Scientism – Killer of Billions

French Revolution 1789

French Revolution Epitomizes the
Contradictions of Scientism


Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712—1778), along with Descartes, were major Enlightenment philosophers. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “The major goal of Enlightenment thinkers was to give a foundation to philosophy that was independent of any particular tradition, culture, or religion: one that any rational person would accept.” Continue reading “Scientism – Killer of Billions”

Ochlocracy – Goal of Democracy


Ochlocracy – Democracy without Knowledge
Consent of the People to Bury Themselves

Ochlocracy is a word nearly unknown in today’s vocabulary because it does not fit into the adjectives of “awesome”, “cool”, or well, you get the picture. The American model of democracy, which was not what the framers of the Constitution wanted, has spread throughout the world making America the prime mover for the destruction of the nation-state to usher in the era of regionalization. Continue reading “Ochlocracy – Goal of Democracy”

Why LGBT Promotes Hate

Honor Mother and Father

Anatomy of the Fifth Precept
Honor Your Mother and Father

The Strength of any Nation

The LGBT community seeks to break down the Fifth Precept, you may know it as the Fifth Commandment, to fundamentally change the world; they are succeeding. I must make this very clear, whipping some Bible verses will not work because they hate the Bible. In fact, all lost people hate the Bible. Continue reading “Why LGBT Promotes Hate”

Ship of Theseus – Does Identity Change?

Theseus Ship Red

Ship of Theseus
Does Identity Change?

“The Ship of Theseus was rebuilt over the centuries as wood rotted and broke, so at what point did it stop being the original, and when did it become something else?” Thus begins a popular article to discuss the issue of identity and changes in identity (UNTE). Continue reading “Ship of Theseus – Does Identity Change?”

Worshiping the King (God) of Totalitarianism

The Dictators Book Cover

Goal of American Politics
Make a Leader to Make America Great (Oppressive)

At the beginning of Christ’s ministry, He went into the wilderness to be tempted in the flesh as man. The first Adam (man) failed this test, the last Adam could not be Savior if He failed the testing. Continue reading “Worshiping the King (God) of Totalitarianism”

Understanding True Jewry – Talmud Education Day in America

Talmud Defined

The Twin Foundations of Talmud
Not Understood by Many Christians

Many Christians are under the impression that Jews, especially the “religious” Jews, are strictly bound by the Old Testament Pentateuch; however, this is far from the truth in that most forms of Jewry are governed by the Talmud. Continue reading “Understanding True Jewry – Talmud Education Day in America”

Tree of Knowledge, Death, Life

Ouroboros Triad
Dragon – Satan

Snake – Man
Tree of Knowledge

As I sat to write this final post of the Ouroboros Triad I had to step away for some reflection. The focus of many is on the tree. Was it an apple, a pomegranate, or was it something that had nothing to do with the type of tree at all?  The issue is not the tree, the issue was, and is, the knowledge of good and evil. Continue reading “Tree of Knowledge, Death, Life”

Ouroboros – Circle of Life or Death

Ouroboros Satan Antichrist Tree Knowledge

Dragon – Satan

Snake – Man (Antichrist)
Tree – Life & Knowledge

The ouroboros is an ancient symbol usually expressing what today would be considered the “circle of life”. The depiction expresses the concept that nothing more is needed other than one’s self. The dragon needs nothing other than itself and all within the circle it created it unified with it’s completeness. Continue reading “Ouroboros – Circle of Life or Death”

Truth of Life or Death

Orvieto, Exterior of the Duomo
The Bible Relief: Original Sin

The snake, or dragon for the Hebrew word does not differentiate between the two, are iconic in ancient and modern cultures. From the very ancient kingdoms to today’s Gnosticism, snakes present as symbols of power, life and spiritual attainment, usually. What does this mean to those who believe they live in a modern (without God) culture free from the superstitions of the past? Continue reading “Truth of Life or Death”