Exchanging Light for Dark: Being Evil Gods

Scattered Eye is Evil

Original Sin: Exchanging Light for Dark;
Being Greater Than God’s Plan for Me

Exchanging Light for Dark: Being Evil Gods, or Original Sin, usually devolves into a solid tale of fleshly copulation because early translators had other agendas than literally translating Hebrew. Satan was already at work in the early Church obfuscating  the clarity of God’s Word for the contradictory confusion of Man’s philosophical wisdom Just like modern man exchanges the clarity of science observation for confused scientisms that support schemes of globalized control. To grasp the dynamics of sin gives the believer better understanding of God at work in today’s world.

During the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7), Christ made an interjection that I have struggled to understand though I accepted its validity. He spoke of the eye being the lamp of the body (Mt 6:22-23). If one’s eye was single, correct Greek translation, the body would be full of light but if it were evilness then one would be full of darkness or black light; not an absence of light but a dark energy: sin. Christ had not simply made up this parable but was referring back to the Hebrew of the original sin narrative. In fact, this entire segment of his lesson would have been clearly grasped by His Hebrew audience (Mt 6:19-24); yet, it has been lost to us Gentiles who have little understanding of Old Testament Scriptures in general and any grasp of Hebrew in particular.

 The Bible makes the strange interjection, “And the man and his wife were both naked and are not ashamed” (Ge 2:24). What did this have to do with anything? In the English it is out of place and misdirects attention from their spiritual sinlessness to more prurient speculation of sexuality. Then immediately the text describes the serpent as being, “more crafty than any other beast…God had made” (Ge 3:1). This appears to be a complete change of topic in the English; but in the Hebrew these two sentences play off each other to set up the discussion between the Serpent, Satan, and Woman (Re 12:9). The Hebrew word for naked {ârôm} is related to the Hebrew word for crafty {ârûm} which carries the connotation of knowledge that is apart from God. The Hebrew word for ashamed {bûš} as it is used here carries a moral connotation; i.e., they were not immoral or without sin. They were not ashamed because they were in an intimate relationship with God. When Moses had such a relationship his face shone due to imparted glory from God (Ex 34:29-35). They did not need physical apparel because they were clothed in His righteousness and thus were not naked.

Satan made them doubt when he tempted them with the goal of being greater than what God was willing to make them through knowledge that was apart from God; like his knowledge. He was giving them, through Woman, the option of exchanging their singleness of focus in God for being crafty, clever, like him. Their focus would then be scattered, weak and evil. They lost their covering of glory and sought to replace it with wretched works that would quickly fade into crackling shredding leaves leaving them exposed again. They were literally naked and ashamed, immorally evil and knew this!

They took their bodies, vessels, of flesh made from the dust of the earth or clay and sought to remake them into vessels they considered more glorious; Satan’s lying promise. God was the Potter and they were the clay yet they sought to tell God how to make them better (Je 18:1-4). They lost their covering of glory, and knowing their leaves were no substitute, they hid themselves. Their grasping for something God had not given turned their vessels of clay filled with His glory into vessels of dishonor fit only for dung (Ro 9:19-24). This was probably not their expectation and it was irreversible. Christ references this when He warns His listeners not to lay up earthly treasures that moth {clothes} and worm {bodies} will destroy leaving one destitute or naked in sin before God (Mt 6:19-21).

Single Eye is Wisdom of God

Salvation: God’s Nature Within
Returning Us to Singleness of Focus

The temptation to take control away from God over their bodies and fate demonstrates the loss of control of sin. God controls His power for He is the source of power. When Satan and Man seek to control God’s power disaster follows. No created being can control God’s power to do the work of God. When all sinners try to control the power it results in destructiveness and death.

When God found Man and Woman hiding, He promised a path back to being clothed in His glory but better; without this body of flesh. However, it would not be costless! God Himself would pay the cost.  Christ, as God, willingly took on a body of flesh which Man and Woman had rejected. They rejected God’s plan to be greater than God; He was equal to the Father but became a slave to die for those who rebelled against the Potter. They would receive better vessels for eternity future (1Co 15:45-50).

God's Goal: Christ in You, Hope

Today Spirit Invisibly Indwells Believers
Shining from Vessels of Clay: Good Works

The New Covenant, indwelling Spirit in our vessels of clay, given on Shauvot, Pentecost, is the first aspect of His original Promise (Ac 2:1-4).  Christ evidenced the Promise of the New Covenant during His Transfiguration (Lk 9:28-31). The giving of the Spirit is the guarantee of our Promised inheritance until received at the appointed time (Ep 1:13-14). The Spirit, filling our vessels of clay, works through us fulfilling Christ’s will (1Co 12:4-7). This charisma, mistakenly translated as gifts, is the manifestation, revealed by light, is the outworking of the Spirit through us. Immature believers quench the Spirit; maturing is learning how to rest in the Spirit as He works through us. James encourages the immature to pray for wisdom; that is, singleness of focus in Christ. This requires them to consciously reject being divided or two-souled. Christ told us that no can serve two masters; we were made such that singleness of focus is all we are capable. Thus, we are singlely focused on Satan, Lost, or on Christ, Saved (Mt 6:24).

Satan's Lure for Man: Greater than God

Transhumanism: False Promise of Satan
Remaking One’s Self Better Than God

 The lost continue in the path of Man and Woman blinded by Satan, god of this world, who keeps them from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ (2Co 4:3-4). They are ungodly {asebeia}, as were we until saved by grace. They reject any knowledge of God and seek to remake themselves into better people than God intended. Man, through knowledge, has been striving to achieve immortality. Force has been the primary shaper of people; either naked force of violence or the behind the scenes force of finances to control various aspects of life in order to keep the masses working toward the goals defined by the elites: Georgia Guidestones. Medical technology, shared with the masses to perfect its techniques is today being refocused into nanotech transhumanism to achieve their goal: Prevent death. Imagine the trillions that have died over the millennium in order for the future few to realize their dream! Yet, their souls live on in Hell until the time to give an account of their rebellion against God (Re 20:11-15).

You will either stand before God’s throne naked in your fig leaves of decaying works or you will be clothed in Christ’s righteousness with singleness of focus needing not to be ashamed (Ga 3:26-29; 2Ti 2:15). Man and Woman exchanged their clothing of grace for a lie but Christ offers it to YOU in truth to destroy the crafty lie of Satan (2Th 2:3-12). Will you be adopted sons of God or remain children of the Devil (Ga 4:4-7; 1Jo 3:9-10)?

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