Fallacy of Random Chance

Scientism depends heavily on Random
Chance to explain causality without God

Scientisms, especially evolution, depend heavily on changes occurring in a random chance fashion such that the end result isĀ always the current reality. Since the end point must be the current reality random chance is an incoherent explanation. If random chance exists then any outcome would, of necessity, also be randomness based on chance, beyond one’s influence. Let us look at the world of random chance. Continue reading “Fallacy of Random Chance”

Fallacy of Free


This is an example of a Logical Fallacy
The False Dilemma Excludes

Another Possibility: Fallacy of Free Will

To discuss this issue we must first define the term, “free”. There are many nuances to this word but probably the ones that are most pertinent to our discussion are: not affected by a given condition or circumstance or to be without control or constraint of any influence {Free Dictionary}. Continue reading “Fallacy of Free”