God: The First Cause of Racism?

God Promotes Racism

In the Perverted Logic of the Lost
God: The First Cause of Racism

God: The First Cause of Racism is a tenet doctrine of Luciferianism since Lucifer was declared a sinner and judged by God (Isa 14:12-15; Ez 28:14-19). Lucifer {Satan} separated Man from God by entering a social contract to give man knowledge apparently forbidden by God (Ge 3:1-5). The essence of theodicy is to prove God is the author of all evil (Is God the Tyrant of Heaven? Discernlife.). The fact that God is making a new people with a new nature separates people into two distinct groups: Lost-Satan is their father (Jn 8:44) and Saved-God is their Father (Jn 17:20-26; 2Co 5:17). There is no place for the Lost in the new Heaven and Earth; i.e., their place will be in the Lake of Fire 🔥; thus, they consider God unfair or racist for discriminating against them simply because they do not want His rule over them (Re 20:1-21:8). Thus, to them God: The First Cause of Racism. Continue reading “God: The First Cause of Racism?”

How to Get People to Discriminate Against Themselves

For People to Discriminate Against
Themselves You Need a Slogan

Before discussing our topic I want to interject this snippet that succinctly emphasizes why people miss the point, usually {The paper discusses liberty and equality, topics pertinent to our discussion}. “…For one thing, the discussants are rarely very clear about what exactly their subject is, and so confusion is virtually inevitable. For another, the discussion tends to proceed by simply proclaiming principles rather than by trying to find a fundamental basis for them; consequently, the incompatible conclusions reached by different discussants are immune to rational rebuttal or qualification, again making disagreement unsurprising. Finally, discussants typically have special interests, axes to grind,which also impedes sober analysis and responsible, objective reasoning. Perhaps it is too much to hope that the treatment undertaken here will succeed where others have failed, but it is certainly worth a try.” (Liberty and Equality—A Question of Balance?). Thus, you need a good poorly defined {violates the Law of Identity} slogan so no one can be too sure what is actually under discussion {plausible deniability}. Continue reading “How to Get People to Discriminate Against Themselves”