Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God;
Foundational of Non-Salvation Belief Systems

Star Wars masterfully blended science and Hermeticism into Postmodern Western culture preparing people to accept Hegel’s Dialecticism in the guise of Critical Theory behind the facade of fictional sci-fi escapism. Obi-wan’s quote in Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, is quintessential Hermeticism as Perspectivism; “What I told you was true, from a certain point of view.” One can almost hear this flowing from Satan to Woman to Man legitimizing knowing apart from God to be as god(s) (Ge 3:5). This statement is true though it flows from a false premise; that one can know whatever one’s point of view. Indeed, question of Lost and Saved, True and False, Reality and Fantasy comes down to one’s starting knowing point. Understanding is not possible until one grasps this fundamental concept. Continue reading “Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God”

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?

Rousseau Government's Truth

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?
It is the Heart of Rousseau’s Concept of Truth

I have dealt with this concept of General Will beginning with, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, Rousseau. History is the key to understanding today but Satan is the master of delusion; is the concept of General Will valid or relevant for today and if so, under what label does it persist? Postmodernism claims to be new but in fact its lie was evident in the first sin when Satan deliberately misrepresented God’s words to Woman creating doubt in her mind to tempt her to substitute her truth for God’s truth (Ge 3:1-5; Ro 1:18-28). Today it flies under the radar by another name, worldview. It is in this iteration that it has entered Christianity to wreck havoc in the Church {Pergamum and Thyatira for examples} (Re 2:12-29). Rousseau would have been proud of his work. Continue reading “Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?”

Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin

Athens School of Philosophical Tyranny

Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin;
Reality Does Not Fit the Myth of Western Freedom

I would like to tell you a fairytale of Freedom’s beginnings and growth from ancient Greece down to the Enlightenment Era, Age of Reason, in Europe; however, you have already been told this fairytale from birth through schooling and into adulthood. Nothing is more pervasive than in Western culture; yet, nothing is more erroneous. Instead, building upon several previous posts I must take on the arduous and unpopular task of revealing Greco-Roman’s tyranny and its perpetuation into our modern era via the Age of Reason or so-called Enlightenment {Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}.}. Continue reading “Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin”

Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

Why the Process of Suffering?

This question plagues the lost and often
Confounds the saved; yet, God has an answer

Why is there evil in the World? How one answers this question is determined by one’s method of reading and understanding the Bible, hermeneutics; one’s prevailing worldview; and one’s position relative to God and His salvation. James tells us one obvious reason people suffer: they covet what others have and seek to obtain by force that which was not theirs (Ja 4:1-4). This places the blame squarely on each individual; however, theodicy seeks to explain evil by blaming God. Thus, sinful man ducks responsibility making God responsible for evil and thus morally incapable of righteously judging sin since He is the author of evil and must first judge Himself. Continue reading “Why the Process of Suffering?”

Can You Define Your Worldview?

Everyone has a worldview
Few think about their worldview

Worldview is the “overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world” (Wordnik). This standard definition has little meaning to the average person. I was not familiar with this term until about ten years ago and I have discovered precious few people who give any thought to their worldview. Yet, the worldview is the lens by which each person interacts with political, social and physical environment. Can you elucidate your worldview? Continue reading “Can You Define Your Worldview?”

Freedom to Be Gods: Nihilism

Whatever a person sows, he shall reap;
Freedom to choose cannot save you

In the beginning God taught man truth then allowed Lucifer to give man choice: God or be as gods. Man exchanged the truth of God for transitory fleshly pleasures and the dream of being as gods, apart from God. Sin entered the world. This quickly resulted in violence as man, Cain, made might over right his mantra by killing his weak brother, Abel. Cain then went to the land of Nod, wanderers from God, and established government to control sin and build a society without God. In the end government failed, man became increasingly more violent and God intervened before man destroyed himself, losing his only hope for salvation. With the Cataclysm {Flood} man was confronted with his absolute powerlessness: Noah needed God’s direction to build the ark and all others discovered they were not gods, and died.  Welcome to freedom. Continue reading “Freedom to Be Gods: Nihilism”

It’s Always About My Happiness

Most basic form of Utilitarianism:
My Happiness over Yours

I became acutely aware of how little people value rightness over happiness or pleasure. This is the essence of Utilitarianism; the philosophy first discussed by Jeremy Bentham and succinctly defined in the above graphic. A classic dichotomy in Utilitarianism is encapsulated in the Star Trek character of Mr. Spock, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the One,” to which Captain Kirk demonstrated, “The needs of the One may outweigh the needs of the many.” As a Christian, which position would you believe to be correct?
Continue reading “It’s Always About My Happiness”

Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16). Continue reading “Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate”

Propaganda: Bias of Perspective

Mr. D’Souza’s Excellent Book Reveals
One “Big” Lie While Hiding Another – Bias

I thoroughly enjoyed most of The Big Lie by Mr. Dinesh D’Souza as he uses history to clarify the positions of the Democratic Party of the 19th century and how they developed into Progressivism and then Fascism in the 20th century. I explored these issues in my last post, Lies of the Political Spectrum. Continue reading “Propaganda: Bias of Perspective”