America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy

Hegemony Being Under America's Thumb

America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy;
Controlling the World in Name of Freedom(ish)

Let us understand two simple facts. One, Americans do not like history nor do they wish to be bored by historical arguments. Two, Americans think ourselves righteous because we fight for freedom; and occasionally for God. This means Americans are easily influenced by their propaganda informational media outlets to support the next war for freedom {Doherty, G. and Macgregor, J. Hidden History.}. Much of what occurs globally grew out of this Great War and its associated Versailles Treaty; especially the Great War Part Two (WWII) from which America became the dominate power and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) its major hegemonic power arm. This is especially true concerning today’s latest crisis: Russia-Ukraine Conflict!

Great Britain dragged America into the Great War to tip the scales against Germany thereby maintaining Great Britain’s hegemony. America agreed as it allowed her to experiment with domestic socialism which she could not do under the Constitution. While this lust for centralized Control began with Hamilton, it was Lincoln who used war to significantly increase Federal power at the cost of many American lives and reduced State powers. This began bearing fruit during the Progressive Era with Theodore Rosevelt demonstrating American dreams of hegemony through naval power via the White Fleet (1907). America never looked back but ever strode to be THE dominant world power; to place all others under her Thumb of protectionism of freedom {as defined by Americans}. But, do not take my word for this; read what America’s most decorated Marine General said before America gained hegemony during WWII.

War is a Protection Racket

Bird’s Eye View of American Military Aims
During the Progressive Era: Protection Racket

America’s Monroe Doctrine was not designed to protect Central-South America from Europe; it was designed as a mercantile program keeping these nations under the hegemony of America. Though the moniker of freedom was bandied about, presidents did not hesitate to send in the Marines to protect American businesses, United Fruit Company, at the expense of duly elected governments {The Banana Wars: How The U.S. Plundered Central America On Behalf Of Corporations. ati.}. Today’s illegal immigrations are a direct result of the disorder America’s protectionist racket bestowed on our closest allies America claimed to protect from European predators.

However, America did not develop hegemony but learned her technique from our mother empire: Great Britain. Great Britain was engineered into the Great War by financiers, who repeatedly demonstrated both over confidence and short-sightedness. Hence, America was brought into the fray which Great Britain could not finish on her own, even with French and Russian help. This brought the fox into the hen house.

Great Britain needed an excuse to reengage Germany which had grown in power between WWI and WWII under Hitler’s socialistic government. Financiers were backing Hitler creating the Germany miracle and great return on their investment. However, Hitler was not very controllable; another financier short-sightedness. Hitler sought to reconsolidate all German peoples which would make it too formidable; not easily controllable. What follows is similar to what has occurred today with Ukraine making it relevant to our discussion {Why Germany Invaded Poland. World War 2 Truth.}.

Versailles Treaty created new nations or redrew boundaries for old nations based on hubris and ignorance. This abominable treaty is directly responsible for the wars of Africa and Asia as well as set the stage for WWII. Poland was given swaths of Prussian territory to weaken Germany. During the 1930s Great Britain guaranteed to back Poland’s aggression against German citizens; i.e., a blank check to intervene should Germany seek to protect Germans who actively wanted to be under the German government. Thus, Poland rejected Hitler’s reasonable concessions which were more favorable to Poland than Germany. When Germany intervened to protect Germans from Poland’s atrocities, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Hence, it was Great Britain who began WWII, much like it engineered the beginning of WWI. Ironically, Great Britain threw Poland under the bus to appease its ally, the Soviet Union. Only when the Soviet Union swallowed Eastern Europe did Great Britain turn against her via Churchill’s famous Iron Curtain speech inaugurating the Cold War.

Soviet Union, hereafter referred to as Russia (both its ancient and modern label), had been invaded many times from the West; hence, it secured the less prosperous Eastern European countries as a buffer against the more affluent Western aggression which had caused both World Wars {NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949. Adara Press.}. Its wisdom was rewarded by America and Europe establishing NATO to defeat Russia. NATO’s goal has not varied even after the Soviet breakup. Let us briefly look at why other nations fear American hegemony.

American Wealth Wasted on World Control Projection

For a Peaceful Nation America Spends Greatly
On Defense: Offense to Prevent Need for Defense

After WWII America went on an anti-Communist spree. One of America’s first military operations was to use the new United Nations to wage war against what it viewed as monolithic communism in Korea. America placed nuclear missiles in Turkey instigating Russia to do the same in Cuba then claimed righteous indignation at this flagrant act of aggression. America violated Russian airspace, an act of war, with U-2 spy plane overflights. Russia had every right to be afraid of American hegemony since its stringent goal was destruction of Russian socialism while advancing its own national socialism agenda!

America's Division of World Control

America’s Defensive Military Command Structure
Has Offensive Control Plans for Every Global Region

For a peace loving defensive military nation, America has engaged in many offensive military conflicts; we do not even call them wars anymore. Nearly every conflict had a causal relationship to the Versailles Treaty or questionable beginnings as false flag operations designed to further expand American domestic socialism and/or international hegemony. America and Europe agreed to respect Russia territorial hegemony by not establishing NATO (military) alliances within its spheres of influence; especially Westward {US Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine. Consortium News.}. But, both America and the European Union (EU) expanded NATO into old Soviet countries in violation of its agreements. It began courting Ukraine in 1994 and assisted, if not engineered, a coup against a duly-elected government that was pro-Russian and anti-NATO in 2014! Remember Great Britain backing Poland against Germany? America-EU began backing their installed Ukrainian anti-Russian government giving it a hubris it would not otherwise have demonstrated. this is tantamount to Russia establishing an anti-American but pro-Russian government in Canada then expressing surprise that America would invade Canada to protect its border.

The Obama-Biden-Holder crime syndicate established a protection racket with this new Ukrainian government with Biden’s son, Hunter, acting as front man and courier and both the Democratic and Republican parties providing cover to deceive the American people. Why? Because of the same reason Germany was controlled, to prevent it from becoming too prosperous and thus independent from financier Control. Russian gas and oil reserves were a danger. Not only could she become independent, but EU, especially Germany, would be energy dependent on Russia due to the failure of green energy failures to provide industrial necessary power levels enhancing their dependence!

Russian intervention was not only predictable, it was surprising that it had not occurred earlier demonstrating great restraint and caution of the Russian leadership. America, land of the free and for freedom, brought this on the Ukrainians because of corruptible greed for money and Control. With a Russian installed government, this source of money will be shut down and America’s protection racket scheme will be seen as flimsy by others.

Once again, the Bible is proved true. All governments belong to Satan. He plays one side against another to obtain his goal of his Control over everyone (Mt 4:8-10). Rather than being a bastion for freedom, America is an instrument of Satan used to perfect his schtick until he no longer needs her; then she will be discarded as have all other empires before her (Da 2:31-43; 7:2-8; 2Th 2:3-12; Re 6:1-8). These people hide truth which reveals them as minions while they consume the weaker, as they perceive, to satisfy their love of money and Control (1Ti 6:9-10). Like all people who reject Christ, they embrace their own destructive delusion which is based on deception; even to themselves (Ps 5:9-10; Ro 3:10-18).

But, because Americans hate history they embrace the myths, lies, that give them the facade of self-righteous arbiters of freedom and truth. Like the church of Laodicea they believe they are rich when in fact they are blind, poor, naked and wretched in danger of dying without Christ (Re 3:14-22). Yet, Christ stands knocking at the door with Truth. Answer! Why would you die for Satan who despises you like those elites who use you like so many spent pebbles? Truth ain’t hard to find; it’s just hard to take off the glasses of deceit to see it.

2 thoughts on “America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy

  1. Eye Opening Information. Ignorance is bliss…A lot has come to light since President Trump made the statement about draining the swamp. What many thought was corrupt was indeed corruption at the highest level. Dake in his writings wrote about moral law. Where there is a moral law, you must have a moral leader. Then he points out that the only one that meets those qualifications is Jesus Christ…Like you pointed out, what the devil tempted Christ with in Mathew 4:8-10, is what he temps man with today. I will give you all the kingdoms of the earth if you will worship me…What I have learned is that when you go to do good evil is always present.
    God Bless.

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