Antiracism Latest Kafka Trap

AntiRacism is Racism

AntiRacism is the Latest Reflexive Weapon
Denial Proves Your Racism: Kafka Trap

Antiracism: Latest Kafka trap has become a major reflexive ploy to inject socialism into America and replace both political parties with its own agenda. The Kafka Trap is the technique Best described in the article, 7 linguistic tricks people use to deceive and manipulate you. This is the assumption of your guilt of whatever you are accused, denial is simply proof of your guilt. The latest charge is racism. As currently defined by major information {propaganda} media outlets and certain groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM) all white people are racist, denial only proves your guilt. This technique applies to other movement monikers such as misogynist, fascist, Islamophobic, to name a few. All designed to destroy the family and Christian truths. This is a war for the minds, a cultural war that is being won before most people are even aware there is a battle. This is to remake society in their image.

What is racism? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “Racism, also called racialism, (is) the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural and behavioral features; and that some races are innately superior to others.” Racism did not begin with Charles Darwin but his germinal work acknowledged that random evolution had selected Europeans to be dominate over all other peoples; he was simply trying to explain the process in the language of a newly defined discipline called science {See Hatred of Hitler’s Children}. Racism was evident long before Darwin’s non-scientific {scientism} work; it began with Cain who murdered Abel who was differentCain, given by God, considered himself superior to Abel, the worthless one (Ge 4:1-10). When God instilled different languages, and thus different mindsets or world views in people at Babel; it was their sin that separated them (Ge 11:1-9). People hate those who different and self-selected themselves into groups based on their sameness. Sin always divides; grace unifies all in Christ who desire to be saved (Ro 10:9-10; Ga 3:27-29). Racism cannot exist except in the presence of sin.  The Bible declares that all are born in sin and remain in sin unless saved in Christ (Ro 3:23). This truth is rejected; instead, certain groups claim racism exists inherently in those of a certain skin color but not in those whose skin color is darker. This requires one to acknowledge that those with darker skin tones must be sinless! Thus, they have no need of God or His salvation paid for by His Son. Let us examine the self-declared purpose of one of the major groups espousing this rhetoric, BLM.

Only Whites are Racists

Implies that Whites Inherently Racists
Whites Who Deny Racism Prove Their Racism

BLM was founded by three black women: Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. They gained the support of an activist of the 1960s racial violence, Angela Davis. She embraced socialism and was part of the violent Black Panthers movement. She was studied under Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School, communists driven from Hitler’s national socialistic Germany. The fact that BLM embraces her values shows their core value is socialism. Ms Davis embraces many popular social movements to include LGBTA+ and feminism. The opening graphic is her statement depicting Kafka trap. One cannot deny racism, one must PROVE one is not racist by performing works supportIng BLM’s socialistic agenda. According to the article, Black Lives Matter and Marxism (Socialist Alternative), BLM links racism to capitalism because the Black Panther movement copied Malcom X’s socialism before he was murdered, rumored to be by a leader of a competing black movement (Lessons from the Black Panthers). Thus, racism is simply a reflexive hammer, supported by fertile fallacies, to obtain the real goal based on lies of lies: international socialism by which the few elites are served by the deserving serfs as long as they have worth.

Patriotism is Racism

BLM as a Socialist Movement Demonizes
Patriotism as Racism to Destroy Capitalism

What else does BLM hope to achieve? In the What We Believe Page of their home page they write, “We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.” At the same time they affirm that all black lives matter. They violate the Law of Non-Contradiction. If all black lives matter then it includes men and women; they clearly elevate women above men and then turn on women by supporting self-mutilate men to become effeminate, like women. It is this sort of illogic that characterizes modern socialism. They cannot stand clear logical scrutiny. The pontificate, vacillate and lie to keep people from understanding their true agenda: socialism. Socialism itself is a lie. Socialism states government can equally and fairly meet everyone’s needs. But in practice it is neither fair nor equal. It was the federal government during World War II that required businesses that accepted government contracts to segregate workers to appease Southern Democrats. This spread segregation into states that had never had the practice such as California. The Great Society Democratic welfare programs promised help but only deepened black poverty and family breakdown due to its rules. Those blacks who escaped poverty did so due to capitalism and its rewards for education, application and work. Every group that has come to this country has faced marginalization and those members that escaped the trap of free stuff did so because of capitalism. But there is another trap nearly everyone is falling into.

Government is Death

Republican or Democrat Does Not Matter
Government Wears the Same Face: Death

Democrats believe they are in control when in fact they are being controlled. BLM does not believe the Democrats are in their camp nor do they accept the likes of Jessie Jackson or other so-called champions of blacks. They are marching to a global drummer to enslave everyone. These movements use the Democrats to  achieve their goals, then they will devoured them. Republicans who join this movement will fare worse. The Democrats are consistent with their beliefs, but these Republicans are hypocrites, betraying those dependent on them to appease these socialists in a vain effort to keep power. They will be jettisoned like flotsam. These are those who cry out, “Lord, Lord” when their end comes (Mt 7:21-23).

BLM is a lie, it cares little about any black lives but their own. Their silence of blacks who killed blacks during recent riots proves this. They mirror all great socialists, they lie shamelessly. The lie, that government cares and provides for you. These all mimick the father of all liars, Satan (Jn 8:44). But BLM will find itself devoured by international socialism when they are no longer needed. They have all of them been deceived, there can be only one and he does not share power (2Th 2:3-12).

The rejection of God who gave His Son to pay for sin is the rejection of God as the basis for true morality. Man learned from the Greeks to make himself the measure of all morality. The problem is that there are many people, whose morality will win? BLM and socialists of all flavors reject God and His morality even though it is in each person (Ro 1:18-32). BLM is following the Frankfurt School’s playbook of Critical Theory to attack everything that is proves God is good. As they destroy culture, one institution at a time, they destroy their future, and ours. It is not about skin color. It is about sin and just as Cain hated Abel because God loved him; they seek to destroy those that illuminate their lies with the His truth.

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