God: The First Cause of Racism?

God Promotes Racism

In the Perverted Logic of the Lost
God: The First Cause of Racism

God: The First Cause of Racism is a tenet doctrine of Luciferianism since Lucifer was declared a sinner and judged by God (Isa 14:12-15; Ez 28:14-19). Lucifer {Satan} separated Man from God by entering a social contract to give man knowledge apparently forbidden by God (Ge 3:1-5). The essence of theodicy is to prove God is the author of all evil (Is God the Tyrant of Heaven? Discernlife.). The fact that God is making a new people with a new nature separates people into two distinct groups: Lost-Satan is their father (Jn 8:44) and Saved-God is their Father (Jn 17:20-26; 2Co 5:17). There is no place for the Lost in the new Heaven and Earth; i.e., their place will be in the Lake of Fire 🔥; thus, they consider God unfair or racist for discriminating against them simply because they do not want His rule over them (Re 20:1-21:8). Thus, to them God: The First Cause of Racism. Continue reading “God: The First Cause of Racism?”

Why the Process of Suffering?

This question plagues the lost and often
Confounds the saved; yet, God has an answer

Why is there evil in the World? How one answers this question is determined by one’s method of reading and understanding the Bible, hermeneutics; one’s prevailing worldview; and one’s position relative to God and His salvation. James tells us one obvious reason people suffer: they covet what others have and seek to obtain by force that which was not theirs (Ja 4:1-4). This places the blame squarely on each individual; however, theodicy seeks to explain evil by blaming God. Thus, sinful man ducks responsibility making God responsible for evil and thus morally incapable of righteously judging sin since He is the author of evil and must first judge Himself. Continue reading “Why the Process of Suffering?”

Evolutionary Morality an Oxymoron

If Morality Arose from Humanity
Then Humanity Defines Morality

This is an example of circular reasoning, an informal logical fallacy. The conclusion arises from the cause and the cause defines the conclusion; the problem, one has not made a case for the conclusion based on provable premises. Unfortunately, this logical error occurs all too frequently in discussions, especially in the media where time is of the essence so various stereotypical images or types are substituted as proof for one’s forced dilemma conclusion (yes, another logical fallacy). Continue reading “Evolutionary Morality an Oxymoron”