How the West Broke Itself Reflexively

Reflexivity or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Breaking Western Economies/Societies

Reflexivity may be a new work to most people but the philosophy was developed by Dr. Popper and refined by Mr. Soros who used the concept to break the Bank of England on Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992 (Theory of Reflexivity George Soros – Predicting Financial Markets). Reflexivity is simple the propagation of subjective reality, read: lies, to influence others to an action favorable to yourself. People reacting on these lies make the action come true; thus, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The individual lies that support the reflexive goal are called fertile fallacies. Lies built on supporting lies propagated by willing or unwilling sources become the new normal when believed by key people. Once a critical mass of people believe the reflexive lie, it becomes the new truth. Welcome to the Covid-19 Panic of 2020.

When Enough People Believe the Lie
The Lie Becomes the New Truth or Reality

Though this appears as a 20th century phenomenon, it is a very ancient technique. Satan used the reflexive lie on Woman, supported by the fertile fallacy of being gods, to deceive her to sin (Ge 3:1-7). The reflexive lie became exposed as a lie when absolute truth entered (Ge 3:8-19). For reflexivity to be effective the lie(s) must be believed and desired, coveted, and the truth must be hidden or discredited. Paul discusses this very deception that will occur in the Last Days, since the ascension of Christ, to usher in government built on lies (2Th 2:3-12). Postmodernism ushered in an age where truth is valueless compared to one’s perceptions of reality; subjective reality. The more truth or facts are used, the less they are believed.

Western societies became economic powerhouses of significant change raising entire populations from serfdom to the middle class; however, a relatively wealthy middle class is not easily control by the few who lust for absolute power. Since the French Revolution, a means has been sought to shut down Western economies and their libertarian-type societies. Armed revolution was ineffective though tens, if not hundreds of millions were killed. Antonio Gramsci advised using education and entertainment means to educate the youth in the proper frame of mind. This was begun by the Frankfurt School, Fabian Society and other such groups with this common aim. However, even this approach was moving much too slow and with considerable resistance from grassroots factions. A series of crises had to be used to bring the people to accept the proposed reflexive goal of giving more power to the government; first nationally then internationally.

Propaganda Use of Political Satire
Promoting Reflexive Lie  Supporting Obama

There are many instances of crises at work. President Wilson used the excuse of the Lusitania to enter World War One with the expressed purpose of using the crisis to enact national socialistic laws in America. There are several more examples but I want to use more modern crises to demonstrate how the current is achieving the reflexive goal of breaking the Western powerhouse economies. In the above graphic the reflexive lie is that Iran will be a peaceful nation after signing a treaty in which Obama paid them millions of dollars that funded terrorism around the world. The opposition Republicans are made to appear unreasonable and intolerant of any peace with Iran; these are the fertile fallacies. Reality was very different but unknown to the American people until after the election of President Trump. The anomaly of President Trump’s election brought out extreme measures in the opposition.

Reflexive Charges against Trump Began
After His Election but Failed to Remove Him

The investigation and impeachment of President Trump was the most obvious and overt attempt to use fertile fallacies of his collusion with foreign powers to influence {win} the American election with the reflexive goal of removing him from office. The media generally sided with the Democrats and flooded the airwaves with anti-Trump rhetoric proving his guilt. This continued until the impeachment process of 2020 revealed there was no proof and the charges were dropped; but not the effort which continues today.

It is the complicity of the media industry to continually put forth fertile fallacies which maintained the reflexive narrative to the majority of Americans. This constant bombardment and false dilemma questions that demanded a negative review of America generally and President Trump specifically strongly influenced those whose access to opposing information sources were limited. During the ongoing series of crises since the September 2011, attack on America, one thing became abundantly clear; Americans specifically and all peoples specifically could be manipulated by fear whether this was fear of economic collapse, fear of attack and fear of death by disease. The constant solution put forward during all these crises were: the government had the power to protect but free market economies only preyed on people during crises. Enter the current crisis: Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2!

America Went from a reasonable response
To Unreasonable Panic Due to Fertile Fallacies

The Covid-19 virus had its origins in Wuhan, China, though its exact origins remain unclear since the ChiCom {Chinese Communist} government refuses to be clear on such matters. Almost immediately information outlets began sounding the alarm before coherent information was known; and their cries have been ever more strident since though the numbers due not bear out their statements; remember, truth rarely influences beliefs. In, Here’s How COVID-19 Compares to Past Outbreaks, the author gives some details based on knowledge known at the time of the writing and looks at recent past viral crises in comparison. Except for ChiCom and Italy, the death rate of Covid-19 has been less than 0.4% of all those known to be infected. Vast majority of those infected survive! The death rate in China and Italy were due to factors not discussed by these supposed outlets of truth such as poor medical systems, especially in outlying regions, significant elderly population with multiple ongoing disease processes and culturally poor health habits such as chronic smoking. These facts were ignored in lieu of the fertile fallacy:  We are all going to die! Each death was described as an avoidable tragedy if only the government would take strong action. The people joined the cry for action from fear. What decades of inward and outward attacks could not do was accomplished with a few ill-advised imperial edicts from the White House: the virtual shutdown of America’s economy which followed the example of other Western nations. In short, what no outward force could accomplish was done voluntarily nearly overnight.

Nearly immediately people panicked and stampeded stores hoarding toilet paper, Covid-19 is a respiratory illness; surgical masks, which are ineffective as protection against infection; hand sanitizers, when simple soap and water is effective; and any other supplies they deemed necessary. Governments, federal and state, declared many businesses to close and some states propose imposing marital law. Schools are shut down indefinitely. Soon nearly all means of wealth producing production will cease. Governments are promising to give out money but where does the money come from, printing? That leads to inflation then recession and finally self-imposed depression. The accomplishment of the international socialism reflexive goal without ever firing a shot with the consent of both the people and the national socialistic governments who had previously withstood this goal. With this one fell swoop, highly trained militaries are rendered harmless; who is there to attack? With the talk of maintaining such self-imposed quarantines, social distancing, in place for up to 18 months most Western economies will not survive in their current forms.

Just weeks ago many were pointing out the empty market shelves of Venezuela and other international socialistic countries; yet, I saw the same thing as I walked through stores and this is still early days yet into this self-imposed economic shutdown. George Soros’ reflexivity and fertile fallacies have accomplished what militaries, migrations and opposing economic forces could not; the return to serfdom as predicted by Fredrick Hayek and Thomas Woods. We still have an opportunity to return to sanity but those in power will allow truth to rob them of reelection; i.e., power. Thus, the citizens of Western governments are being sacrificed for the power dreams of the few and the demands for globalization from the even much more powerful few. Time will reveal truth but will it matter if it contradicts one’s subjective reality? Then the war will be against truth and those who oppose the official subjective reality.

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