Scoffers: Trapped in Sin

Scoffers Use Sarcasm and Laughter
Elevating Themselves at Other’s Expense

“Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you” (Pr 9:8). Scoff is an old English word meaning to “to speak derisively; mock; jeer” (Dictionary). You would know it better as sarcastic speech today. The Proverbs has much to say about scoffers, those who use sarcasm; none of it beneficial to the user nor the object of such contempt. Continue reading “Scoffers: Trapped in Sin”

False Premise: America Land of the Free

Symbol of America: Home of the Free
Talks more about America’s Socialism

Discernment is the art of detecting logical fallacies as well as the application of doctrinal truths to everyday life. America’s claim of being the “Home of the Free – Land of the Brave” is instilled in every school child but less truth than propaganda for the state. Continue reading “False Premise: America Land of the Free”

Fallaciousness of Autonomy

This Painting: Temptation of Eve
Depicts the Lack of Clarity of this Sin

When Lucifer encountered Woman {Eve} in the Garden she was in her pre-sin state. Her mind, unlike ours, was unclouded by sin. She could reason more clearly, more fully, than we can possibly envision; therefore, the question becomes, “How was she deceived?” Herein lies the tale that affects us especially today in our 21st century postmodern worldview: the fallaciousness of autonomy. Continue reading “Fallaciousness of Autonomy”

The Government We Deserve

International Best Seller Defining
Utopia of Military Socialism

Government is a true religion: it has its dogmas, its mysteries, its priests. To submit it to the individual discussion is to destroy it; it is given life only through the national mind, that is to say, by political faith, which is a creed” {Joseph de Maistre}. On this Memorial Day when Americans claim to mourn those who gave their lives defending America it is only fitting that we who are alive clearly understand what this holiday really means. Continue reading “The Government We Deserve”

Immigration: Secret Path to Globalism

Immigration Conflict a Dichotomy
Confabulated by History

Immigration was the mainstay of American growth during our early preindustrial and industrial years. There is no argument with this concept nor with both the good and not so good that immigrants have brought with them. America has always had a “love-hate” relationship with immigration.  Continue reading “Immigration: Secret Path to Globalism”

What Are Perilous Times?

Bible speaks of Perilous Times
But What Does it Mean and When?

Surely, we must be living in “perilous times” and “last days” when violence is in every headline! The Christian should turn to the Bible to learn the meaning of these terms; however, the discerning Christians will look behind the vernacular language to understand what the original language meant when it used these terms. Continue reading “What Are Perilous Times?”

Science is the Trap of Doom

The Glittering World of Science
Snaring Mankind in his Sin

The last two posts discussed the fallacy of modern science. These posts were somewhat involved as I explained why science cannot answer the questions that many claim that it does answer. Thus, these posts may have fallen on deaf ears because as a people Americans do not have the attention span to grasp the elementary principles of a complex discussion. Continue reading “Science is the Trap of Doom”

Science as Religion

Science as a Definition of Truth
Abandoned on Shore of Faith

Natural philosophy began in the Enlightenment to define the “truth” of physical reality apart from God (religion). As discussed in our last post (Evolutionary Morality an Oxymoron) scientific attempts to explain morality have been futile. This post will show that the concreteness of science is an illusion fed to the public as an antidote against religion when in fact, science is itself a religion. Thus, atheism which claims to be scientific and distinct from religion is a religion! Continue reading “Science as Religion”

How Feminism Was Tricked into Increasing State Power

This Corollary Should Never be Forgotten:
State Always Acts to  Increase Its Power

In the beginning there was a man and a woman. The woman was to be protected by the man. A trickster entered the screen and tricked the woman into taking an independent action that he claimed would make her independent. She did; it did not. The man saw the event, allowed it to occur, participated himself as he liked the outward result but when confronted by his superior he took no responsibility seeking to make the woman totally responsible. Sound familiar? Story of sin! Continue reading “How Feminism Was Tricked into Increasing State Power”