Blockchain Technology Validates Biblical Reliability

Biblical Reliability and Validation relies on
Thousands of independent manuscripts

Through the ages, but especially in modern times, people have scoffed at the idea that the Bible is reliable because there are so many various manuscripts, parts or wholes, that are notĀ exactly alike. Their common retort is, “How can the Bible be God’s word when there is no single definitive written source?” Their argumentĀ appears plausible until one begins to understand the problem of a single source document. In fact, secure financial transactions are beginning to use this same approach to safeguard their data, your financial records! Continue reading “Blockchain Technology Validates Biblical Reliability”

Science is the Trap of Doom

The Glittering World of Science
Snaring Mankind in his Sin

The last two posts discussed the fallacy of modern science. These posts were somewhat involved as I explained why science cannot answer the questions that many claim that it does answer. Thus, these posts may have fallen on deaf ears because as a people Americans do not have the attention span to grasp the elementary principles of a complex discussion. Continue reading “Science is the Trap of Doom”