New Theodicy of Control: White Supremacy

Theodicy False Dilemma Anti-Godliness

New Theodicy of Control: White Supremacy;
False Dilemma Self-Fulfilling Answer: “If”

Theodicy is simply Man’s rejection of the Bible’s answer of Sin: self responsibility for the consequences of one’s own decisions. Ungodly, Lost, Man cannot understand the Bible as he is taught from his own spirit which is both fallen and rejection God’s truth in any form; hence, Man searches for another answer to prove himself righteous and God unrighteous or unfit to judge sin (Ge 2:15-17; 3:1-13; Ro 1:18-28; 2:1-11). God graciously provided His Son as the propitiation for sin so those who accepted Him as Savior become born from above (Jn 3:11-21; Ro 10:9-13). Man’s rejection of God and His witnesses only serves to highlight the incoherency of his own philosophical answers which are filled with logical fallacies (Ro 1:18-23). Satan, who also stands in judgment for sin repackages the same tired fallacies in new garb for each culture and time period. The current fallacy is Critical Race Theory; a component of Critical Theory or Gramsci-style Socialism from the Fabian Society and Frankfurt School {Ellis, C. The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance: The Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part I. Council of European Canadians.}. The essential question not asked but implied by suggesting injustice is, “Who is responsible for my evil?” In other words, Critical Theory-Critical Race Theory-Socialism is the latest religion put forth to bind and control all religions and thus all peoples. Maybe this is the one religion to bind them all under one master {apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien}.

Theodicy Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Man Misdefines God’s Qualities;
Ignores Man’s Decisions Making God Evil

Critical Theory is aptly named as it has one function; to criticize and destroy whatever its proponents perceive as anathema to their goal of Control; i.e., Socialism. Nearly every aspect of Critical Theory is built upon Reflexivity supported by Fertile Fallacies; or, to more blunt, lies upon lies upon lie. For example, “Critical Theory is a school of thought that views social problems as the result of oppressive power structures” {Spacey, J. 16 Characteristics of Critical Theory. Simplicable.}. In point of fact both the Fabian Society and the Frankfurt School advocated Socialism or centralized world control over the masses by the elite few but, and this is important, without the destructive violence inherent in Marx’s implementation of socialism {which ultimately did not work}. In addition, the Fabian Society worked with the Milner Group, Rhodes’ Round Table, which promoted Great Britain as the dominant controlling force of the new world order (NWO) globalization {The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy Against Humanity.}. They understood what Marx did not. The ignorant and powerless proletariat could achieve no goals without direction; they had to be directed, Controlled by visible and not-so-visible elites. The great Reflexive lie is that corporatism must be destroyed so the masses can obtain equality of outcome when in fact it is the financiers and corporatism that Control the masses directing them against noncompliant governments and true Christian believers.

Minimum Wage Inequality Myth

Gramsci-Style Socialism and Bernays Propaganda
Motivate the Masses to Advocate Their Enslavement

The dirty lie, Reflexivity, is Western societies used eugenics to improve the gene pool of citizens through compassionate guidance; when in fact they targeted minorities to more easily control them for labor. Herr Hitler followed their lead without their finesse, a German trait, to target those he believed were responsible for Germany’s World War I defeat and subsequent inflationary recession: Jews. They became the cause celebre for racism as did the American negro; both exploited through Fertile Fallacies {lies}. After World War II, eugenics became Population Control and Abortion became its major visible tool advocating undesirable population groups to bring about their own population control; except they multiply fasting than they can kill their unwanted children. Critical Theory provided a viable solution to both Control minority populations and destabilized those political groups who rejected Socialism. Hence, Critical Race Theory (CRT) was born; stroke of genius!

White Privilege the Cause of Evil

The Ultimate Oxymoron of Critical Race Theory
White Supremacy Caused ALL Evil: Destroy It!

Black Lives Matter became another cause celebre black group used to enrage poorly educated minorities and directed by Antifa, primarily white agitators, by rioting against white racism. This was subtlety taught in public education for several decades indoctrinating today’s children and young adults into accepting CRT. Indeed, the white population of America was especially targeted and these very groups became the left-leaning liberal advocates for their own destruction and enslavement! This is effective use of Reflexivity, white supremacy is evil, and Fertile Fallacies, brown-skin peoples need to band together and destroy white supremacy to gain equality of outcome.

I find it interesting that there is neither black nor white but only various shades of brown, melanin, in all mankind which is of one race. Once, the understanding of races was traced back to Darwin’s evolutionary work, it was redefined as structural racism, another Fertile Fallacy {The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life}. Lost Man’s own scientism laid the foundation for this heresy which had to be redefined to keep the fallacy alive. Those who are light colored are actively advocating the dismantling of society supposedly built by whites using black-brown slave labor. Yet, it was white Christian missionaries who agitated against the excesses of colonial-mercantilism that has been the main-stay of every major power since the Bronze Age; hence, used by people’s to Control other peoples throughout man’s history!

True Christianity finally forced Western governments to recognize the evil and repudiate its use. People in Western nations freed of slavery’s debilitating burden enjoyed unprecedented higher standards of living because of the ensuing Industrial Age. This higher standard of living lifted millions out of crushing poverty as never before and destroyed ancient and modern forms of Socialism. Now the great-grandchildren and grandchildren of all skin colors want to dismantle this system; and return to what? The Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité of the French Revolution brought in Napoleon as dictator who plunged Europe into war for his own power exploitations. Thousands were murdered by the elites and tens of thousands died from famine, disease and war due to Socialism. If there was any lesson to be learned from the 20th century it was the fallacy of Socialism: Eastern and Western {all major governments practiced some form of national socialism out of the Progressive Era}.

True Face of Government Healthcare

True Face of Socialism Advocated by CRT
Death to Proponents and Opponents Alike

White Supremacy is not the source of evil; this is the false dilemma that ignores Man’s fundamental truth: ALL are born in sin (Ro 3:23). Every single person, regardless of skin color, is responsible for his or her own sin and the infliction of that sin onto or over others (Ro 1:28-2:1). Where does evil in the world come from? From each person who refuses salvation (Ro 6:23). Christ freely offers salvation to all who will repent and come to Him (Ro 5:1-8). Why is evil growing in the world? Because sinners want a world without God and He allows them to live in such a world which is not a utopia but a dystopia (Ro 1:24, 26,28). Rather than love, peace and hope which come from God alone; everywhere there is violence, degradation and death which is the result of sin. The increasing violence and degradation is to warn people to turn to God; instead, they curse God more today than ever (Re 6:15-17). As Man runs to dismantle every aspect of Judeo-Christian culture, this will become much worse; this is The Lie {Deception} of Satan (2Th 2:3-12).

Reject the false religion of Critical Theory based on Satan’s lies!  Yet, this has grown to be the all encompassing false religion to bring all peoples of all faiths into agreement. It is an arduous process but Satan can wait for his doom is sealed. But, YOU cannot wait for your time draws ever nearer with each breath. Today, while it is still Today, repent! Accept Christ and enter into His rest while the World descends into the dark chaos of sin (He 3:12-15; 4:3-7).

Who is responsible for evil? Each person who practices sin. Know the truth and it will set YOU free from sin; or, like the Pharisees of old, live in the delusion of sin and remain enslaved to sin and the judgment to come (Jn 8:31-36; Re 20:11-15).

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