Zionism: Control Staff of Satan

Zionism is NOT Judaism

Zionism: Control Staff of Satan;
Insulated Behind False Charges of Racism

When entering any discussion one must determine the beginning point and the definition of terms to succeed. History is a continuum so any starting point will be nearly arbitrary just to make any discussion manageable. One must also be able to control the definition of the terms to frame one’s viewpoint in a positive manner so even evil intentions appear justified. Though this sounds like postmodernism, it is in fact a classic tactic of Satan {Luciferianism} since the Garden (Ge 3:1-8). Zionism has controlled both of these issues so completely that any opposing discussion of Zionism is labeled racism, antisemitism, and immediately dismissed with the distractor vilified as racist! However, I will choose the starting point and definitions Zionism chose to illustrate their ongoing complicity in today’s ongoing Middle East terrorism and America’s duplicity in protracting the ongoing destruction in lives and social fabric even in America! Continue reading “Zionism: Control Staff of Satan”

Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism

Equating Anti-Zionism With Anti-Semitism
Is Logical Fallacy of Conflation: An Effective Tool

The key to winning a historical argument is to control the starting point and its attendant assumptions. This forces a False Dilemma logic fallacy, predetermining the outcome. This is just as true when discussing Islamic Terrorism. I have done more historical research seeking to understand the origins of today’s Middle East violence. Again, I have learned that I was not taught truth but distortion preventing me from understanding this problem that appears to be engulfing the globe. One of my sources is Against Our Better Judgment by Alision Weir (IfAmericansKnew.org. 2014.). Fortunately for us we know where to begin this discussion as its beginnings are well documented.
Continue reading “Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism”

Globalism Comes Home to Roost

Judaism, Israel, Semitism, Zionism??

Today America’s Secretary of State Kerry made the bold statement that, “Israel can be Jewish or democratic – not both!” These headlines reverberated around the world garnering the headlines the outgoing Obama administration has craved ever since the electorate chose Mr. Trump as their next president. Continue reading “Globalism Comes Home to Roost”

Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?

JFK Jewish Quote

Truth or Wishful Prejudice?

I have been studying Jewish philosophy as part of my studies of human philosophies to understand the truth of the Scriptures. I have been aware for nearly the totality of my Christian salvation experience, nearly 40 years, of the belief in a vast world-wide Jewish Conspiracy. This supposed quote by John F. Kennedy, I could not verify he actually said this quote, seems to legitimize the conspiracy belief. Continue reading “Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?”