Animalism of Modern Philosophy

Animalism is Philosophical Viewpoint
All Men are Basically Animals – Evolution

Let us obey the First Law of Logic (Identity) and define our term. Animalism is the philosophical doctrine that humans are animals in their essential identity and are persons only through their contingent (conditional properties) properties (Free Dictionary). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discusses that being human does not necessarily make you human; i.e., you can be an animal but not human such as those in a persistent vegetative state or a fetus to give two examples. Continue reading “Animalism of Modern Philosophy”

Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah

US Hat Money Fountain

America’s Spring of Meribah

The Hebrew people were slaves in Egypt for some significant time when God led them out of Egyptian slavery into the wilderness. Of the many things He would teach them in the wilderness, the earliest lessons involved the recognition that they were not worshiping Him but a god of their own choosing, a god who would meet their every whim, their every desire, without any responsibility or work on their part. In other words, they still had the slave mentality. The waters of Meribah, quarreling or rebellion, showed them, and us, that man really seeks a “santy claus” as god. Are we any different today? Continue reading “Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah”