Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance

Puritans Came to America to Make a
City on a Hill via Strong Central Government

I do not wish to disparage those beliefs that have the Gospel but errors in their doctrines because that would include everyone. Nor do I wish to give the impression that America’s various revivals were all evil for certainly people were saved. My point in this and other posts is to show how religion and government do not go together (Jo 18:33-37). The world governments quash the True Gospel while using false doctrine to advance their power and keep their citizens enslaved (Jo 16:33). However, Evangelicalism worships the American Awakenings by ignoring their effects on government and society until today it is overrun by the latest such awakening called the Awokeness Revival {Awakening}. Continue reading “Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance”

Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism

PostModernism: Bridge between
Social Gospel and Social Justice movements

In our previous blog, Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism, I discussed how the various movements between 1880-1920 coincided with and supported the Social Gospel movement to destroy the true Gospel and the Bible. Since the Bible is the only source of absolute truth, and values, many denominations were cast adrift on the seas of secular humanism and relative values. The abandonment of biblical absolute values segued into the search for relative meaning such as in the Beat movement of the 1950s and the Hippie movement of the 1960s. The result was the birth of Postmodernism which was the abandonment of God in favor of anything but God and its attendant increase in societal violence. Continue reading “Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism”

Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism

Common Definition of Social Gospel
However, It’s assumptions were incorrect!

From Rousseau came the French Revolution which became the basis for Marxist Socialism {commonly misnamed Communism} that later became the Soviet Revolution. However, socialism did not begin nor end with violent socialism. In England as in America a Middle Way socialism came into being. It sprang from several springs nearly simultaneously such as Progressivism and the Social Gospel movement; however, these all merged into national socialism which was labeled the Progressive Era. America’s socialism hid behind the flag of two world wars and several minor wars before emerging as today’s Social Justice movement. Thus, while national socialism was defeated in Europe, Germany and Italy, it quietly grew stronger in America and its Western allies. Today the battle is not between liberty and socialism as some would have you believe. The battle is simply between flavors of socialism; i.e., national socialism or international socialism, commonly labeled as globalism. Continue reading “Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism”

War to Begin All Wars-WWI and Beyond

American and German Enlistment Posters
Posit the same Demand-Die for the Government

World War One (WWI) did not begin as an American war but as a European war; however, America entered the war to advance its Progressive agenda at the cost of tens of thousands of lives of its soldiers. Continue reading “War to Begin All Wars-WWI and Beyond”