Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!

What is the Cantillon Effect?

Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!
Another Force Present: Cantillon Effect

Though Adam Smith gets the lion’s share of the credit for defining modern economics, he takes a back seat to Richard Cantillon who laid the framework which made Adam Smith’s theory possible {Richard Cantillon: The Founding Father of Modern Economics. Mises Daily Articles. Mises Institute.}. His only surviving treatise, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général, {Essay on the Nature of Trade in General} predated Adam Smith’s, Wealth of Nations, by forty years. One of his most intriguing concepts has come to be known as the Cantillon Effect which is the subject of this short post. Not only is it unknown to most non-economists, it is obscure even to most economists; Austrian, Keynesian, Chicago School or otherwise! But first, we must obey Logic’s Law of Identity and define some banking terms and operations; it will not be long or boring but it will be surprising! Continue reading “Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!”

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two

Money a Roll of the Die for Most People

People’s Perception of Money Resembles Chance;
Money is Careful Manipulation to Achieve the Goal

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two continues from, Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One, which discussed how government relinquished its major claim to sovereignty by giving private corporations, today’s parlance, the right to coinage. This was accomplished using bribes and lies appealing to sinners’ love of money. These tools have not changed; however, corporatism successfully uses people’s ignorance, willful or otherwise, to continue its march toward its ultimate goal: Control {Socialism}.
Continue reading “Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two”

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One

Aristotle's Philosophy of Money
Aristotle Analyzed the Fundamental Question: “What is Money?”

Lydians or Hellenists; depending whom you read, developed Money in the form of coinage about the 7th century (B.C.). When Persia absorbed Lydia they became the first major power to use coinage. However the inquisitive Greeks sought to define money with Aristotle, instructor to Alexander, the Great, detailing money’s qualities separating it from commodities previously used (Aristotle and the Definition of Money). Gold, silver or some other commodity was weighed as agreed for goods or services (Ge  23:16). An American, Alexander del Mar, wrote extensively about money; especially how it was abused preparing us for the Great Reset. Continue reading “Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One”

Control Wealth to Control People

Control of Wealth is Control of Government
Unwise Spending Destroys Government

Americans are poorly taught, probably purposefully, about the relationship of money to wealth and of money to government control; i.e., to Control Wealth is to Control People. Samuel detailed to the early Israelites the dangers of wealth to government control (1Sa 8:9-22). God through Moses warned the Hebrews that government should not control too much wealth, military technology or entangling alliances; they were to be different from all other kingdoms evidenced by their submission to God (De 17:14-20). Solomon, who was supposed to be wise, ignored all warnings, overburdened the people as Samuel warned and caused the kingdom to be divided after his death (1Ki 10:23-11:13). This self-destruction of national sovereignty would plague empires in the ancient world and find disciples in the modern world who seek globalization via the control of wealth. Continue reading “Control Wealth to Control People”

Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries

Economics 101

Power of Control Ignored is
the Power to Control

As I was doing my series on ignorance I had an epiphany concerning economics. Nearly everyone I asked had the same reaction to economics as I; i.e., it is too difficult to understand and best left to the “experts”. Continue reading “Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries”

Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah

US Hat Money Fountain

America’s Spring of Meribah

The Hebrew people were slaves in Egypt for some significant time when God led them out of Egyptian slavery into the wilderness. Of the many things He would teach them in the wilderness, the earliest lessons involved the recognition that they were not worshiping Him but a god of their own choosing, a god who would meet their every whim, their every desire, without any responsibility or work on their part. In other words, they still had the slave mentality. The waters of Meribah, quarreling or rebellion, showed them, and us, that man really seeks a “santy claus” as god. Are we any different today? Continue reading “Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah”