Jihad is Life to Some – Death to Others

Understanding Quranic Jihad
Requires Understanding the Code

Most kufar {non-Muslims} have little understanding of Jihad  {struggle} as defined in the Quran, Sira {Life of Mohammed} and Hadith {Actions of Mohammed}. The above Quranic quote appears to be tolerant about Jihad (without the context of the Sira and Hadith); however, when put in historical context this illusion quickly dissipates. Continue reading “Jihad is Life to Some – Death to Others”

Indoctrination or Right and Wrong Training

Right & Wrong Thinking

Indoctrination is Determining
Right and Wrong Thinking

Our previous posts on indoctrination laid the groundwork to understand this one simple concept: Indoctrination is nothing more than instilling in people, especially children, the ethical morality of right and wrong! This foundation determines how one’s worldview is shaped which filters incoming data (facts) and structures analysis (thinking) into “acceptable” beliefs which determines future thoughts and actions. Continue reading “Indoctrination or Right and Wrong Training”