the eye graphic is an example of Conversion as described in After the Ball: How America Will Conquer It’s Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s. This book did not begin the gay revolution; however, it did give activists the blueprint on how to use Bernays-style psychological driven propaganda methods to force acceptance of the Gay Agenda over time. Necessity makes strange bedfellows, pun intended, and in their quest for legitimacy the Gay activists joined with allies to increase their impact. These allies will not only devour the Gay Movement, they will Reset society according to their global governance agenda. In the end it will be the straight white powerful males who intend to gain power over everyone thanks to Darwin’s evolutionary foundation.

In 1858, Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation, that life comes from non-life. However, never let a good lie go to waste was once again used to keep theory alive but under a new and different name. Charles Darwin published his book, Origin of the Species On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, in 1859. Hardly had spontaneous generation been buried when it was resurrected under a the guise of scientism with a new name, Evolution; yet, it nearly died an ignominious death. Though Herbert Spencer and Thomas Huxley, Darwin’s Bulldog, were ardent supporters of evolution. But society was still too steeped in Christianity to accept this ungodly philosophy. The failure to find any transitional fossils also mitigated against scientific acceptance of Darwin’s theories. But Satan works behind the scenes across multiple fronts to advance his plans and as the 19th century was drawing to a close Darwin’s theories arose again from a new quarter.

Inherent in Darwin’s original title, hid by proponents due to its obvious implications of racial superiority, was the implicit theory that would come to be known as eugenics. However, it first emerged as Social Darwinism guided by Sir Francis Galton, Darwin’s half-cousin. Whereas Spencer was originally a sociologist and coined such terms as, survival of the fittest, it was Galton who fleshed out the how and why some people were superior to others using the germinal genetic science. In other words, he took genetic observations and developed, like his cousin, a scientism to support his already held beliefs. This was not only applied to groups of people but also to nations. It legitimized the strong nations, European, colonizing and plundering the weaker nations such as Africa and Asia. One could honestly say that World War I (WWI) was the first eugenics war with Rhodes’ Round Table/Inner Circle seeking to defeat their German competitors while expanding their territories in Africa and Asia {Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War.}.

Social Darwinism peaked between the two world wars with all developed nations using government force to guide their favored ethnic groups to power through forced sterilization and most notably via abortions especially marketed to the less desirable ethnicities. Germany’s Hitler government, in typical Germanic fashion, was the most blunt and obvious which made the eugenics movement untenable after World War II (WWII). But, again, like the mythical Phoenix, out of the ashes of defeat the movement is rebirth as population control which later merged with climate change to advance a global governance agenda even today!

The other major movement that coexisted with Darwinism was Socialism. Communistic socialism based on force did not work according to Marx’s theory. Mussolini’s Fascism sought to compete against communism using industrialization under government Control. Hitler copied a form of this government emphasizing Social Darwin’s eugenics. However, these two divisive groups ignored the true power behind the scenes that coalesced into international financial systems that actual gained power over governments; what I call true fascism. Fiscal fascism, like evolution percolated behind the scenes until every aspect of society was poisoned with these godless philosophies. So, how does this influence our topic, LGBTQA+? Control!

LGBTQ Flags: One for Every Flavor

Control Demands Divisions and Disruptions
Each Element Easier to Defeat and Redirect

After WWII came prosperity and peace(ish); if you ignore Korean War, Vietnam War, Malaysian Conflict, etc. Individual societies had to be fragmented into conflicting groups along easily discernible unchangeable characteristics; hence, racism. Darwin developed the concept of various races even though DNA genetics showed Man was simply ONE race self-divided into diverse ethnicities. This process began at Babel (Ge 11:1-9). Sinful man self-separates along differences (1Co 3:1-4; Jude 19). With eugenics on the back burner a new means had to be devised to further divide societies as racial strife threatened to disrupt societies threatening Control. What would affect every single person, weaken the very fabric of society yet allow Control along approved lines? Sex! Every person has sex. Sex is the means of both procreation and individual moral development. And the free love 1960s movement had already eroded traditional family values to such an extent that divorce rates had sky rocketed!

The solution was not less sex but more sex; in fact, it was more sexes! Postmodernism’s emphasis on non-absolute values and definitions set the stage for gender identities. But, force would not produce the desired effect as Communism had shown. People had to want to be divided, they had to consent to become irrational! After the Ball, provided the plan to propagandize this people into accepting their divisions into smaller ineffective groups. I invite you to watch, The Untold Truth About LGBTQIA2S+, a coherent synopsis of these techniques: Desensitizing; Jamming and Conversion. They have become so effective that today’s Gospel churches actually apologize for preaching against these practices even though God clearly showed His displeasure of perverting one’s sexual practices against His design (Ge 19:1-29; Ro 1:18-28). Yet, I want us to focus on Satan’s lie of unity that is contained in their acronym.

LGBTQA+ Drag Queen Story Hour

Government Supporting Child Grooming
That will Disrupt Its Own Future Stability

Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals agree that they are hardwired by their biological sex; they just want to have sex with same sex partners, or at least switch back and forth as they desire. This was the traditional historical viewpoint and roundly condemned in Scripture. However, modern medical, surgical techniques and postmodernism relativism gave rise to the concept of genders. In essence, you could be whatever you believed at any moment despite what your biology and body displayed. This is the Trans movement. This movement is diametrically opposed to the LGB groups. The Queer group is against any normative values; thus, if LGB become the new normal then by definition the Queers are against them, and the same hold true if Trans becomes the new norm. The Qs grew out of Critical Theory socialism which seeks to tear down all it disagrees! However, more Allies were needed to overcome the incredulity of the general population.

In America, Racism became a staunch ally of LGBTQ because of its inherent socialistic roots dating back to its hero Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as its Critical Race Theory proponents. They needed each other as allies to advance their separate causes even if they have disparate agendas. But, race did not work in European homogenous countries; hence, enter Muslim Migration Hijrah! These manipulated peoples became the new blacks of Europe and used as Blacks were used in America. they think they are accomplishing their agenda of advancing Islam when they are being used to weaken Western governments.

LGBTQ Ally of Beastiality

Beastiality and Pedophilia Lurk Offstage
Becoming the New Norms of the Powerful

Equality is the watchword that binds these disparate groups together; that great propaganda concept of Socialism since Rousseau’s French Revolution! They march arm-in-arm in brotherhood-sisterhood chanting about equality which they spew out venomous inequality rhetoric against those they are told to hate; i.e., whites. They not only accept their incoherence, they embrace it though it violates Law of Non-Contradiction. The LGBTQA+ ignores its own contradictions even though the Trans group is displacing women, the original sex group looking for equality. What happens when they become the norm? They must come under attack by the Queers who despise all norms which itself is contradictory since they must dispose themselves if they become the normative group!

They all despise the Bible as did Darwin, Spencer, Galton because it is reveals The Lie of their empty philosophies. Whatever or whoever one obeys that shows to whom one is enslaved (Ro 6:15-16)! These groups scream of freedom and equality while they are enslaved to their own sensualities. As they gain Control they must turn against each other as there, “…can only be one…” or to put it more truthfully, “…there can only be Me; i.e., Satan (Jn 8:44)!” Thus, they are all of them deceived!

These are all components of Satan’s Delusion which Paul calls, The Lie (2Th 2:3-12). These people reject any aspect of God as Truth as it makes no sense to them (1Co 2:14). They rest on logical fallacies such as Straw Man arguments, False Dilemmas, Appeal to Authorities, Majorities, etc. They become violent when they cannot defend their positions against the Bible even to running riot and injuring others while proclaiming love, peace and tolerance; none of which they exhibit!

The behind the scenes financiers, true fascists, benefit from governments weakening under these onslaughts that tear at the family structure. Amidst these overt attacks, the true Gospel has been disparaged throughout the 19th and 20th centuries until many churches that used to teach the Gospel have embraced the Woke philosophies of Critical Theory and its LGBTQA+ allies. This does not even include the usual heretical health, wealth and prosperity groups nor other religions that teach their own path of truth.

Those in power will in turn weaken each of these groups when they are no longer useful just as Satan tossed away Hellenism when Romanism became more powerful which in turn was disposed as he prepared to introduce the nation-state funded by private financiers; i.e., central banks. Satan has loyalty to no one but himself. These powerful behind the scenes leaders have already demonstrated their prodigious lust for sensuality through the alleged services of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Children are being traded for pleasure while women are thrown out like yesterday’s fish. Even the animals are not safe as countries develop special zoos for lust gratification! The solution is to install nanotech chips into each person to determine who is worthy of Control and resources and who is not worthy of life (Re 13:11-18).

The Great Reset is not simply about global governance; it is about Truth. Each person asks and answers the same question Pilate asked Christ, “What is Truth (Jn 18:38)?” Those caught up in this Delusion, in The Lie, there is no truth they will accept except their own delusions that consume them. Those who believe Christ and follow the Truth will find that the World hates them and may find themselves persecuted as haters (Mt 5:10-12). No amount of compromise will save you. If you side with the World you must stand before Christ in judgment (Mt 6:19-24; Re 20:11-15). If you stand with Christ you will stand in His shame outside the camp where they murdered Him but live forever in eternity future (He 13:12-15; Re 21:1-7).

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