God: The First Cause of Racism?

God Promotes Racism

In the Perverted Logic of the Lost
God: The First Cause of Racism

God: The First Cause of Racism is a tenet doctrine of Luciferianism since Lucifer was declared a sinner and judged by God (Isa 14:12-15; Ez 28:14-19). Lucifer {Satan} separated Man from God by entering a social contract to give man knowledge apparently forbidden by God (Ge 3:1-5). The essence of theodicy is to prove God is the author of all evil (Is God the Tyrant of Heaven? Discernlife.). The fact that God is making a new people with a new nature separates people into two distinct groups: Lost-Satan is their father (Jn 8:44) and Saved-God is their Father (Jn 17:20-26; 2Co 5:17). There is no place for the Lost in the new Heaven and Earth; i.e., their place will be in the Lake of Fire 🔥; thus, they consider God unfair or racist for discriminating against them simply because they do not want His rule over them (Re 20:1-21:8). Thus, to them God: The First Cause of Racism. Continue reading “God: The First Cause of Racism?”

Racism: The Myth of Our Day

This common platitude expresses ignorance
of both the Bible and common observation

Racism is the catchphrase of the day being touted as the major sin and the basis for justifying incredible personal and social violence that has not been seen in America since the heyday of the 1960s. According to Merriam-Webster, racism is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” The above graphic succinctly expresses the ignorance permeating preventing rational discussion of this issue. The problem is violation of the Law of Identity of Logic. Racism demands that there be at least two different races; there is only one race. Continue reading “Racism: The Myth of Our Day”

Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again


Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Common in U.S.

The storm of anti-immigrationalism sweeping not only America but Western Culture in general is nothing new in itself but the forces behind this smoke screen are ominous indeed. The controversy seems to center about differences between the nativists {those who are already in place} and the immigrants {those who want to join those already in place}. Continue reading “Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again”